Стильові тенденції в архітектурі України в першій половині ХІХ століття
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Назва тому
Серед актуальних проблем сучасного українського мистецтвознавства - дослідження історичної спадщини, культурного потенціалу та перспектив розвитку національної архітектури. Поміж означених питань, фундаментальним для виявлення української ідентичності та самовизначення, є дослідження історико-культурного спадщини країни.
Мета і задачі дослідження:
Мета: Визначити основні стильові тенденції в архітектурі України першої половини XIX століття.
Задачі: проаналізувати наукову літературу за темою дослідження, визначити специфіку і фактори формування архітектури України в першій половині XIX століття, дослідити класицизм.
The relevance of the research topic is that to find out the ways of formation of Ukrainian architecture of the first half of the XIX century, its originality and contribution to the treasury of world culture, it is necessary to objectively study the architectural process within the territory of Ukraine. At the moment becomes an important study that focuses on the clarification of the unknown and clarifies various facts about the processes of the formation and development of Ukrainian architecture, its relationship with the architecture of the world. Among the current problems of modern Ukrainian art history is the study of historical heritage, cultural potential and prospects for the development of national architecture. Among these issues, fundamental to the identification of Ukrainian identity and self-determination is the study of the historical and cultural heritage of the country. The relevance of the study of Ukrainian architectural monuments of the XIX century demonstrates the rich history of the country and forms the foundation for further development of this industry in terms of global trends and in the direction of forming the national character of architectural objects. The purpose of the study is to identify the main stylistic tendencies in the architecture of Ukraine in the first half of the XIX century. According to the purpose of the thesis, the following tasks are: - to analyze the scientific literature on the research topic; - to consider the genesis of the stylistic direction of architecture and its ideological basis; - to determine the specifics and factors of formation of Ukrainian architecture in the first half of the XIX century; - to study classicism as a special direction in the development of architecture; - to review the specifics of the Empire style in the Ukrainian architecture of the first half of the XIX century; - to analyze the traditions and features of eclecticism in the sacred Ukrainian architecture of the XIX century.
The relevance of the research topic is that to find out the ways of formation of Ukrainian architecture of the first half of the XIX century, its originality and contribution to the treasury of world culture, it is necessary to objectively study the architectural process within the territory of Ukraine. At the moment becomes an important study that focuses on the clarification of the unknown and clarifies various facts about the processes of the formation and development of Ukrainian architecture, its relationship with the architecture of the world. Among the current problems of modern Ukrainian art history is the study of historical heritage, cultural potential and prospects for the development of national architecture. Among these issues, fundamental to the identification of Ukrainian identity and self-determination is the study of the historical and cultural heritage of the country. The relevance of the study of Ukrainian architectural monuments of the XIX century demonstrates the rich history of the country and forms the foundation for further development of this industry in terms of global trends and in the direction of forming the national character of architectural objects. The purpose of the study is to identify the main stylistic tendencies in the architecture of Ukraine in the first half of the XIX century. According to the purpose of the thesis, the following tasks are: - to analyze the scientific literature on the research topic; - to consider the genesis of the stylistic direction of architecture and its ideological basis; - to determine the specifics and factors of formation of Ukrainian architecture in the first half of the XIX century; - to study classicism as a special direction in the development of architecture; - to review the specifics of the Empire style in the Ukrainian architecture of the first half of the XIX century; - to analyze the traditions and features of eclecticism in the sacred Ukrainian architecture of the XIX century.
Ключові слова
архітектура, історія, класицизм, стильові тенденції, містобудування, пам'ятки архітектури, традиції, architecture, classicism, eclecticism, Empire, stylistic tendencies, urban planning, architectural monuments, traditions
Бібліографічний опис
Щербак, Н. Є. Стильові тенденції в архітектурі України в першій половині ХІХ століття [Текст] : магістер. робота / Н. Є. Щербак ; науковий керівник Н. С. Брижаченко. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – 71 с.