Корекційна спрямованість занять плаванням із розумово відсталими підлітками
Коштур Яна Євгенівна
Koshtur Yana Yevhenivna
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Назва тому
СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті визначено науково-педагогічне підґрунтя корекції психофізичного розвитку розумово відсталих дітей. Підтверджено думку про необхідність впливу на психофізичну сферу дітей із вадами розумового розвитку в умовах корекційно спрямованих занять з плавання. Визначено специфіку впливу корекційної роботи на дітей із інтелектуальною недостатністю. Доведено, що корекційні заняття плаванням є засобом фізичного розвитку, корекції та компенсації наявних психофізичних порушень у розумово відсталих дітей. Охарактеризовано особливості організації навчально-виховного процесу дітей із вадами розумового розвитку. Актуальним є вивчення інших проблем корекції психофізичного розвитку розумово відсталих підлітків.
The influence of correctional direction of swimming lessons on psychophysical development of mentally disabled teenagers is highlighted in this article. In order to get the results of this study, a number of methods have been used, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research and pedagogical observation and pedagogical experiment. The general aim of these practices is to enrich the disabled teenagers' environment perception, to improve their space perception and movement coordination, to correct their physical development, endurance and thinking. The center of our attention during these lessons were the aspects of psychophysical development like the evolution of teens' psychical functions and learning ability; improvement of psychomotor sphere; training their self-serving skills; aesthetic and ethic development. This method of correctional swimming lessons for mentally disabled children of middle school age was divided into 6 stages, which were constantly being repeated and getting harder each time. They are: 1) exercises out of the water; 2) exercises aimed at getting used to water; 3) exercises for learning the technique of different types of swimming; 4) jumping into water; 5) games in the water; 6) exercises with aquaaerobic elements. For each stage, certain exercises were introduced to help in developing mentally disabled kids' (aged 11-12) psychophysical state. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that mentioned methods positively influence mentally disabled teenagers' psychophysical development while being used during correctional swimming lessons and under certain circumstances. It means that certain positive changes occurred in the researched components, which means the proposed method is effective.
The influence of correctional direction of swimming lessons on psychophysical development of mentally disabled teenagers is highlighted in this article. In order to get the results of this study, a number of methods have been used, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research and pedagogical observation and pedagogical experiment. The general aim of these practices is to enrich the disabled teenagers' environment perception, to improve their space perception and movement coordination, to correct their physical development, endurance and thinking. The center of our attention during these lessons were the aspects of psychophysical development like the evolution of teens' psychical functions and learning ability; improvement of psychomotor sphere; training their self-serving skills; aesthetic and ethic development. This method of correctional swimming lessons for mentally disabled children of middle school age was divided into 6 stages, which were constantly being repeated and getting harder each time. They are: 1) exercises out of the water; 2) exercises aimed at getting used to water; 3) exercises for learning the technique of different types of swimming; 4) jumping into water; 5) games in the water; 6) exercises with aquaaerobic elements. For each stage, certain exercises were introduced to help in developing mentally disabled kids' (aged 11-12) psychophysical state. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that mentioned methods positively influence mentally disabled teenagers' psychophysical development while being used during correctional swimming lessons and under certain circumstances. It means that certain positive changes occurred in the researched components, which means the proposed method is effective.
Ключові слова
розумова відсталість, підлітки, плавання, корекційні заняття, психофізичний розвиток, mental disability, teenagers, swimming, correctional lessons, psychophysical development
Бібліографічний опис
Коштур, Я. Корекційна спрямованість занять плаванням із розумово відсталими підлітками [Текст] / Я. Коштур // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 5 (79). – С. 398–408.