Дослідження готовністі молодих жінок до материнства: соціально-педагогічні аспекти
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Стаття присвячена проблемі готовності молодих жінок до материнства в контексті загострення соціально-педагогічних проблем інституту сім’ї, яка розширила межі свого дослідження і крім тих наук, які мають до неї безпосереднє відношення, на сьогодні стала предметом вивчення гуманітарних наук, у тому числі й соціальної педагогіки. На основі теоретичного аналізу та результатів проведення емпіричного дослідження констатовано, що молоді жінки, які перебувають у пологовому будинку, потребують допомоги кваліфікованих спеціалістів для підготовки їх до виконання виховних функцій, серед яких має бути й соціальний педагог (соціальний працівник).
The article reveals the problem of readiness of young women for motherhood in the context of exacerbation of socio-pedagogical problems of the family as a social institute because in addition of the sciences which have a direct relation to it (medicine, genetics, demographics, etc.) it has become a subject of study of humanities, including social pedagogy. The purpose of the article is to justify theoretically and explore experimentally the social and educational aspects of readiness of young women for motherhood. The researchers who have studied the above mentioned problem believe that readiness for motherhood has both a strong instinctive basis and is a personal quality, which reflects the cumulative experience of the relationship of women with their parents, family members, husband and others. Thus, indicators of readiness for motherhood are: communicative experience of young women from their early childhood; experiences of a child who is not yet born; installing the strategy of raising a child. In order to ascertain the readiness of young women for childbirth, we have conducted a study at prenatal hospital. Respondents were young women aged 18 to 25 years, waiting for the birth. The following methods were used: "Changing parental attitudes and reactions» (PARY), form of psychological readiness for motherhood, the questionnaire "My attitude to parenthood and family life." Results of the study allow us to conclude that young women are basically ready to take on the role of a mother and realize the importance of this role in marriage; their attitude to pregnancy is accompanied by positive emotions; they have a firm conviction regarding child-rearing style, based on previous experience of interaction with their parents. However, there is a need for professional help for young women who are going to have a baby, to prepare them to perform educational functions by qualified professionals, including today must be a social pedagogue (social worker), since 29% of respondents had negative feelings in connection with pregnancy, because knew that it was untimely and should decide to give birth or not.
The article reveals the problem of readiness of young women for motherhood in the context of exacerbation of socio-pedagogical problems of the family as a social institute because in addition of the sciences which have a direct relation to it (medicine, genetics, demographics, etc.) it has become a subject of study of humanities, including social pedagogy. The purpose of the article is to justify theoretically and explore experimentally the social and educational aspects of readiness of young women for motherhood. The researchers who have studied the above mentioned problem believe that readiness for motherhood has both a strong instinctive basis and is a personal quality, which reflects the cumulative experience of the relationship of women with their parents, family members, husband and others. Thus, indicators of readiness for motherhood are: communicative experience of young women from their early childhood; experiences of a child who is not yet born; installing the strategy of raising a child. In order to ascertain the readiness of young women for childbirth, we have conducted a study at prenatal hospital. Respondents were young women aged 18 to 25 years, waiting for the birth. The following methods were used: "Changing parental attitudes and reactions» (PARY), form of psychological readiness for motherhood, the questionnaire "My attitude to parenthood and family life." Results of the study allow us to conclude that young women are basically ready to take on the role of a mother and realize the importance of this role in marriage; their attitude to pregnancy is accompanied by positive emotions; they have a firm conviction regarding child-rearing style, based on previous experience of interaction with their parents. However, there is a need for professional help for young women who are going to have a baby, to prepare them to perform educational functions by qualified professionals, including today must be a social pedagogue (social worker), since 29% of respondents had negative feelings in connection with pregnancy, because knew that it was untimely and should decide to give birth or not.
Ключові слова
готовність молодих жінок до материнства, інститут сімʼї, соціальна педагогіка, молоді жінки, readiness of young women for motherhood, social institute, social pedagogy, young women
Бібліографічний опис
Конончук, А. І. Дослідження готовністі молодих жінок до материнства: соціально-педагогічні аспекти [Текст] / А. І. Конончук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 8 (52). – С. 348–355.