Аналіз сучасних досліджень щодо формування готовності майбутніх музичних керівників до застосування інноваційних технологій
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Стаття містить огляд сучасного стану та аналіз тенденцій розвитку наукових досліджень щодо формування готовності майбутніх музичних керівників застосовувати педагогічні інноваційні технології. Виокремлено основні проблемні аспекти в контексті компетентісної парадигми освіти майбутніх музичних керівників у вищих навчальних закладах. Уточнено понятійний апарат щодо компетенцій готовності майбутніх музичних керівників. Висвітлено основні музично-педагогічні компетенції готовності майбутніх музичних керівників, набуття яких створює базову основу для застосування будь-яких інноваційних технологій у мистецькій галузі освіти. Визначено перспективні напрями подальших досліджень.
The article provides an overview of the current status and trend analysis of the development of scientific research on the formation of readiness of future music teachers to the use of innovative teaching technologies. The main problematic aspects in the context of competence paradigm of education of future music teachers in higher education institutions are outlined. The conceptual apparatus concerning the competencies of the readiness of future music teachers is defined. The main musical and pedagogical competencies of future music teachers’ readiness, the acquisition of which creates the basis for the use of any innovative technologies in art education are revealed. The perspectives of further research are identified. The competency of the readiness of future music teachers is specified. The author defines the competency of readiness of a future music teacher as the component of professional competence of a future music teacher, which dynamically allocates pedagogical and artistic knowledge, skills, practical skills, ways of thinking, worldview and civic qualities, moral and ethical values that determine the ability of future music teacher to implement successfully future professional activities. It is noted that there are modern innovative pedagogical interactive technologies which can be used in the process of professional training of a future music teacher: individualized teaching – individual training that takes into account the individual peculiarities of a future music teacher: musical memory, musical intonation opportunities, creative imagination, artistic perception of agogna features and character and scenic art image of a musical work as a whole; lifelong learning – own further development of musical and pedagogical skills, attitudes and the personality (after graduation) by continuous training and improvement of competencies of readiness of the teacher; blended learning – synchronous in the audience combined with online communication over the Internet with the teacher on a certain topic. The analysis of the literature showed that the aspects of a future music teacher’s readiness to the use of innovative musical and pedagogical technologies are revealed in the scientific literature in fragments and concern mainly the individual readiness competencies of a future music teacher, which is insufficient in the modern competence paradigm of education.
The article provides an overview of the current status and trend analysis of the development of scientific research on the formation of readiness of future music teachers to the use of innovative teaching technologies. The main problematic aspects in the context of competence paradigm of education of future music teachers in higher education institutions are outlined. The conceptual apparatus concerning the competencies of the readiness of future music teachers is defined. The main musical and pedagogical competencies of future music teachers’ readiness, the acquisition of which creates the basis for the use of any innovative technologies in art education are revealed. The perspectives of further research are identified. The competency of the readiness of future music teachers is specified. The author defines the competency of readiness of a future music teacher as the component of professional competence of a future music teacher, which dynamically allocates pedagogical and artistic knowledge, skills, practical skills, ways of thinking, worldview and civic qualities, moral and ethical values that determine the ability of future music teacher to implement successfully future professional activities. It is noted that there are modern innovative pedagogical interactive technologies which can be used in the process of professional training of a future music teacher: individualized teaching – individual training that takes into account the individual peculiarities of a future music teacher: musical memory, musical intonation opportunities, creative imagination, artistic perception of agogna features and character and scenic art image of a musical work as a whole; lifelong learning – own further development of musical and pedagogical skills, attitudes and the personality (after graduation) by continuous training and improvement of competencies of readiness of the teacher; blended learning – synchronous in the audience combined with online communication over the Internet with the teacher on a certain topic. The analysis of the literature showed that the aspects of a future music teacher’s readiness to the use of innovative musical and pedagogical technologies are revealed in the scientific literature in fragments and concern mainly the individual readiness competencies of a future music teacher, which is insufficient in the modern competence paradigm of education.
Ключові слова
готовність, компетенція готовності, компетентність, педагог, інноваційна музично-педагогічна технологія, майбутній музичний керівник, парадигма компетентісної освіти, музичне мистецтво, майстерність майбутнього музичного керівника, readiness, competency of readiness, competence, teacher, innovative musical and pedagogical technology, future music teacher, paradigm of competence education, music, art, skill of future music teacher
Бібліографічний опис
Завгородня, М. О. Аналіз сучасних досліджень щодо формування готовності майбутніх музичних керівників до застосування інноваційних технологій [Текст] / М. О. Завгородня // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [ред. кол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 6 (40). – С. 204–212.