Рефлексивне осмислення виховання учнів Охтирського дитячого містечка крізь призму нової української школи (1922-1930 рр.)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто процес і результат національно-патріотичного та трудового виховання дітей в Охтирському дитячому містечку. З'ясовано виховні паралелі концепції нової української школи й організації навчально-виховного процесу в Охтирському дитячому містечку. Установлено засоби виховання дітей, проаналізовано погляди М. Л. Довгполюка в національно-патріотичному і трудовому напрямі виховання. Розглянуто педагогічні ідеї та принципи, які були впроваджені М. Довгополюком у навчально-виховному процесі Охтирського дитячого містечка в національно-патріотичному та трудовому вихованні.
The article deals with the process and result of the patriotic and labor education of children in the Okhtyrskyi children's town. Educational parallels of the concept of the new Ukrainian school and organization of educational process in Okhtyrsky children's town are found. The means of education of children are established, the views of M. L. Dovhpoliuk are analyzed in the national-patriotic and labor orientation of upbringing. The pedagogical ideas and principles that were introduced by M. Dovhopoliuk in the educational process of Okhtyrskyi children's town are considered. The purpose of the article is to highlight the essence of the national-patriotic and labor education trends in the Okhtyrskyi children's town (1922-1930). In order to achieve the goal, specific search (theoretical analysis, synthesis, systematization of archival documents) and logical-historical analysis (analysis of materials of periodicals, memoirs concerning the activity of Okhtyrskyi children's town) were used. We can conclude that harmonious development of labor, national patriotism and moral restoration of youth became the focus of the educational process in the Okhtyrskyi children's town. National patriotic education is connected with labor education, because one of the main characteristics of patriotism is its effective character, which manifests itself in serving Motherland and, first of all, the person's work activity. According to the practice of Okhtyrskyi children's town, children were taught the respect for the social system and the national revival of the Motherland, which is coherent with the modern concept of the new Ukrainian school. M. Dovhopoliuk propagated and affirmed the ideas of the national consciousness, dignity, patriotism of people in education. Further research will be aimed at continuing the study and popularization of the pedagogical experience of M. Dovhopoliuk, its use in solving educational problems in the modern school.
The article deals with the process and result of the patriotic and labor education of children in the Okhtyrskyi children's town. Educational parallels of the concept of the new Ukrainian school and organization of educational process in Okhtyrsky children's town are found. The means of education of children are established, the views of M. L. Dovhpoliuk are analyzed in the national-patriotic and labor orientation of upbringing. The pedagogical ideas and principles that were introduced by M. Dovhopoliuk in the educational process of Okhtyrskyi children's town are considered. The purpose of the article is to highlight the essence of the national-patriotic and labor education trends in the Okhtyrskyi children's town (1922-1930). In order to achieve the goal, specific search (theoretical analysis, synthesis, systematization of archival documents) and logical-historical analysis (analysis of materials of periodicals, memoirs concerning the activity of Okhtyrskyi children's town) were used. We can conclude that harmonious development of labor, national patriotism and moral restoration of youth became the focus of the educational process in the Okhtyrskyi children's town. National patriotic education is connected with labor education, because one of the main characteristics of patriotism is its effective character, which manifests itself in serving Motherland and, first of all, the person's work activity. According to the practice of Okhtyrskyi children's town, children were taught the respect for the social system and the national revival of the Motherland, which is coherent with the modern concept of the new Ukrainian school. M. Dovhopoliuk propagated and affirmed the ideas of the national consciousness, dignity, patriotism of people in education. Further research will be aimed at continuing the study and popularization of the pedagogical experience of M. Dovhopoliuk, its use in solving educational problems in the modern school.
Ключові слова
рефлексивне осмислення, виховання учнів, Охтирське дитяче містечко, М. Л. Довгополюк, 1922-1930 рр., reflexive comprehension, upbringing of students, Okhtyrskyi children's town, M. L. Dovhopoliuk
Бібліографічний опис
Штань, О. Рефлексивне осмислення виховання учнів Охтирського дитячого містечка крізь призму нової української школи (1922-1930 рр.) [Текст] / О. Штань // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 10 (74). – С. 66–75.