Структура біологічної компетентності учнів профільних класів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті аналізується структура біологічної компетентності як важливий засіб підвищення ефективності профільної освіти в загальноосвітній школі. Біологічна компетентність розглядається як багатоаспектна категорія, що є фактором інтелектуального розвитку особистості учнів, їхніх пізнавальних здібностей, що забезпечує підготовку до подальшої професійної освіти. Розкривається структура біологічної компетентності учнів і рівні сформованості кожного її компонента.
The article analyzes the structure of biological competence as an important means for increasing the effectiveness of profile education in a secondary school. The implementation of the competence approach in the biological profile education ensures: positive emotional and value attitude to learning, formation of the pupils’ theoretical knowledge, based on various branches of biological science, abilities and skills of their use in the activities, provides an active usage of educational achievements in new situations, promotes the pupils’ self-realization and self-determination. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the structure of the subject competence of the pupils of specialized classes at the biology lessons. Biological competence is considered as a multi-dimensional category, which is a factor in the intellectual development of the pupils’ personality, their cognitive ability, which provides the preparation for further professional education. The article reveals the structure of the pupils’ biological competence and the levels of formation of each of its components. Biological competence includes the following components: logical content, operational, research, cognitive competence. Logical-content competence provides the development of intellectual, psychic, creative, moral, physical, social qualities of the pupils, the desire for self-development and self-education, correctness, efficiency and accuracy of thinking, construction of logical reasoning. Operational competence is determined by the set of abilities and skills necessary for educational and cognitive activity. It is the ability to apply knowledge in practice, to plan and carry out biological research, to solve cognitive tasks and problem situations. The pupils’ research competence is the possession of biological research methods, the use of knowledge in practice, the ability to formulate goals, problem, research hypothesis, plan, experiment, analyze its results, draw conclusions. Cognitive competence is a pupil’s characteristic that is revealed in his ability to perform independent cognitive activity aimed at solving cognitive problems on the basis of theoretical, practical readiness and experience of educational-cognitive activity (autonomy of decisions, activity and thinking). The complex analysis of this problem makes it possible to assert that biological competence is a multifaceted category that requires the integration of its components, therefore, the positive dynamics of the levels of the formation of biological competence is manifested in the simultaneous formation of all its components.
The article analyzes the structure of biological competence as an important means for increasing the effectiveness of profile education in a secondary school. The implementation of the competence approach in the biological profile education ensures: positive emotional and value attitude to learning, formation of the pupils’ theoretical knowledge, based on various branches of biological science, abilities and skills of their use in the activities, provides an active usage of educational achievements in new situations, promotes the pupils’ self-realization and self-determination. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the structure of the subject competence of the pupils of specialized classes at the biology lessons. Biological competence is considered as a multi-dimensional category, which is a factor in the intellectual development of the pupils’ personality, their cognitive ability, which provides the preparation for further professional education. The article reveals the structure of the pupils’ biological competence and the levels of formation of each of its components. Biological competence includes the following components: logical content, operational, research, cognitive competence. Logical-content competence provides the development of intellectual, psychic, creative, moral, physical, social qualities of the pupils, the desire for self-development and self-education, correctness, efficiency and accuracy of thinking, construction of logical reasoning. Operational competence is determined by the set of abilities and skills necessary for educational and cognitive activity. It is the ability to apply knowledge in practice, to plan and carry out biological research, to solve cognitive tasks and problem situations. The pupils’ research competence is the possession of biological research methods, the use of knowledge in practice, the ability to formulate goals, problem, research hypothesis, plan, experiment, analyze its results, draw conclusions. Cognitive competence is a pupil’s characteristic that is revealed in his ability to perform independent cognitive activity aimed at solving cognitive problems on the basis of theoretical, practical readiness and experience of educational-cognitive activity (autonomy of decisions, activity and thinking). The complex analysis of this problem makes it possible to assert that biological competence is a multifaceted category that requires the integration of its components, therefore, the positive dynamics of the levels of the formation of biological competence is manifested in the simultaneous formation of all its components.
Ключові слова
компетентнісний підхід, біологічна компетентність, рівні біологічної компетентності, учитель біології, профільні класи, competence approach, biological competence, levels of biological competence, teacher of biology, pupils of specialized classes
Бібліографічний опис
Генкал, С. Структура біологічної компетентності учнів профільних класів [Текст] / С. Генкал // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 8 (72). – С. 236–246.