Ґенеза проблеми організації позакласної роботи з української мови у профільних філологічних класах як об’єкт теоретичного аналізу
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У статті розглядається проблема організації позакласної роботи з української мови у профільних філологічних класах. Метою статті є аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури, що висвітлює особливості організації позакласної роботи з української мови у процесі профільного навчання. Методологія дослідження передбачала використання теоретичних і практичних дослідницьких методів. Розглянуто питання дослідження позакласної роботи у вітчизняній і зарубіжній лінгводидактиці, окреслено тенденції організації позакласної роботи у профільній школі. Здійснено ретроспективний аналіз поняття «позакласна робота», «позаурочна робота», «позанавчальна робота», «позашкільна робота». Подається визначення «позакласна робота у профільних філологічних класах». Зроблено висновок про актуальність означеної проблеми в контексті стратегії модернізації освіти і передбачення подальших досліджень.
The problem of the Ukrainian language extracurricular activities’ organization in specialized philological classes is discussed. The article is aimed at analyses of the research-pedagogical literature that describes peculiarities of the Ukrainian language extracurricular activities’ organization in the specialized education. Research methodology included the use of theoretical and practical research methods. The question of research of extracurricular activities in domestic and foreign lingo didactics is considered. Trends of extracurricular activities' organization in a specialized school are outlined. Definitional analysis of the concept «out-of-class work», «off-hour work», «supplementary classes», «extracurricular activities» is carried out. Definition of «extracurricular activities in specialized philological classes» is suggested. The author underlines that being properly organized lesson involves the use of language material of extracurricular activities. Being well organized extracurricular classes enhance effective program material mastering, influence speech, intellectual, moral and ethical development of the individual. During the course of extracurricular activities students improve language, speech, communicative, social and cultural competence. Extracurricular activities in a specialized school are a powerful tool for professional orientation of students. The tasks of Ukrainian language extracurricular activities are in close interrelationship with the general objectives of Ukrainian language learning and have a common goal. There is an obvious need for extracurricular activities aimed at significant improvement of general language culture of students, enriching them with knowledge and skills, completion of vocational orientation, scientific popularization of the subject. The problem of improving the quality of extracurricular activities as the means of supplementary language education of students has always been very important. Various aspects of Ukrainian language extracurricular activities are considered in research papers describing content, methodology, objectives, purpose, principles, methods, organizational issues, ways and means. The conclusion about the urgency of the problem within the period of educational modernization strategy and prognosis of future research is carried out.
The problem of the Ukrainian language extracurricular activities’ organization in specialized philological classes is discussed. The article is aimed at analyses of the research-pedagogical literature that describes peculiarities of the Ukrainian language extracurricular activities’ organization in the specialized education. Research methodology included the use of theoretical and practical research methods. The question of research of extracurricular activities in domestic and foreign lingo didactics is considered. Trends of extracurricular activities' organization in a specialized school are outlined. Definitional analysis of the concept «out-of-class work», «off-hour work», «supplementary classes», «extracurricular activities» is carried out. Definition of «extracurricular activities in specialized philological classes» is suggested. The author underlines that being properly organized lesson involves the use of language material of extracurricular activities. Being well organized extracurricular classes enhance effective program material mastering, influence speech, intellectual, moral and ethical development of the individual. During the course of extracurricular activities students improve language, speech, communicative, social and cultural competence. Extracurricular activities in a specialized school are a powerful tool for professional orientation of students. The tasks of Ukrainian language extracurricular activities are in close interrelationship with the general objectives of Ukrainian language learning and have a common goal. There is an obvious need for extracurricular activities aimed at significant improvement of general language culture of students, enriching them with knowledge and skills, completion of vocational orientation, scientific popularization of the subject. The problem of improving the quality of extracurricular activities as the means of supplementary language education of students has always been very important. Various aspects of Ukrainian language extracurricular activities are considered in research papers describing content, methodology, objectives, purpose, principles, methods, organizational issues, ways and means. The conclusion about the urgency of the problem within the period of educational modernization strategy and prognosis of future research is carried out.
Ключові слова
позакласна робота з української мови, профільне навчання, профільні філологічні класи, позаурочна робота, позанавчальна робота, позашкільна робота, out-of-class work, off-hour work, supplementary classes, Ukrainian language extracurricular classes, specialized education, specialized philological classes
Бібліографічний опис
Діденко, Н. М. Ґенеза проблеми організації позакласної роботи з української мови у профільних філологічних класах як об’єкт теоретичного аналізу [Текст] / Н. М. Діденко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 5 (49). – С. 109–116.