Роль педагогічної практики у формуванні професійної компетентності майбутнього вчителя
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У статті теоретично обґрунтовано необхідність посилення практичної складової у процесі професійної підготовки педагогічних кадрів в Україні; розглянуто доцільність оновлення цілей і завдань педагогічної практики на основі компетентнісного підходу та схарактеризовано особливості її організації у ВНЗ; визначено педагогічні умови формування професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів у процесі педагогічної практики. Авторами також проаналізовано специфіку практичної підготовки педагогічних кадрів у країнах Європи, зокрема, принципи організації практичного навчання в Фінляндії, та виділено фактори, що сприятимуть удосконаленню умов проведення педагогічної практики студентів під час навчання.
The entry of Ukraine into the European educational space needs reforming the national education system in line with European standards, in particular, in the sphere of higher education. Recently, there are increasing demands to the level of professional training of teachers, capable of self-actualization. An essential part of the formation of the future teachers’ professional competence is the pedagogical practice of students, during which the theoretical knowledge of professional, psychological and pedagogical subjects and teaching methods are used for the acquisition of professional skills. Particular attention should be paid to the differences between the demands of the modern school to the level of the teachers’ professional competence formation and teaching practice organization in conditions of the university; between the tasks of teaching practice and existing models of its organization. Pedagogical practice at higher education institution is learning, in which takes place the accumulation of experience and raises awareness of students who participate in real educational process as a teacher. It is aimed at the formation of professional competence and development of the creative potential of students and enables them to adapt to the work of the school as educational institution, to identify and understand the specifics of the teaching profession. The main objectives of teaching practice are: practical implementation of professional competencies acquired by students during the theoretical training at the pedagogical higher education institution; formation of professional skills and acquiring professional experience necessary for successful educational activities; deepening educational, psychological and professional knowledge through self-study of additional information; working methods of teaching vocational subjects in view of its specific character; exploring new psycho-pedagogic and information technologies and their introduction in the educational process; study of the experience of leading teachers in conditions of an education institution and the search for individual style of work; development of management skills on the organization of students group; upbringing of personal qualities of the modern teacher.
The entry of Ukraine into the European educational space needs reforming the national education system in line with European standards, in particular, in the sphere of higher education. Recently, there are increasing demands to the level of professional training of teachers, capable of self-actualization. An essential part of the formation of the future teachers’ professional competence is the pedagogical practice of students, during which the theoretical knowledge of professional, psychological and pedagogical subjects and teaching methods are used for the acquisition of professional skills. Particular attention should be paid to the differences between the demands of the modern school to the level of the teachers’ professional competence formation and teaching practice organization in conditions of the university; between the tasks of teaching practice and existing models of its organization. Pedagogical practice at higher education institution is learning, in which takes place the accumulation of experience and raises awareness of students who participate in real educational process as a teacher. It is aimed at the formation of professional competence and development of the creative potential of students and enables them to adapt to the work of the school as educational institution, to identify and understand the specifics of the teaching profession. The main objectives of teaching practice are: practical implementation of professional competencies acquired by students during the theoretical training at the pedagogical higher education institution; formation of professional skills and acquiring professional experience necessary for successful educational activities; deepening educational, psychological and professional knowledge through self-study of additional information; working methods of teaching vocational subjects in view of its specific character; exploring new psycho-pedagogic and information technologies and their introduction in the educational process; study of the experience of leading teachers in conditions of an education institution and the search for individual style of work; development of management skills on the organization of students group; upbringing of personal qualities of the modern teacher.
Ключові слова
педагогічна освіта, pedagogical education, компетентнісний підхід, competency-based approach, професійна компетентність, professional competence, педагогічна практика, pedagogical practice, дворівнева система вищої освіти, two-level system of higher education
Бібліографічний опис
Ковтун, Г. І. Роль педагогічної практики у формуванні професійної компетентності майбутнього вчителя [Текст] /Г. І. Ковтун, О. В. Мартиненко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 2 (56). – С. 47–56.