Тенденції соціально-педагогічної діяльності із сім’єю в умовах інформаційного суспільства: культурологічний підхід
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На підставі культурологічного підходу обґрунтовуються тенденції соціально-педагогічної діяльності із сім’єю, викликані трансформацією суспільства, в умовах становлення та розвитку інформаційної доби в Україні: суб’єктивні ─ підтримка «соціально здорової» (зокрема багатодітної) родини для зміцнення її позитивного іміджу та впливу на суспільство; сприяння реалізації принципу субсидіарності у взаємодії сім’ї та соціокультурного середовища територіальної громади; об’єктивні ─ супровід медіа-, кіберсоціалізації в родині; сприяння через соціально-педагогічну діяльність із сім’єю її сходженню до регіональної (європейської) та глобальної соціальності. Перспективами подальших наукових розвідок є оновлення сімейних соціально-педагогічних технологій та відповідного вдосконалення професійної освіти фахівців.
Based on culturological approach, the trends of social-pedagogical activity with the family, which were caused by society transformation under conditions of onset and progression of information age in Ukraine, are being substantiated. Extrapolations of modern family dynamics on social-pedagogical activity improvement towards raising family social education effectiveness allowed the substantiation of subjective (caused by the state of country’s transition from authoritarian to democratic society), as well as objective (transition from humanity’s industrial age to information age) trends. Subjective trends are: supporting a “socially healthy” family type for its positive image and influence on society strengthening (under conditions of demographic crisis and population die-out, a “socially healthy” is a family which – among other traditional traits – should be recognized as full, with many children and being pro-Ukrainian, as it must become the leading societal value, a part of national idea. This is exactly the family that can – especially through community organizations – support and help a family in crisis); facilitation of subsidiarity principle in family and local communities’ sociocultural environment interaction (recognition by local communities’ community organizations and family of its primacy and responsibility for community problems resolution, and, conversely, of family primacy for local community, which will become a preventive factor for family consumerism progression, especially for one with many children). Objective trends are: assistance in media- and cybersocialization within family (support of family’s positive social development – especially of the first and third age members – in global information space, particularly in its virtual part, as well as simultaneous prophylaxis of information slavery, cybernetic criminality, information aggression, consciousness manipulation, Internet addiction etc.); promotion of family’s regional (European) and global (formation of European and global social values, emotional and volitional qualities that will facilitate regional and universally human integration and consolidation, as well as family’s behavior as European and world social subject) sociality ascent through social-pedagogical activity with it. Prospects of further research are renewal of family social-pedagogical technologies and improvement of specialists’ professional education.
Based on culturological approach, the trends of social-pedagogical activity with the family, which were caused by society transformation under conditions of onset and progression of information age in Ukraine, are being substantiated. Extrapolations of modern family dynamics on social-pedagogical activity improvement towards raising family social education effectiveness allowed the substantiation of subjective (caused by the state of country’s transition from authoritarian to democratic society), as well as objective (transition from humanity’s industrial age to information age) trends. Subjective trends are: supporting a “socially healthy” family type for its positive image and influence on society strengthening (under conditions of demographic crisis and population die-out, a “socially healthy” is a family which – among other traditional traits – should be recognized as full, with many children and being pro-Ukrainian, as it must become the leading societal value, a part of national idea. This is exactly the family that can – especially through community organizations – support and help a family in crisis); facilitation of subsidiarity principle in family and local communities’ sociocultural environment interaction (recognition by local communities’ community organizations and family of its primacy and responsibility for community problems resolution, and, conversely, of family primacy for local community, which will become a preventive factor for family consumerism progression, especially for one with many children). Objective trends are: assistance in media- and cybersocialization within family (support of family’s positive social development – especially of the first and third age members – in global information space, particularly in its virtual part, as well as simultaneous prophylaxis of information slavery, cybernetic criminality, information aggression, consciousness manipulation, Internet addiction etc.); promotion of family’s regional (European) and global (formation of European and global social values, emotional and volitional qualities that will facilitate regional and universally human integration and consolidation, as well as family’s behavior as European and world social subject) sociality ascent through social-pedagogical activity with it. Prospects of further research are renewal of family social-pedagogical technologies and improvement of specialists’ professional education.
Ключові слова
соціально-педагогічна діяльність, сімʼя, інформаційне суспільство, культурологічний підхід, social-pedagogical activity, family, information society, culturological approach
Бібліографічний опис
Рижанова, А. О. Тенденції соціально-педагогічної діяльності із сім’єю в умовах інформаційного суспільства: культурологічний підхід [Текст] / А. О. Рижанова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 8 (52). – С. 395–402.