Гаранти і ризики здобуття сучасним студентом вищої освіти в Україні та Польщі
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття спрямована на вивчення у студентів закладів вищої освіти України та Польщі презентацій вищої освіти щодо власних вимірів сучасності як чинника нагальності перегляду концепції сучасної вищої освіти загалом. Стверджується, що здобуття вищої освіти вже не сприймається сучасним студентом основною умовою власної професіоналізації: у ній вбачається, перш за все, джерело власного розвитку та соціалізації. Констатується, що гарантами здобуття вищої освіти виступають батьки студентів, а також демократичні форми державної та спонсорської підтримки зростання самостійності студента через гранти, конкурси та цільові стипендії, які мінімізують ризики процесів залежності та споживацтва. Перехід закладів вищої освіти на соціалізуючи форми управління освітнім процесом студента видається більш перспективним, ніж пролонгація виховного напряму роботи. Цьому буде слугувати формування простору самоорганізації й посилення процесів студентського самоуправління, актуалізацію якого вже можна спостерігати в польського студентства.
The processes of globalization and development of information space have brought about significant changes in the knowledge transfer processes: the distance between knowledge carriers and their recipients has decreased, the forms of their accumulation have changed, and the redistribution in the list of knowledge carriers has taken place. Under such conditions, institutions of higher education can no longer be regarded as flagships in the educational process, since information sources have become widely available and have lost priority in the ownership of certain institutions, which previously predominantly served scientific laboratories of education institutions. Under such conditions, it is natural to review the significance and opportunities of a social institution of higher education in the formation of a young person. In our opinion, this review should be carried out precisely from the standpoint of the young person who “has come” to obtain higher education in an education institution: from the standpoint of his/her needs and requests, aspirations in life and prospects, and also to determine its role in his/her life. The aim of the article was to study the understanding by students of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland the role of higher education in their lives, as well as to clarify the probable guarantees and risks of its obtaining. The following tasks have been set: 1) to clarify students’ understanding of the importance of higher education; 2) to identify the ways to support the student during education at the higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as HEI) and the risks of their loss; 3) to conduct a comparative analysis of the above-mentioned indicators on the example of the students of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. A comparative study has shown that students do not consider higher education as the main condition for their own professionalization, but see higher education as a source of their own development and socialization. This vision is typical for students from Poland and Ukraine. The analysis of the data has shown that, regardless of the country of residence, the main proponent of higher education is the older generation, which forms the orientation of their children for higher education and, if possible, provides financial support during their studies at the student’s age. Formation in the HEI of self-organization space (in terms of technical equipment, communication, training, etc.) and strengthening the processes of student self-government can be considered the factors of the liberation of education from authoritarian management and mastering new educational horizons of the open educational space of a globalized society, initiation of which can already be observed in Polish students. Creating a system of support for student initiatives through the provision of grants for project proposals will increase the potential and capabilities of the student for his own learning process by minimizing dependency and consumer processes. The article states that development of the educational environment with strengthening of the socializing direction of student support in the educational process seems more promising than prolongation of the educational direction of work. The continuation of intercultural research on the subject of studying the needs and inquiries of students concerning higher education will provide a greater basis for scientific and practical research in order to harmonize the process of obtaining higher education in accordance with the requirements of modernity.
The processes of globalization and development of information space have brought about significant changes in the knowledge transfer processes: the distance between knowledge carriers and their recipients has decreased, the forms of their accumulation have changed, and the redistribution in the list of knowledge carriers has taken place. Under such conditions, institutions of higher education can no longer be regarded as flagships in the educational process, since information sources have become widely available and have lost priority in the ownership of certain institutions, which previously predominantly served scientific laboratories of education institutions. Under such conditions, it is natural to review the significance and opportunities of a social institution of higher education in the formation of a young person. In our opinion, this review should be carried out precisely from the standpoint of the young person who “has come” to obtain higher education in an education institution: from the standpoint of his/her needs and requests, aspirations in life and prospects, and also to determine its role in his/her life. The aim of the article was to study the understanding by students of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland the role of higher education in their lives, as well as to clarify the probable guarantees and risks of its obtaining. The following tasks have been set: 1) to clarify students’ understanding of the importance of higher education; 2) to identify the ways to support the student during education at the higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as HEI) and the risks of their loss; 3) to conduct a comparative analysis of the above-mentioned indicators on the example of the students of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. A comparative study has shown that students do not consider higher education as the main condition for their own professionalization, but see higher education as a source of their own development and socialization. This vision is typical for students from Poland and Ukraine. The analysis of the data has shown that, regardless of the country of residence, the main proponent of higher education is the older generation, which forms the orientation of their children for higher education and, if possible, provides financial support during their studies at the student’s age. Formation in the HEI of self-organization space (in terms of technical equipment, communication, training, etc.) and strengthening the processes of student self-government can be considered the factors of the liberation of education from authoritarian management and mastering new educational horizons of the open educational space of a globalized society, initiation of which can already be observed in Polish students. Creating a system of support for student initiatives through the provision of grants for project proposals will increase the potential and capabilities of the student for his own learning process by minimizing dependency and consumer processes. The article states that development of the educational environment with strengthening of the socializing direction of student support in the educational process seems more promising than prolongation of the educational direction of work. The continuation of intercultural research on the subject of studying the needs and inquiries of students concerning higher education will provide a greater basis for scientific and practical research in order to harmonize the process of obtaining higher education in accordance with the requirements of modernity.
Ключові слова
студент, заклад вищої школи, кроскультурне дослідження, Польща, Україна, student, institution of higher education, cross-cultural research, Poland, Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис
Міровська, М. Гаранти і ризики здобуття сучасним студентом вищої освіти в Україні та Польщі [Текст] / М. Міровська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 6 (80). – С. 36–45.