Теоретико-методологічні засади неформальної мистецької освіти майбутніх учителів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлено теоретичні й методологічні засади неформальної мистецької освіти майбутніх учителів у художньо-творчих колективах вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів. Представлено поняття «неформальна мистецька освіта в системі професійної підготовки вчителя», визначено мету, завдання, функції, принципи, зміст і форми її організації. Окреслено структуру особистісно-професійного розвитку як результату отримання неформальної мистецької освіти учасниками художньо-творчих колективів. Схарактеризовано систему, модель і технологію організації неформальної мистецької освіти в педагогічному ВНЗ.
Theoretical and methodological foundations of non-formal art education of future teachers in the art-creative collectives of higher educational institutions are justified in the article. Methodological foundations of professional training of teachers in the unity of formal and nonformal art education in the art-creative collectives of pedagogical higher educational institutions are defined. The notion of «non-formal art education in teacher training system» is formulated. Goals and objectives of non-formal art education of future teachers are established; its functions (of aesthetic socialization, value-oriented, of professional development, catharsis and countervailing, recreational), principals (of integrative unity of art and pedagogy, of humanistic orientation, of personal and individual orientation, of integrity, of cultural compliance, of national orientation, of regularity and sequence), contents and forms of organization are characterized. Structure of professional and personal development of future teachers as a result of receiving of non-formal art education by participants of the art-creative collectives of pedagogical higher educational institutions is outlined. It is a complex of united components: artistic, spiritual, social development and also development of pedagogical skills. System of non-formal art education in the art-creative collectives of pedagogical higher educational institutions which consists of functionally connected components (motivational and target, organizational and technological, operational and functional, and efficient) is described. Technology of organization of non-formal art education of future teachers in the art-creative collectives is presented; its components (target design, consulting, structuralization, recourse support and monitoring) are characterized. It is emphasized that introduction of non-formal art education in the educational process of higher pedagogical educational institutions should be based on the convergent approach that provides the accounting of values of the formal preparation of future teachers and the importance of artistic and educational activities in artistic-creative groups for his/her personal and professional development. The success of this approach depends on the high level management of non-formal art education, which involves he interaction of all the participants of the process on the principles of co-management, cooperation and collaboration that leads to complete self-realization and self-development of all the participants of the artistic and educational activities.
Theoretical and methodological foundations of non-formal art education of future teachers in the art-creative collectives of higher educational institutions are justified in the article. Methodological foundations of professional training of teachers in the unity of formal and nonformal art education in the art-creative collectives of pedagogical higher educational institutions are defined. The notion of «non-formal art education in teacher training system» is formulated. Goals and objectives of non-formal art education of future teachers are established; its functions (of aesthetic socialization, value-oriented, of professional development, catharsis and countervailing, recreational), principals (of integrative unity of art and pedagogy, of humanistic orientation, of personal and individual orientation, of integrity, of cultural compliance, of national orientation, of regularity and sequence), contents and forms of organization are characterized. Structure of professional and personal development of future teachers as a result of receiving of non-formal art education by participants of the art-creative collectives of pedagogical higher educational institutions is outlined. It is a complex of united components: artistic, spiritual, social development and also development of pedagogical skills. System of non-formal art education in the art-creative collectives of pedagogical higher educational institutions which consists of functionally connected components (motivational and target, organizational and technological, operational and functional, and efficient) is described. Technology of organization of non-formal art education of future teachers in the art-creative collectives is presented; its components (target design, consulting, structuralization, recourse support and monitoring) are characterized. It is emphasized that introduction of non-formal art education in the educational process of higher pedagogical educational institutions should be based on the convergent approach that provides the accounting of values of the formal preparation of future teachers and the importance of artistic and educational activities in artistic-creative groups for his/her personal and professional development. The success of this approach depends on the high level management of non-formal art education, which involves he interaction of all the participants of the process on the principles of co-management, cooperation and collaboration that leads to complete self-realization and self-development of all the participants of the artistic and educational activities.
Ключові слова
неформальна мистецька освіта, художньо-творчі колективи, особистісно-професійний розвиток, non-formal art education, art-creative collectives, system, personal professional development
Бібліографічний опис
Cулаєва, Н. В. Теоретико-методологічні засади неформальної мистецької освіти майбутніх учителів [Текст] / Н. В. Cулаєва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 7 (41). – С. 363–370.