Комунікативна культура студента медичного коледжу як складова професійних якостей медичного працівника

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У статті обґрунтовано необхідність формування комунікативної культури студента медичного коледжу як складової професійних якостей медичного працівника. Визначено сутність поняття «комунікативна культура студента медичного коледжу» та її основні структурні компоненти. Досліджено шляхи формування та розвитку комунікативної культури студента медичного коледжу. З’ясовано співвідношення комунікації та культури, що є базисом у формуванні професійних якостей майбутнього медичного працівника. Обґрунтовано важливість розвитку комунікативних умінь – основи культури особистості та професійної підготовки студента медичного коледжу.
The necessity of forming student’s communicative culture of medical college as the component of professional qualities of a medical worker is found out in the article. The essence of term communicative culture of medical college’s student and main structural components of forming communicative culture of medical college’s student are defined. The ways of forming and development of communicative culture of medical college’s student is investigated. Correlation of communication and culture, which is the basis for forming professional qualities of medical college’s student is analyzed in the article. The importance of communicative skills’ development – the basis of person’s culture and professional training of medical college’s student is justified. We designate that culture is the engine of society’s development and every person in it. Determination of culture’s components of medical college’s student is necessary not only a set of professional qualities but also moral values and principles. The analysis of literary sources allows marking that the language of personality can testify to moral qualities of man, its breeding, spiritual state, refinement of the soul, level of domain communicative abilities. We mark that linguistic self-identification of medical college’s student allows to judge about the level of education, his conduct in the society, attitude towards people, communicative activity and communicative culture. Self-identification of medical college student determines the professional level of student and vitally active position. Forming communicative skills of medical college’s student plays an important role in the development of student’s personality and future medical worker. It is possible to mark that communicative culture of medical college’s student is an aggregate of professional qualities, moral values and communicative abilities of a future medical worker, which will be realized during intercourse. In our view, forming communicative culture of a medical college’s student is based on two concepts: ethics and deontology of medical worker. It should be mentioned that communicative tolerance is one of the components of forming communicative culture of medical college’s student. Tolerance testifies to high professionalism of medical worker and his moral values. A patient, being in the low-spirited state, hopes for help and understanding of medical worker. The improper level of communicative culture of medical workers often becomes the reason of negative people’s relation to medicine, doctors, and hospitals. It is possible to forget that a medical worker is called to gather additionally words to every patient. As doctors mark illness is a problem psychological. In determination of basic universally student of medical college (a future medical worker) for basis will take the oath of Hippocrates, which is the main criterion of honesty and dignity of any medical worker. Forming of communicative culture medical college student is an actual and important problem, in fact a medical worker is a man who is able to rescue or destroy hope and faith on future convalescence of a patient.
Ключові слова
комунікація, культура, комунікативна культура, комунікативна культура студента медичного коледжу, медичний працівник, професійні якості, моральні цінності, комунікативні вміння, медична етика, деонтологія медичного працівника, communication, culture, communicative culture, communicative culture of a medical college student, medical worker, professional qualities, moral values, communicative skills, medical ethics, deontology of a medical worker
Бібліографічний опис
Гребеник, Ю. С. Комунікативна культура студента медичного коледжу як складова професійних якостей медичного працівника [Текст] / Ю. С. Гребеник // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 205–213.