Концептуальна модель застосування фітнес-технологій на заняттях із фізичного виховання студентів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті описано розроблення концептуальної моделі застосування фітнес- технологій на заняттях із фізичного виховання студентів у вищих педагогічних навчальних закладах. На теоретико-методологічних засадах проблема застосування фітнес-технологій розглядається як проблема цілісного, системного підходу до цього процесу. З'ясовано, що одним із головних принципів застосування фітнес- технологій є принцип системності. Створюючи концептуальну модель застосування фітнес-технологій на заняттях із фізичного виховання студентів із позицій системного підходу, необхідно розкласти процес застосування фітнес- технологій на окремі компоненти, впливати на них, відповідно функцій означеної системи. Визначено, що продуктивність процесу моделювання залежить від цілісності педагогічних впливів на всі його компоненти. Функціонування концептуальної моделі має на меті вирішення поставлених завдань. Для побудови моделі застосування фітнес-технологій на заняттях із фізичного виховання студентів слід синтезувати науково-теоретичні підходи, ґрунтуючись на принципах єдності інваріантності та варіативності, а також на принципі особистісної спрямованості. Особистісна спрямованість визначає динамічність, гнучкість, відкритість змісту фізичної підготовки й функціонально співвідноситься із психолого-педагогічними особливостями та мотиваційними потребами студентів.
The article describes development of a conceptual model of usage of fitness technologies during physical education classes of students in higher pedagogical education institutions. When we were modeling the process of applying fitness technologies, we used basic principles of the general theory of systems as guidance. General theory of systems includes: organic integrity of the systems; functional and organizational unity of all systems; centralization of the organization and management of systems, with the preservation of the relative independence of the systems; efficiency of systems, which depends on their degree of compatibility with the environment, optimization, activity of system units, constant updating and relative openness. We established that mentioned above principles can be considered as principles of capacity and efficiency of fitness technologies application model during physical education classes of students, which provide the main condition for the implementation of this model, namely systemic and structural approach to physical education classes. On a theoretical and methodological basis we can consider the problem of fitness technologies usage during physical education classes of students as a problem of a holistic, systematic approach to this process. We have determined that one of the main principles of fitness technologies usage is the principle of systemic approach. The complexity and versatility of the educational process of physical education at each level of preparation, retraining and advanced training of students in higher pedagogical education institutions require a clear, balanced, logical, sequential scientific-methodological approach to each component of this process. We must consider the content and structure of physical education training sessions with fitness technologies usage, training activities of teachers and sports trainers, educational and cognitive activities of those who is still studying. In order to create a model of fitness technologies application during physical education classes it is necessary, from the system approach point of view, to decompose the process of applying fitness technologies to individual components and affect them, respectively to functions of the specified system. However, each individual component does not determine the systemic quality of fitness technologies application during physical education classes of students. We have determined that performance of the modeling process depends on the integrity of the pedagogical influences of all its components. Functioning of the model is aimed at solving the problems set in the study. Consequently, we came to the conclusion that in order to construct the model of fitness technologies application during physical education classes, students should synthesize scientific and theoretical approaches, based on the principles of the unity of invariance and variability, as well as on the principle of personal orientation. Personal orientation determines the dynamism, flexibility, openness of the contents of physical education and functionally correlates with psychological and pedagogical peculiarities and motivational needs of students.
The article describes development of a conceptual model of usage of fitness technologies during physical education classes of students in higher pedagogical education institutions. When we were modeling the process of applying fitness technologies, we used basic principles of the general theory of systems as guidance. General theory of systems includes: organic integrity of the systems; functional and organizational unity of all systems; centralization of the organization and management of systems, with the preservation of the relative independence of the systems; efficiency of systems, which depends on their degree of compatibility with the environment, optimization, activity of system units, constant updating and relative openness. We established that mentioned above principles can be considered as principles of capacity and efficiency of fitness technologies application model during physical education classes of students, which provide the main condition for the implementation of this model, namely systemic and structural approach to physical education classes. On a theoretical and methodological basis we can consider the problem of fitness technologies usage during physical education classes of students as a problem of a holistic, systematic approach to this process. We have determined that one of the main principles of fitness technologies usage is the principle of systemic approach. The complexity and versatility of the educational process of physical education at each level of preparation, retraining and advanced training of students in higher pedagogical education institutions require a clear, balanced, logical, sequential scientific-methodological approach to each component of this process. We must consider the content and structure of physical education training sessions with fitness technologies usage, training activities of teachers and sports trainers, educational and cognitive activities of those who is still studying. In order to create a model of fitness technologies application during physical education classes it is necessary, from the system approach point of view, to decompose the process of applying fitness technologies to individual components and affect them, respectively to functions of the specified system. However, each individual component does not determine the systemic quality of fitness technologies application during physical education classes of students. We have determined that performance of the modeling process depends on the integrity of the pedagogical influences of all its components. Functioning of the model is aimed at solving the problems set in the study. Consequently, we came to the conclusion that in order to construct the model of fitness technologies application during physical education classes, students should synthesize scientific and theoretical approaches, based on the principles of the unity of invariance and variability, as well as on the principle of personal orientation. Personal orientation determines the dynamism, flexibility, openness of the contents of physical education and functionally correlates with psychological and pedagogical peculiarities and motivational needs of students.
Ключові слова
концептуальна модель, здоров'я, студенти, фітнес, фітнес- технології, conceptual model, health, students, fitness, fitness technology
Бібліографічний опис
Жамардій, В. Концептуальна модель застосування фітнес-технологій на заняттях із фізичного виховання студентів [Текст] / В. Жамардій // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018 – № 3 (77). – С. 77–88.