А. С. Макаренко – видатний педагог-новатор ХХ століття
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто новаторський досвід А. С. Макаренка - видатного педагога ХХ століття, який створив унікальну філософію виховання, орієнтовану на олюднення як власне процесу виховання, його середовища, так і суб'єктів виховання - вихователів і вихованців. Виділено декілька новаторських підходів: 1) до формування педагогічного колективу як ансамблю яскравих особистостей, що досягають вершин професійної майстерності; 2) до виховання гармонійно розвиненої особистості з високими моральними якостями; 3) до створення інноваційних навчально-виховних закладів різного типу, побудованих на принципах гуманізму, демократії й колективізму. Видатному педагогу вдалося вирішити кореневі проблеми взаємозумовленості матеріально-практичних і духовних основ педагогічного процесу.
In the article the innovative experience of A. S. Makarenko - an outstanding teacher of the twentieth century, who created a unique philosophy of education, focused on humanization as the actual process of education, its environment, and the subjects of education - teachers and pupils, is analyzed. Several innovative approaches have been identified: 1) to the formation of a pedagogical crew as an ensemble of bright personalities, who seek constant improvement of professional skills, different in experience, age, individual qualities; 2) to the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality with high moral qualities in a favorable educational environment; 3) to the creation of innovative education institutions of various types, built on the principles of humanism of democracy and collectivism. Innovative approaches of A. S. Makarenko, which are widely introduced into the pedagogical practice of the XX and XX centuries both abroad and in Ukraine are being reviewed. In the pedagogical activity and works of the outstanding teacher, innovative ideas and practical ways for solving an important problem of the relationship between the individual and the society and the organization on this basis of the process of education, which creates conditions for the development of the ability of students to free choice of life prospects, for their self-realization in society are being explained, stated and grounded. The researcher managed to solve the root problems of pedagogy: socio-economic and natural- hereditary principles of education, connection between collectivity and individual and personal principles, external and internal prerequisites for the upbringing and development of the individual, the interdependence of materially practical and spiritual foundations of the pedagogy. A. S. Makarenko directed his pedagogy and upbringing to solving the problem of continuity of generations, their interaction and logical changes in social development. Scientists have proved, that the degree of significance of innovation implemented by A. S. Makarenko is revolutionary in scale - international, depending on the innovative potential - global, historica, pedagogical and practical.
In the article the innovative experience of A. S. Makarenko - an outstanding teacher of the twentieth century, who created a unique philosophy of education, focused on humanization as the actual process of education, its environment, and the subjects of education - teachers and pupils, is analyzed. Several innovative approaches have been identified: 1) to the formation of a pedagogical crew as an ensemble of bright personalities, who seek constant improvement of professional skills, different in experience, age, individual qualities; 2) to the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality with high moral qualities in a favorable educational environment; 3) to the creation of innovative education institutions of various types, built on the principles of humanism of democracy and collectivism. Innovative approaches of A. S. Makarenko, which are widely introduced into the pedagogical practice of the XX and XX centuries both abroad and in Ukraine are being reviewed. In the pedagogical activity and works of the outstanding teacher, innovative ideas and practical ways for solving an important problem of the relationship between the individual and the society and the organization on this basis of the process of education, which creates conditions for the development of the ability of students to free choice of life prospects, for their self-realization in society are being explained, stated and grounded. The researcher managed to solve the root problems of pedagogy: socio-economic and natural- hereditary principles of education, connection between collectivity and individual and personal principles, external and internal prerequisites for the upbringing and development of the individual, the interdependence of materially practical and spiritual foundations of the pedagogy. A. S. Makarenko directed his pedagogy and upbringing to solving the problem of continuity of generations, their interaction and logical changes in social development. Scientists have proved, that the degree of significance of innovation implemented by A. S. Makarenko is revolutionary in scale - international, depending on the innovative potential - global, historica, pedagogical and practical.
Ключові слова
філософія виховання, педагог-новатор, новаторські підходи, нововведення, виховання особистості, philosophy of upbringing, teacher-innovator, innovative approaches, innovation, education of the individual
Бібліографічний опис
Дубасенюк, О. А. С. Макаренко – видатний педагог-новатор ХХ століття [Текст] / О. Дубасенюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 2 (76). – С. 235–242.