Апробація та експериментальна перевірка основних результатів дисертаційного дослідження проблеми формування математичної культури учнів старшої школи
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У статті зосереджено увагу на дослідно-формувальному етапі експериментальної роботи дисертаційного дослідження проблеми формування математичної культури учнів старшої школи. В ході дослідження проведено діагностику рівня сформованості математичної культури старшокласників за такими критеріями: обсяг і якість математичних знань і умінь; обсяг і якість умінь математичної самоосвіти; володіння математичною мовою. Представлено одержані результати дослідно-експериментальної роботи дослідження. Доведено, що рівень математичної культури учнів старшої школи з використанням системи задач на доведення математичних тверджень при вивченні курсу алгебри і початків аналізу після формувального експерименту значно підвищився.
The article focuses on a formative stage of the experimental work of the dissertation research of the problem of formation of mathematical culture of senior pupils. During the research the diagnostics of the level of formation of mathematical culture of seniors on the following criteria is conducted: the amount and quality of mathematical knowledge and skills, the amount and quality of self-education skills; possession the linguistic mathematical culture. The obtained results of the experimental work of the study are also represented in the article. The experimental work was carried out under natural conditions, i.e. in the learning process of the pupils in the school. The results of the experimental work of the study were processed using the methods of descriptive statistics and performed on the computer using Excel from Office 2003. The level of mathematical culture of senior pupils using the system of tasks to prove mathematical statements when studying algebra and analysis began after the forming experiment was significantly increased compared with the results of the initial diagnosis of both experimental and control classes (EC-2 – 33,33% increase in the number of students with a high level, and in the control class, in which the purposeful work on a high level was not carried out, the number of students increased by only 4,54%). Therefore, pedagogical experiment confirmed the hypothesis of our study, because it shows the increasing level of mathematical culture of senior pupils. Analyzing the results of the forming stage of the experiment the author concludes that in the experimental classes there has been a qualitative change in the level of formation of the components of mathematical culture of senior pupils. Most clearly they can be seen in the EC-2, where was tested the whole set of pedagogical conditions of effective functioning of the methodological system of the formation of mathematical culture: the use of the system-activity approach; the use of objectives to prove mathematical statements in the process of teaching algebra and analysis course; the use of computers in education; the optimal combination of forms, methods and tools in the educational-cognitive activity of students. Given pedagogical conditions, alone or in combination, contribute to the formation of mathematical culture of senior pupils. However, the results obtained in the EC-2 prove that the use of pedagogical conditions in the complex allows achieving the best outcomes.
The article focuses on a formative stage of the experimental work of the dissertation research of the problem of formation of mathematical culture of senior pupils. During the research the diagnostics of the level of formation of mathematical culture of seniors on the following criteria is conducted: the amount and quality of mathematical knowledge and skills, the amount and quality of self-education skills; possession the linguistic mathematical culture. The obtained results of the experimental work of the study are also represented in the article. The experimental work was carried out under natural conditions, i.e. in the learning process of the pupils in the school. The results of the experimental work of the study were processed using the methods of descriptive statistics and performed on the computer using Excel from Office 2003. The level of mathematical culture of senior pupils using the system of tasks to prove mathematical statements when studying algebra and analysis began after the forming experiment was significantly increased compared with the results of the initial diagnosis of both experimental and control classes (EC-2 – 33,33% increase in the number of students with a high level, and in the control class, in which the purposeful work on a high level was not carried out, the number of students increased by only 4,54%). Therefore, pedagogical experiment confirmed the hypothesis of our study, because it shows the increasing level of mathematical culture of senior pupils. Analyzing the results of the forming stage of the experiment the author concludes that in the experimental classes there has been a qualitative change in the level of formation of the components of mathematical culture of senior pupils. Most clearly they can be seen in the EC-2, where was tested the whole set of pedagogical conditions of effective functioning of the methodological system of the formation of mathematical culture: the use of the system-activity approach; the use of objectives to prove mathematical statements in the process of teaching algebra and analysis course; the use of computers in education; the optimal combination of forms, methods and tools in the educational-cognitive activity of students. Given pedagogical conditions, alone or in combination, contribute to the formation of mathematical culture of senior pupils. However, the results obtained in the EC-2 prove that the use of pedagogical conditions in the complex allows achieving the best outcomes.
Ключові слова
математична культура, формувальний етап, експериментальні результати, mathematical culture, forming stage, experimental results
Бібліографічний опис
Білюнас, А. В. Апробація та експериментальна перевірка основних результатів дисертаційного дослідження проблеми формування математичної культури учнів старшої школи [Текст] / А. В. Білюнас // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 5 (39). – С. 208–215.