Розвиток творчих здібностей молодших школярів засобами театрального мистецтва
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті, з використанням таких методів наукового дослідження, як: аналіз і синтез, систематизація й класифікація наукової літератури із зазначеної проблеми, порівняння й узагальнення науково-теоретичного матеріалу, порушуються проблема розвитку творчих здібностей молодших школярів засобами театрального мистецтва. Досліджено, що театральне мистецтво є комплексним і доступним засобом розвитку творчих здібностей молодших школярів. У подальшому постає необхідність розробки моделі формування творчих здібностей молодших школярів засобами театрального мистецтва.
In the article, with the use of such methods of scientific research as: analysis and synthesis, systematization and classification of scientific literature on the mentioned problem, comparison and generalization of theoretical material, the problem of the development of creative abilities of junior pupils by means of theatrical art is revealed. It’s investigated, that creative abilities are integrally-structural, multicomponent unity which provides the productivity of the result of artistically-creative activity of the personality in the realization of his or her individually-creative possibilities in sociocultural space. Development of creative personality should be considered in the co-operation of his or her level structural organization, including components: natural pre-conditions (inclinations, abilities); experience (knowledge, habits, skills), characterological properties (independence, intensity, emotional-volitional characteristics), motivation (orientation, self-regulation). These components assist on acquisition of personality’s creative style of activity, that determines his or her creative possibilities. Theatrical art is complex and accessible means of development of creative abilities of junior pupils. Appeal to the theatrical art as means of development of creative abilities of junior pupils requires the study of potential possibilities of representation of the world picture in the process of artistic cognition, in accessible forms for children: to assist on opening of the phenomena of reality in all their dynamic and many-sided nature, to alleviate the process of development of the emotionally-aesthetic experiences and at the same time to assist on their comprehension; to estimate the actions, conduct an artistic dialogue within the limits of the personal possibilities, acquired knowledge, practical skills and experience. It should be noted that literature, fine art, music, choreography, folk work incarnate in the art of theatre, create wide palette of facilities, that give freedoms to the game of childish fantasy, presentations, intuition, artistic thinking, stimulating both creative development of the personality of junior pupils on the whole and his or her creative capabilities, in particular. In future the necessity of development of model of forming of creative abilities of junior pupils arises by means of theatrical art.
In the article, with the use of such methods of scientific research as: analysis and synthesis, systematization and classification of scientific literature on the mentioned problem, comparison and generalization of theoretical material, the problem of the development of creative abilities of junior pupils by means of theatrical art is revealed. It’s investigated, that creative abilities are integrally-structural, multicomponent unity which provides the productivity of the result of artistically-creative activity of the personality in the realization of his or her individually-creative possibilities in sociocultural space. Development of creative personality should be considered in the co-operation of his or her level structural organization, including components: natural pre-conditions (inclinations, abilities); experience (knowledge, habits, skills), characterological properties (independence, intensity, emotional-volitional characteristics), motivation (orientation, self-regulation). These components assist on acquisition of personality’s creative style of activity, that determines his or her creative possibilities. Theatrical art is complex and accessible means of development of creative abilities of junior pupils. Appeal to the theatrical art as means of development of creative abilities of junior pupils requires the study of potential possibilities of representation of the world picture in the process of artistic cognition, in accessible forms for children: to assist on opening of the phenomena of reality in all their dynamic and many-sided nature, to alleviate the process of development of the emotionally-aesthetic experiences and at the same time to assist on their comprehension; to estimate the actions, conduct an artistic dialogue within the limits of the personal possibilities, acquired knowledge, practical skills and experience. It should be noted that literature, fine art, music, choreography, folk work incarnate in the art of theatre, create wide palette of facilities, that give freedoms to the game of childish fantasy, presentations, intuition, artistic thinking, stimulating both creative development of the personality of junior pupils on the whole and his or her creative capabilities, in particular. In future the necessity of development of model of forming of creative abilities of junior pupils arises by means of theatrical art.
Ключові слова
особистість, творчі здібності, інтелект, діяльність, пізнавальна активність, молодші школяри, соціальне середовище, театральне мистецтво, personality, creative abilities, intellect, activity, cognitive activity, junior pupils, social environment, theatrical art
Бібліографічний опис
Знобей, О. Розвиток творчих здібностей молодших школярів засобами театрального мистецтва [Текст] / О. Знобей, О. Клочко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 5 (89). – С. 235–246.