Розуміння глибини педагогічного потенціалу художньої творчості в трудовому навчанні – крок до успішної фахової підготовки вчителів початкових класів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлюються питання важливості розвитку художньої творчості молодших школярів на уроках трудового навчання, розглядаються більш широкі можливості впровадження в навчальний процес сучасних креативних технік роботи з папером (квілінг, торцювання, ай ріс-фолдінг).
Changes, that have deep character in the native system of education, are directly connected with the personal factor and provide improving and optimization in the system of the artistic preparation of the primary school teachers. Nowadays the problem of the creative person formation requires fundamental revising according to the terms of society humanization. In this article the questions of the pedagogical potential of the junior pupils’ creativity through the handicraft are cleared up. Besides we observe certain ways of the future primary school teachers’ preparation to the organization of the pupils’ creativity through the introducing creative technics in the studying process, in particular with the help of paper. In the context of these targets we focus our thoughts on the new techniques that are well mastered by our college students during the classes in Handicraft Methodology or independently. As an experience shows, the received knowledge, formed skills and abilities allow the students to interest the children in making creative works on practice in such technics as «quilling», «parting-off» and «iris folding». Some short historical facts about each of the suggested techniques, some pedagogical values of them, some information about its simplicity and easiness in their realizing are given in this article. As in the others techniques, «quilling», «parting-off» and «iris folding» do not have any restrictions in using, they can be combined and successfully connected with an ordinary application. The materials of the article allow us to make a conclusion about versatility of the pedagogical potential in the development of the primary school pupils’ creativity. Handicraft Methodology helps the future teachers approach to the studying process from the right scientific positions, it assists in successful searching for the most rational ways in the development of the creative personality of a child, it increases the level of general pedagogical and methodological preparation in total, but it is not enough to have only strong theoretical knowledge in Methodology, Pedagogy, Psychology and in the innovative technologies in education. Future professional specialists should widely develop their creative potential; they should introduce creative techniques in working with the different materials during the Handicraft classes and after-school time.
Changes, that have deep character in the native system of education, are directly connected with the personal factor and provide improving and optimization in the system of the artistic preparation of the primary school teachers. Nowadays the problem of the creative person formation requires fundamental revising according to the terms of society humanization. In this article the questions of the pedagogical potential of the junior pupils’ creativity through the handicraft are cleared up. Besides we observe certain ways of the future primary school teachers’ preparation to the organization of the pupils’ creativity through the introducing creative technics in the studying process, in particular with the help of paper. In the context of these targets we focus our thoughts on the new techniques that are well mastered by our college students during the classes in Handicraft Methodology or independently. As an experience shows, the received knowledge, formed skills and abilities allow the students to interest the children in making creative works on practice in such technics as «quilling», «parting-off» and «iris folding». Some short historical facts about each of the suggested techniques, some pedagogical values of them, some information about its simplicity and easiness in their realizing are given in this article. As in the others techniques, «quilling», «parting-off» and «iris folding» do not have any restrictions in using, they can be combined and successfully connected with an ordinary application. The materials of the article allow us to make a conclusion about versatility of the pedagogical potential in the development of the primary school pupils’ creativity. Handicraft Methodology helps the future teachers approach to the studying process from the right scientific positions, it assists in successful searching for the most rational ways in the development of the creative personality of a child, it increases the level of general pedagogical and methodological preparation in total, but it is not enough to have only strong theoretical knowledge in Methodology, Pedagogy, Psychology and in the innovative technologies in education. Future professional specialists should widely develop their creative potential; they should introduce creative techniques in working with the different materials during the Handicraft classes and after-school time.
Ключові слова
художня творчість, креативні техніки, квілінг, торцювання, айріс-фолдінг, art creativity, creative techniques, quilling, parting-off, iris folding
Бібліографічний опис
Новобранна, Л. В. Розуміння глибини педагогічного потенціалу художньої творчості в трудовому навчанні – крок до успішної фахової підготовки вчителів початкових класів [Текст] / Л. В. Новобранна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 9 (43). – С. 47–57.