Прогностичні зміни в системі навчання технічно обдарованих студентів Німеччини у зв’язку з введенням єдиних стандартів вищої освіти в Європі
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У статті розглянуто питання організації навчання обдарованих студентів німецьких вишів, зокрема технічного профілю сучасного часового проміжку. Це обумовлено входженням ФРН до Європейського освітнього співтовариства, що є цілком вчасним та актуальним. Висвітлено основні положення навчального процесу згідно документів Болонської угоди. Зроблено спробу передбачити вірогідні зміни в навчанні обдарованих студентів у рамках нових вимог. Основний акцент робиться на прискорений темп навчання; мобільність обдарованих студентів у межах вищого навчального закладу своєї країни та європейського освітнього простору; високий відсоток самостійної роботи; індивідуальний підхід до навчання; широке використання технічних засобів навчання.
The article deals with the organization of teaching gifted students of German universities, including technical profile of contemporary time period. This is due to the entry of Germany into the European educational community, which is quite timely and relevant. The survey started in 2010, just before that date Germany with twenty-eight other European countries pledged to perform basic tasks of Bologna Declaration and to participate in the development of the European area of higher education system. The Rectors’ Conference of the Germans higher educational establishments (KRVNZ) considers Bologna process as a driving force in the country’s reforms. It brings integrated changes in the higher education system of the country. The reform effects on the organization of the educational process and its content, the higher educational establishments’ internal structure, on the processes of self-governing students. One of the main innovations is the introduction of two-tier system of education bachelor-magister degree, and together with it – a credit-modular system, the diploma supplement, accreditation, which should help to control the higher education quality. According to the strategic lines of the Bologna Agreement Conference of Ministers of Education and Culture of Germany (KMOK) in agreement with KRVNZ it was agreed the criteria necessary for the implementation of two-cyclic training (Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge). In particular, it is a limitation of learning time Bachelor, which will be a minimum 3 – maximum 4 years, Master – one to two years. Bachelor will give a certain professional qualification. There is also a mandatory issuance of the diploma supplement and the introduction of new specialities of an internationally recognized evaluation system and a modular structure. Germany has issued the following guidance on the implementation of the new system in higher education titled «Ten Steps to «Bologna», in which the main stages of the Bologna reform process were highlighted. This collection is based primarily on the experiences of German universities and specialized universities and aims to provide education at the university commitment and effectiveness. Here are the basic documents and laws adopted by the Conference of Culture Ministers, the Rectors’ Conference of universities and the Council on Accreditation. The specification of law is at policy level land, university or professional disciplines. The reform won’t pass also the education of gifted. The changes, which have the organization of talented students training in the higher technical schools in Germany are analyzed in terms of two basic concepts of teaching a gifted person – it is accelerating and deepening. The emphasis is on the accelerated pace of learning, mobility gifted students within the university, their country and the European educational space, a high percentage of self-study work, an individual learning approach, the widespread use of teaching aids.
The article deals with the organization of teaching gifted students of German universities, including technical profile of contemporary time period. This is due to the entry of Germany into the European educational community, which is quite timely and relevant. The survey started in 2010, just before that date Germany with twenty-eight other European countries pledged to perform basic tasks of Bologna Declaration and to participate in the development of the European area of higher education system. The Rectors’ Conference of the Germans higher educational establishments (KRVNZ) considers Bologna process as a driving force in the country’s reforms. It brings integrated changes in the higher education system of the country. The reform effects on the organization of the educational process and its content, the higher educational establishments’ internal structure, on the processes of self-governing students. One of the main innovations is the introduction of two-tier system of education bachelor-magister degree, and together with it – a credit-modular system, the diploma supplement, accreditation, which should help to control the higher education quality. According to the strategic lines of the Bologna Agreement Conference of Ministers of Education and Culture of Germany (KMOK) in agreement with KRVNZ it was agreed the criteria necessary for the implementation of two-cyclic training (Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge). In particular, it is a limitation of learning time Bachelor, which will be a minimum 3 – maximum 4 years, Master – one to two years. Bachelor will give a certain professional qualification. There is also a mandatory issuance of the diploma supplement and the introduction of new specialities of an internationally recognized evaluation system and a modular structure. Germany has issued the following guidance on the implementation of the new system in higher education titled «Ten Steps to «Bologna», in which the main stages of the Bologna reform process were highlighted. This collection is based primarily on the experiences of German universities and specialized universities and aims to provide education at the university commitment and effectiveness. Here are the basic documents and laws adopted by the Conference of Culture Ministers, the Rectors’ Conference of universities and the Council on Accreditation. The specification of law is at policy level land, university or professional disciplines. The reform won’t pass also the education of gifted. The changes, which have the organization of talented students training in the higher technical schools in Germany are analyzed in terms of two basic concepts of teaching a gifted person – it is accelerating and deepening. The emphasis is on the accelerated pace of learning, mobility gifted students within the university, their country and the European educational space, a high percentage of self-study work, an individual learning approach, the widespread use of teaching aids.
Ключові слова
організація навчання, обдарований студент, нові стандарти вищої освіти, training organization, gifted student, new standards of higher education
Бібліографічний опис
Чухно, Л. А. Прогностичні зміни в системі навчання технічно обдарованих студентів Німеччини у зв’язку
з введенням єдиних стандартів вищої освіти в Європі [Текст] / Л. А. Чухно // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 33–41.