Удосконалення фізичної підготовки воротарів у хокеї на траві
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається вдосконалення фізичної підготовки висококваліфікованих воротарів у хокеї на траві та аналіз методики впливу на провідні системи енергозабезпечення шляхом оптимізації основних компонентів дозування фізичних навантажень (інтенсивності, кількості повторень, тривалості інтервалів роботи й відпочинку, характеру відпочинку тощо), а також раціонального розподілу навантажень різної спрямованості впродовж річного циклу підготовки.
The article deals with improvement of physical training of highly skilled hockey players and analysis of the methodology of influencing the leading energy supply systems by optimizing the main components of the dosage of physical loads (intensity, number of repetitions, duration of intervals of work and rest, nature of rest, level of coordination complex, etc.), as well as rational distribution of loads of different orientations during the annual training cycle. In the article the following research methods are used in order to achieve the goal: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of special scientific-methodological literature; pedagogical methods of research: observation, testing, experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. It is determined that the process of goalkeepers' training is accompanied by an appropriate level of their physical fitness, as evidenced by improved test results, which is expressed in reducing the time of execution of relevant test tasks. Analysis of studies has shown that development of modern training programs should be based on a constant variation of loads in size and focus, with the use of various tools and methods focused on development of those capabilities of the body, which underlie special ability of the athlete in accordance with the functions that it performs in game process. Analysis of the research results suggests that the indicators of physical preparedness during the annual training cycle undergo most positive changes. The level of growth of indicators is uneven and depends on the stage of preparation. In the modern theory and practice of field hockey, the problem of physical training of goalkeepers remains poorly developed, which is confirmed by the lack of scientifically substantiated recommendations for the construction and control of the process of physical training, the dynamics of development of physical qualities at different stages of the annual training cycle and appropriate use of special tools and methods. Observing physical training of goalkeepers has revealed a number of problems during the annual cycle, which require further research and analysis. Key words: field hockey, training process, goalkeepers, physical training, macrocycle, competitive activity.
The article deals with improvement of physical training of highly skilled hockey players and analysis of the methodology of influencing the leading energy supply systems by optimizing the main components of the dosage of physical loads (intensity, number of repetitions, duration of intervals of work and rest, nature of rest, level of coordination complex, etc.), as well as rational distribution of loads of different orientations during the annual training cycle. In the article the following research methods are used in order to achieve the goal: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of special scientific-methodological literature; pedagogical methods of research: observation, testing, experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. It is determined that the process of goalkeepers' training is accompanied by an appropriate level of their physical fitness, as evidenced by improved test results, which is expressed in reducing the time of execution of relevant test tasks. Analysis of studies has shown that development of modern training programs should be based on a constant variation of loads in size and focus, with the use of various tools and methods focused on development of those capabilities of the body, which underlie special ability of the athlete in accordance with the functions that it performs in game process. Analysis of the research results suggests that the indicators of physical preparedness during the annual training cycle undergo most positive changes. The level of growth of indicators is uneven and depends on the stage of preparation. In the modern theory and practice of field hockey, the problem of physical training of goalkeepers remains poorly developed, which is confirmed by the lack of scientifically substantiated recommendations for the construction and control of the process of physical training, the dynamics of development of physical qualities at different stages of the annual training cycle and appropriate use of special tools and methods. Observing physical training of goalkeepers has revealed a number of problems during the annual cycle, which require further research and analysis. Key words: field hockey, training process, goalkeepers, physical training, macrocycle, competitive activity.
Ключові слова
хокей на траві, тренувальний процес, воротарі, фізична підготовка, макроцикл, змагальна діяльність, field hockey, training process, goalkeepers, physical training, macrocycle, competitive activity
Бібліографічний опис
Гончаренко, В. І. Удосконалення фізичної підготовки воротарів у хокеї на траві [Текст] / В. І. Гончаренко, В. О. Лапицький, О. М. Гончаренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 1 (85). – С. 213–223.