Профільне навчання дітей-сиріт та дітей, позбавлених батьківського піклування, які потребують корекції розумового розвитку, як педагогічна проблема
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У статті розглядається проблема профільного навчання розумово відсталих дітей у нових умовах спеціальної освітньої системи. Автори пропонують шляхи практичного вирішення педагогічної проблеми профільного навчання дітей-сиріт і дітей, позбавлених батьківського піклування, які потребують корекції розумового розвиту. У статті наведено результати експериментальної апробації моделі професійно-трудової реабілітації дітей-сиріт із порушеннями розумового розвитку на базі спеціального навчального закладу інтернатного типу.
This paper addresses the problem of profile education of mentally retarded children in the new conditions of the special education system. It is noted that in a boarding school for children of special importance and purposeful work of the teaching staff on the formation of the individual student with impaired mental and physical development, its social and psychological rehabilitation, employment adjustment successful socialization in society, which is consistent with current innovations, promoted modernization of traditional approaches to prepare students for independent living. The authors offer the ways of solving practical problems of pedagogical profile education of orphans and children deprived of parental care, requiring correction intelligence development. The essence of research in this area, which was the development of evidence-based models of Vocational Rehabilitation, which is implemented in the system profile education of mentally retarded orphan children without parental care, in the direction of agricultural-based education center as a condition optimal professional fulfillment of children’s integration into society and testing of the developed model in the practice of educational institution of that category. The authors describe a material that highlights the progress of research and teaching experiment «Vocational rehabilitation of orphans and children deprived of parental care, requiring correction of cognitive development by organizing training profile in terms of the education center». This paper presents the results of experimental testing of models Vocational rehabilitation of orphans with intellectual disabilities on the basis of special education boarding and results of a comparative analysis of the results of the monitoring of the dynamics of student achievements groups of vocational education within a few years of training. It is noted that the complex of measures on social and labor rehabilitation of students creates optimal conditions for further rehabilitation facility inmates. The conclusions on the feasibility for further implementation of structural and organizational model profile education of orphans and children deprived of parental care, requiring correction of intelligence development on the basis of special education boarding.
This paper addresses the problem of profile education of mentally retarded children in the new conditions of the special education system. It is noted that in a boarding school for children of special importance and purposeful work of the teaching staff on the formation of the individual student with impaired mental and physical development, its social and psychological rehabilitation, employment adjustment successful socialization in society, which is consistent with current innovations, promoted modernization of traditional approaches to prepare students for independent living. The authors offer the ways of solving practical problems of pedagogical profile education of orphans and children deprived of parental care, requiring correction intelligence development. The essence of research in this area, which was the development of evidence-based models of Vocational Rehabilitation, which is implemented in the system profile education of mentally retarded orphan children without parental care, in the direction of agricultural-based education center as a condition optimal professional fulfillment of children’s integration into society and testing of the developed model in the practice of educational institution of that category. The authors describe a material that highlights the progress of research and teaching experiment «Vocational rehabilitation of orphans and children deprived of parental care, requiring correction of cognitive development by organizing training profile in terms of the education center». This paper presents the results of experimental testing of models Vocational rehabilitation of orphans with intellectual disabilities on the basis of special education boarding and results of a comparative analysis of the results of the monitoring of the dynamics of student achievements groups of vocational education within a few years of training. It is noted that the complex of measures on social and labor rehabilitation of students creates optimal conditions for further rehabilitation facility inmates. The conclusions on the feasibility for further implementation of structural and organizational model profile education of orphans and children deprived of parental care, requiring correction of intelligence development on the basis of special education boarding.
Ключові слова
розумово відсталі учні, діти-сироти, трудова підготовка, профільне навчання, професійно-трудова реабілітація, mentally retarded students, children, orphans, employment training, specialized education, vocational and occupational rehabilitation
Бібліографічний опис
Хованова, О. А. Профільне навчання дітей-сиріт, позбавлених батьківського піклування, які потребують корекції розумового розвитку, як педагогічна проблема [Текст] / О. А. Хованова, О. В. Гарбуз // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 6 (40). – С. 319–326.