Професійне формування майбутнього вчителя хореографії засобами систематичної творчої діяльності
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто питання формування майбутнього вчителя хореографії засобами систематичної творчої діяльності, що дозволяють підвищити загальний рівень виконавської, педагогічної та творчої майстерності вчителя. Висвітлено та розглянуто необхідні професійні вимоги до майбутнього вчителя хореографії. Окреслено специфіку напрацювання особистої професійної компетентності викладача. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання в освітньому процесі самостійної роботи як найефективнішої форми навчальної діяльності. Зроблено висновки про те, що у формуванні професійної компетентності вчителя хореографії важливе місце займаю балетмейстерське мистецтво, а також його вид та сукупність різних модерністичних авторських виконань хореографії, а саме – перфоманс.
The article considers the issue of the future choreography teacher formation by means of systematic creative activity, which allows raising general level of the teacher's performance, pedagogical and creative skills. The necessary professional requirements for the future choreography teacher are highlighted and considered. Using such research methods as: theoretical (critical analysis of foreign and domestic works of teachers of higher education institutions, methodological and linguistic sources); empirical (analysis of the pedagogical experience of practical activity), we considered various forms and means of systematic creative activity. The issues of choreographic activity in the formation of a teacher of choreography have been investigated. Analyzing the existing base of scientific-pedagogical works on this topic, the content of methodological manuals on choreography and their recommendations the author conducted a creative search and consideration of independent forms of work with students. Systematically conducted forms of independent work that will be offered as a means of systematic training of the creative teacher of choreography have been highlighted. The necessity to specify the means of systematic creative activity of choreographers in the course of which professional formation of the future choreography teacher takes place is investigated. In the process of working on this article, we have found out that the teacher of choreography forms his pedagogical abilities through continuous learning, the desire for creative development, self-development, self-improvement of their professional skills. It has been found out that the system of training of future choreography teachers in higher education institutions is aimed at creating creative potential, bright creative personality and unique individual style by means of systematic creative activity (workshops, improvisational games, performances, contests, festivals). Conclusions are made about formation of the professional competence of the choreography teacher. The necessity and appropriateness of drawing much attention to the subject “art of the choreographer”, as well as its type and totality of various modernist author's performances of choreography, namely, the performance are emphasized. The ways of forming professional qualities of the future teacher of choreography are not fully explored, because professionalism of modern teachers of choreography generates new forms and methods of independent creative work. Further definitions of new modern means of creative activity, which in the course of their systematic use will help future teachers of choreography with professional growth, are not fully characterized and require further research.
The article considers the issue of the future choreography teacher formation by means of systematic creative activity, which allows raising general level of the teacher's performance, pedagogical and creative skills. The necessary professional requirements for the future choreography teacher are highlighted and considered. Using such research methods as: theoretical (critical analysis of foreign and domestic works of teachers of higher education institutions, methodological and linguistic sources); empirical (analysis of the pedagogical experience of practical activity), we considered various forms and means of systematic creative activity. The issues of choreographic activity in the formation of a teacher of choreography have been investigated. Analyzing the existing base of scientific-pedagogical works on this topic, the content of methodological manuals on choreography and their recommendations the author conducted a creative search and consideration of independent forms of work with students. Systematically conducted forms of independent work that will be offered as a means of systematic training of the creative teacher of choreography have been highlighted. The necessity to specify the means of systematic creative activity of choreographers in the course of which professional formation of the future choreography teacher takes place is investigated. In the process of working on this article, we have found out that the teacher of choreography forms his pedagogical abilities through continuous learning, the desire for creative development, self-development, self-improvement of their professional skills. It has been found out that the system of training of future choreography teachers in higher education institutions is aimed at creating creative potential, bright creative personality and unique individual style by means of systematic creative activity (workshops, improvisational games, performances, contests, festivals). Conclusions are made about formation of the professional competence of the choreography teacher. The necessity and appropriateness of drawing much attention to the subject “art of the choreographer”, as well as its type and totality of various modernist author's performances of choreography, namely, the performance are emphasized. The ways of forming professional qualities of the future teacher of choreography are not fully explored, because professionalism of modern teachers of choreography generates new forms and methods of independent creative work. Further definitions of new modern means of creative activity, which in the course of their systematic use will help future teachers of choreography with professional growth, are not fully characterized and require further research.
Ключові слова
формування, учитель, професійна компетентність, систематика, балетмейстер, перфоманс, formation, teacher, professional competence, systematics, choreographer, performance
Бібліографічний опис
Калашник, С. Професійне формування майбутнього вчителя хореографії засобами систематичної творчої діяльності [Текст] / С. Калашник // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 4 (88). – С. 51–62.