Зміни ґрунтів і ландшафтів за даними комплексних досліджень багатошарового кургану неподалік с. Бурти на Черкащині
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто питання використання палеопедологічних даних для відтворення палеогеографічних обстановок минулого як умов проживання давньої людини в окремі часові інтервали голоцену. На археологічному об ’єкті – багатошаровому кургані поблизу с. Бурти на Черкащині комплексно досліджено ґрунти і ґрунтові відклади сучасні, козацької доби, раннього залізного віку, епохи бронзи, а також пізньоплейстоценові. З використання палеопедологічного методу, включаючи мікроморфологічний та дані фізико-хімічних аналізів визначено типи різновікових голоценових ґрунтів: сучасних – чорноземи типові, козацької доби (суміш чорноземного і лесового матеріалу підсипки), раннього залізного віку (чорнозем близький до звичайного), епохи бронзи - чорнозем міцелярно-карбонатний. Археологічні знахідки в кургані пов ’язані з раннім залізним віком і епохою бронзи, а в насипі кургану – козацькою добою.
In order to clarify the changes of soils and landscapes of the last in connection with the nature conditions of people living in the some interval of Holocene the problem of paleopedological using is outlined. On the archeological object - many stratum burial mounds near v. Burty in Cherkatschyna – the soils and soils deposits of modern, Cossack time, Early ferrous century, bronze epoch as well as late Pleistocene deposits were complexity researched. By the paleopedological method (including micromorphological, physic-chemical analysis) types of different age Holocene soils were determined: of modern ones - chernozem typical (temperate climate of modern forest-steppe zone, southern part); of Cossack time – mix of chernozem and loess material in adding; of Early ferrous century – chernozem, closed to ordinary (climate was warmer, than modern, steppe); of Bronze epoch – chernozem mycelium-carbonate (climate conditions is warmer, than modern, landscapes of forest-steppe south-north of steppe zone). 139Among Upper Pleistocene deposits the Bug loess, vytachiv brown and dark-brown soils, uday loess, partly Pryluky soil were observed. Results of the chemical analysis on content of carbon, water extract for object of nitrate content and other were obtained. Inside the burial mound archeological finds were connected with Early ferrous century and bronze epoch. In the Cossack time deposits of barrow adding were used in economic activity of people. In the more ancient time the Bug loess deposits were served as layers for foundation of graves. Burying of the Early ferrous century and Bronze epoch, more late burying were may be Scythian. Two level of burying were watched. Common stratygraphy of burial mound disposition can be to imagine as the next (from the position, that was dogged, from top to the lower part): modern soils; changed by people material of Cossack time (barrow adding), the soils of Early berreous century; the soils of Bronze epoch; the Upper Pleistocene deposits of Bug, Vytachiv, Uday and Prylury horizons.
In order to clarify the changes of soils and landscapes of the last in connection with the nature conditions of people living in the some interval of Holocene the problem of paleopedological using is outlined. On the archeological object - many stratum burial mounds near v. Burty in Cherkatschyna – the soils and soils deposits of modern, Cossack time, Early ferrous century, bronze epoch as well as late Pleistocene deposits were complexity researched. By the paleopedological method (including micromorphological, physic-chemical analysis) types of different age Holocene soils were determined: of modern ones - chernozem typical (temperate climate of modern forest-steppe zone, southern part); of Cossack time – mix of chernozem and loess material in adding; of Early ferrous century – chernozem, closed to ordinary (climate was warmer, than modern, steppe); of Bronze epoch – chernozem mycelium-carbonate (climate conditions is warmer, than modern, landscapes of forest-steppe south-north of steppe zone). 139Among Upper Pleistocene deposits the Bug loess, vytachiv brown and dark-brown soils, uday loess, partly Pryluky soil were observed. Results of the chemical analysis on content of carbon, water extract for object of nitrate content and other were obtained. Inside the burial mound archeological finds were connected with Early ferrous century and bronze epoch. In the Cossack time deposits of barrow adding were used in economic activity of people. In the more ancient time the Bug loess deposits were served as layers for foundation of graves. Burying of the Early ferrous century and Bronze epoch, more late burying were may be Scythian. Two level of burying were watched. Common stratygraphy of burial mound disposition can be to imagine as the next (from the position, that was dogged, from top to the lower part): modern soils; changed by people material of Cossack time (barrow adding), the soils of Early berreous century; the soils of Bronze epoch; the Upper Pleistocene deposits of Bug, Vytachiv, Uday and Prylury horizons.
Ключові слова
голоцен, ґрунт, ландшафт, holocene, soil, landscape
Бібліографічний опис
Матвіїшина, Ж. М. Зміни ґрунтів і ландшафтів за даними комплексних досліджень багатошарового кургану неподалік с. Бурти на Черкащині [Текст] / Ж. М. Матвіїшина, О. Г. Пархоменко // Наукові записки Сумського державного педагогічного університету ім. А. С. Макаренка : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; Українське географічне товариство, Сумський відділ ; [редкол.: Б. М. Нешатаєв, С. І. Сюткін, М. О. Барановський та ін.]. – Суми : [СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка], 2019. – Вип. 10 : Географічні науки. – С. 25–46.