Командна взаємодія студентів спеціальностей «Туризм» та «Готельно-ресторанна справа» в процесі формування їх професійної компетентності
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Херсонський державний університет
Дана стаття віддзеркалює проблематику розвитку навичок командної взаємодії студентів, майбутніх фахівців сфери туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи. Також розглянуто проблематику визначення таких понять, як команда, командна взаємодія, а також етапи створення та розвитку студентської команди в процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців. Розглядаються питання формування саме навичок командної взаємодії студентів під час виконання практичних та семінарських робіт.
The concept of «student team» is an informally organized group of students who, knowing the interdependence and necessity in the educational process of team interaction, and having a firm set on joint effective creative activity and cooperation, are able to combine individual ideas and experience of each to make the optimal decision of various tasks and achievements of the best results in the professional training and self-realization of their personality, due to purposefulness, initiative, rational division of labor, cohesion, flexibility and behavior and self-government. The following stages of development of the student team are distinguished: 1) adaptation and grouping; 2) co-operation and rationing of activity; 3) functioning; as well as levels of team interaction: 1) a cohesive working group of students; 2) an effective team of students; 3) an effective organizational student's complex. After gaining knowledge and developing skills in team work, the student realizes his own goals for future professional activities, helping him in the future to reach a new, more qualitative level of relationships with people, colleagues, leader in the collective decision of different tasks. During our study, we developed our own methodology for building a team among students, future professionals in the hospitality industry, while completing tasks at practical and seminary classes on professional subjects. This technique allows to track the progress of the work, as well as simplifies the process of submitting a report. In addition, there is a certain responsibility for the «leader», which allows students to check their organizational and leadership qualities. A division of a group of students into microgroups with one more successful and one less successful participant can increase the professional level of the weaker participant. In the future, the following methodology can be used not only for the study of professional disciplines, but also for all disciplines taught in the specialties of the field of knowledge 24 «Sphere of service».
The concept of «student team» is an informally organized group of students who, knowing the interdependence and necessity in the educational process of team interaction, and having a firm set on joint effective creative activity and cooperation, are able to combine individual ideas and experience of each to make the optimal decision of various tasks and achievements of the best results in the professional training and self-realization of their personality, due to purposefulness, initiative, rational division of labor, cohesion, flexibility and behavior and self-government. The following stages of development of the student team are distinguished: 1) adaptation and grouping; 2) co-operation and rationing of activity; 3) functioning; as well as levels of team interaction: 1) a cohesive working group of students; 2) an effective team of students; 3) an effective organizational student's complex. After gaining knowledge and developing skills in team work, the student realizes his own goals for future professional activities, helping him in the future to reach a new, more qualitative level of relationships with people, colleagues, leader in the collective decision of different tasks. During our study, we developed our own methodology for building a team among students, future professionals in the hospitality industry, while completing tasks at practical and seminary classes on professional subjects. This technique allows to track the progress of the work, as well as simplifies the process of submitting a report. In addition, there is a certain responsibility for the «leader», which allows students to check their organizational and leadership qualities. A division of a group of students into microgroups with one more successful and one less successful participant can increase the professional level of the weaker participant. In the future, the following methodology can be used not only for the study of professional disciplines, but also for all disciplines taught in the specialties of the field of knowledge 24 «Sphere of service».
Ключові слова
туризм, готельно-ресторанна справа, індустрія гостинності, команда, студентська команда, командна робота, мікрогрупи, tourism, hotel and restaurant business, hospitality industry, team, student team, team work, microgroup
Бібліографічний опис
Коваленко, О. В. Командна взаємодія студентів спеціальностей «Туризм» та «Готельно-ресторанна справа» в процесі формування їх професійної компетентності [Текст] / О. В. Коваленко // Педагогічні науки : збірник наукових праць. – Херсон, – 2017. – №80 (LXXХ), Том 3. – С. 157–161.