Основні тенденції модернізації підготовки корекційних педагогів в умовах реформування освітньої галузі
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У статті розглядається проблема модернізації підготовки кваліфікованих спеціалістів для роботи в нових умовах спеціальної освітньої системи. Здійснено аналіз становлення системи корекційної освіти в Україні; визначено основні напрями її вдосконалення (реформування) та виявлено причини кризового стану освіти осіб з особливими освітніми потребами. Метою статті є визначення основних тенденцій модернізації підготовки корекційних педагогів в умовах сьогодення.
На основі експериментальних досліджень, проведених фахівцями Інституту корекційної педагогіки та психології, визначений новий зміст і форми підготовки спеціалістів нової формації, а саме: нові навчальні плани з урахуванням підготовки до роботи з дітьми з аутизмом та комплексними порушеннями; розробляються нові організаційні форми навчання; однією з яких є дистанційна, що особливо необхідна для студентів-інвалідів, кількісний склад яких має стійку тенденцію до збільшення.
In the article the problem of modernization and preparation of skilled specialists is examined for work in the new terms of the special educational system. The analisis of becoming of the system of correction education is carried out in Ukraine, basic directions of its perfection (reformations) are certain and reasons of formation of crysis of education of persons with the special educational necessities. The purpose of this article is to define the basic trends of modernization of the correctional training of teachers in modern conditions. On the basis of experimental studies conducted at the Institute of correctional pedagogy and psychology of the identified new content and forms of training of specialists of new formation. New curriculum based training to work with children with autism and complex disorders; development of new organizational forms of education: one of them is remote, especially necessary for students with disabilities, the quantitative composition of which has steadily increased. Accordingly, systematic, purposeful work on language development promotes thinking development and namely its leading processes: synthesis, analysis, synthesis, which promotes activation of cognitive processes in general. Through logopedic therapy, influencing the formation of the language and speech components, following the principle "from simple to complex", the positive dynamics in the speech of mentally retarded pupils can be achieved even at the primary education level. Developing the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky, scientists, speech pathologists convincingly prove the need to use sensitive periods of development of higher mental functions, and develop controls for a comprehensive program of early (first months of life) psycho-pedagogical correction of the disturbed functions, and on this basis the earliest, full integration of the child in social and educational environment. Such research is in the area of early detection and early correction, allow our scientists to design the country's system of early diagnostics and correction, and on this basis to reach a level of psychophysical development of the child, which gave her the ability to join in a public environment at a certain age stage. Integration through early diagnosis and correction is considered as one of the most promising and viable ways of implementation and the main trends in the development of correctional education in Ukraine. The Institute has developed a programme for the early detection and correction on the basis of scientific research.
In the article the problem of modernization and preparation of skilled specialists is examined for work in the new terms of the special educational system. The analisis of becoming of the system of correction education is carried out in Ukraine, basic directions of its perfection (reformations) are certain and reasons of formation of crysis of education of persons with the special educational necessities. The purpose of this article is to define the basic trends of modernization of the correctional training of teachers in modern conditions. On the basis of experimental studies conducted at the Institute of correctional pedagogy and psychology of the identified new content and forms of training of specialists of new formation. New curriculum based training to work with children with autism and complex disorders; development of new organizational forms of education: one of them is remote, especially necessary for students with disabilities, the quantitative composition of which has steadily increased. Accordingly, systematic, purposeful work on language development promotes thinking development and namely its leading processes: synthesis, analysis, synthesis, which promotes activation of cognitive processes in general. Through logopedic therapy, influencing the formation of the language and speech components, following the principle "from simple to complex", the positive dynamics in the speech of mentally retarded pupils can be achieved even at the primary education level. Developing the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky, scientists, speech pathologists convincingly prove the need to use sensitive periods of development of higher mental functions, and develop controls for a comprehensive program of early (first months of life) psycho-pedagogical correction of the disturbed functions, and on this basis the earliest, full integration of the child in social and educational environment. Such research is in the area of early detection and early correction, allow our scientists to design the country's system of early diagnostics and correction, and on this basis to reach a level of psychophysical development of the child, which gave her the ability to join in a public environment at a certain age stage. Integration through early diagnosis and correction is considered as one of the most promising and viable ways of implementation and the main trends in the development of correctional education in Ukraine. The Institute has developed a programme for the early detection and correction on the basis of scientific research.
Ключові слова
модернізація підготовки, корекційна освіта, реформування корекційної освіти, комплексні порушення розвитку, Інститут корекційної педагогіки та психології, modernization of preparation, correction education, reformation of correction education, complex violation of development
Бібліографічний опис
Синьов, В. М. Основні тенденції модернізації підготовки корекційних педагогів в умовах реформування освітньої галузі [Текст] / В. М. Синьов, М. К. Шеремет // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 7 (51). – С. 390–396.