Формування ІКТ-компетентності майбутніх учителів математики у процесі фахової підготовки

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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У дисертації на основі аналізу теоретичних джерел та вивчення емпіричного досвіду теоретично обґрунтовано сутність ГКТ-компетентності учителів математики. Визначено структурні компоненти ІКТ-компетентності учителів математики (мотиваційний, когнітивний, діяльнісний, комунікативний і рефлексивний) та три етапи її формування. Визначено загальнонаукові (когнітивний, системний, особистїсно-діяльнісний) і спеціальнонаукові (компетентнісний, акмеологічний, технологічний) методологічні підходи, що є визначальними при формуванні ІКТ-компетентності майбутніх учителів математики. Науково обгрунтовано, розроблено та експериментально перевірено модель формування ІКТ-компетентності майбутніх учителів математики. Складовими цієї моделі є соціальне замовлення, цільовий блок, структурні компоненти, теоретико-змістовий, практичний, діагностичний, результативний блоки. Результатом її впровадження є сформований активний і основний рівні ЕКТ-компетентності майбутніх учителів математики. Конкретизовано критерії та показники сформованості компонентів ІКТ-компетентності та рівні сформованості кожного з критеріїв.
In the dissertation theoretical generalization and the new solution of the scientific problem of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics in professional training have been presented. It allowed to determine theoretically the model of this process formation, develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of its functioning in the system of professional training of future teachers of mathematics at a higher educational establishment. The aim of the research is to theoretically determine the model of the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics in professional training and experimentally check its effectiveness. The model of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics in professional training has been scientifically proved and developed for the first time. This model includes target, theoretical-content, practical, diagnostic and resultative blocks considering general-scientific (cognitive, systemic, personality-activity) and special scientific (competence, structural, technological) approaches and principles of teaching (scientificity, systemacity and consistency, connection of training with practice, conscious activity, emotional learning, integrity, formation of information- educational environment). The notion "ICT competence of a teacher of mathematics" has been specified as an integrative quality of a personality that combines conscious need to acquire new knowledge and experience in the field of informational and mathematical disciplines, abilities, skills and experience to rationally select and consciously use information-communication technologies in professional activity of a teacher. The structural components of the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics (motivational, cognitive, activity, communicative, reflexive) have been specified, the criteria (motivational-axiological, informative, technological, information-communicative, reflective-evaluative) have been determined. Along with corresponding indicators (success motivation, complex knowledge, practical abilities, independence skills, communicative skills, self-examination skills) the levels (active, sufficient, elementary, basic) of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics have been formed. The essence of the process of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics in the study of disciplines of mathematical and information cycles. The contents, forms and methods of teaching and learning, independent, individual, scientific and research work, pedagogical practice aimed at forming ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics have been further developed. Theoretical analysis of the notions "ICT competence1' and "ICT competence of a teacher" in the context of professional training of future teachers of mathematics is provided, considers the ICT competence of a teacher of mathematics in the system of competence approach and in the structure of UNESCO recommendations, defines the content and determines the structure of the ICT competence of a teacher of mathematics. The interpretation of the notion "ICT competence of a teacher" is grounded considering UNESCO recommendations as an integrative quality of a teacher’s personality, characterized by profound awareness in the subject area, knowledge in didactics, the ability to use ICT in professional teaching activity and educational work, solving everyday problems and conscious need to acquire new knowledge, new experience to improve practical skills. Professional activity of a teacher of mathematics has its peculiarities associated with specific mathematical disciplines that study abstract objects. Therefore, under the ICT competence of a teacher of mathematics we understand the integrative quality of a personality who combines conscious need to acquire new knowledge and experience in information and mathematical disciplines, abilities, skills and experience to select rationally and use deliberately information communication technologies in professional activities of a teacher. Based on the analysis of the category ICT competence of a teacher of mathematics we offer to identify its five main components: motivational, cognitive, activity, communicative and reflexive. The methodological foundations and principles of forming the ICT competence of a teacher of mathematics are analyzed; the model of this forming and specify the analysis of criteria and indicators of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics is described. The research determines the expediency to use general scientific (cognitive, systemic, personal-activity), special scientific (competence, acmeological, technological) approaches and principles (scientificity, systemacity and consistency, connection of training with practice, conscious activity, emotional learning, integrity, formation of information-educational environment). The model of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics is a complex, open, dynamic system with forward and backward linkages containing components of the ICT competence of a Teacher of mathematics and purpose-oriented, theoretical content-related, practical, diagnostic and resultative blocks. The practical block of the model of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics defines the forms, methods and means of the educational process. Monitoring the process of forming the ICT competence is an integral part of the model and in combination with other components directly affects the achievement of the result. Three stages of forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics have been identified: the first (the formation of skills to use the software for general purpose), the second (the formation of skills to use mathematically-oriented software) and the third (the formation of skills to use software to provide educational process). The criteria (motivational-axiological, informative, technological, information- communicative, reflective-evaluative) and related indicators (active, sufficient, elementary, basic) have been identified for every component of the ICT competence of a teacher of mathematics. The diagnostics and statistical analysis of the results of forming stage of pedagogical experiment with 0.05 measure of inaccuracy showed that the process of forming components of the ICT competence displayed more dynamics in the experimental group. It is proved by larger relative growth rate of active and sufficient levels of competency and more rapid decrease of elementary and basic levels. Statistical data of the experiment show that by all indicators forming motivational, cognitive, activity, communicative and reflective components of the ICT competence of a future teacher of mathematics is realized more successfully in the experimental group than in the control one.
Ключові слова
ІКТ-компетентність, майбутній учитель математики, формування ІКТ-компетентності майбутніх учителів математики, модель, педагогічні умови, фахова підготовка, програмне забезпечення математичного спрямування, future teacher of mathematics, ICT competence, ICT competence of teachers of mathematics, model of Forming the ICT competence of future teachers of mathematics, pedagogical conditions, professional training, mathematically oriented software
Бібліографічний опис
Петренко, С. І. Формування ІКТ-компетентності майбутніх учителів математики у процесі фахової підготовки [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04 – теорія і методика проф. освіти / С. І. Петренко ; науковий керівник О. В. Семеніхіна. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – 20 с.