Корекція деформацій нижніх кінцівок казково-ігровими засобами
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У статті висвітлюється інноваційна реабілітаційна методика для дітей старшого дошкільного віку з плоскостопістю, що містить чотири комплекси коригуючих вправ із використанням спеціальних казково-ігрових посібників «Черепашка», «Тигрячі лапки», дитячих тренажерів «Гармошка», «Лук», гантель «Їжачок», для цілеспрямованого розвитку ослаблених м’язових груп тулуба й кінцівок та формування стереотипу правильної ходьби.
Методика впроваджувалась у два етапи: навчально-підготовчому, який тривав 2 тижні, та корекційно-тренуючому, що продовжувався до кінця дослідження.
The paper deals with the rehabilitation methodology for children of the senior preschool age by means of the author’s correctional health-technology «Bohatir». The methodology includes four sets of specially designed corrective exercises: «Gymnastics of Tiger-cubs», «Hedgehog-traveler», «Make friends with a turtle» and «A set of power corrective exercises with special children’s simulators «Pedal», «Wedge», «Accordion» and «Bow». In the «Set of power corrective exercises with special children’s simulators», children’s foam simulator «Accordion» for developing strength and strength endurance of flexors and limbs adductors, expander «Bow» for developing strength and strength endurance of extensors and extremities abductor muscles have been implemented. In the set of simulation exercises «Hedgehog-traveler», strength exercises with children’s dumbbells «Hedgehog» were used, the weight of which was being gradually increased from 100 g. up to 300 g., owing to which children in different starting positions performed non-standard motions for the development of trunk and limbs weakened muscle groups. A set of exercises «Make friends with a turtle» included the exercises on formation of the stereotype of correct posture and walk with the device «Turtle» that children were holding on their head during performing the exercises on balance and coordination. The methodology was implemented at two stages: preparatory-training that lasted for 2 weeks, and correction-training that lasted up to the end of the experiment. In the process of preparatory-training stage, when the tone of the major muscle groups was insufficient, the children were being taught to perform technically correct strength exercises for 6-8 times in one attempt. In the correctional-training period, the quantity of repetitions for each exercise was being gradually increased up to 8-10 times and they were being performed in a slow motion, smoothly, without jerks, without holding the breath.
The paper deals with the rehabilitation methodology for children of the senior preschool age by means of the author’s correctional health-technology «Bohatir». The methodology includes four sets of specially designed corrective exercises: «Gymnastics of Tiger-cubs», «Hedgehog-traveler», «Make friends with a turtle» and «A set of power corrective exercises with special children’s simulators «Pedal», «Wedge», «Accordion» and «Bow». In the «Set of power corrective exercises with special children’s simulators», children’s foam simulator «Accordion» for developing strength and strength endurance of flexors and limbs adductors, expander «Bow» for developing strength and strength endurance of extensors and extremities abductor muscles have been implemented. In the set of simulation exercises «Hedgehog-traveler», strength exercises with children’s dumbbells «Hedgehog» were used, the weight of which was being gradually increased from 100 g. up to 300 g., owing to which children in different starting positions performed non-standard motions for the development of trunk and limbs weakened muscle groups. A set of exercises «Make friends with a turtle» included the exercises on formation of the stereotype of correct posture and walk with the device «Turtle» that children were holding on their head during performing the exercises on balance and coordination. The methodology was implemented at two stages: preparatory-training that lasted for 2 weeks, and correction-training that lasted up to the end of the experiment. In the process of preparatory-training stage, when the tone of the major muscle groups was insufficient, the children were being taught to perform technically correct strength exercises for 6-8 times in one attempt. In the correctional-training period, the quantity of repetitions for each exercise was being gradually increased up to 8-10 times and they were being performed in a slow motion, smoothly, without jerks, without holding the breath.
Ключові слова
реабілітаційна методика, діти старшого дошкільного віку, спеціальні тренажери, плоскостопість, rehabilitation methodology, children of senior preschool age, special simulators, flat feet
Бібліографічний опис
Корж, Ю. М. Корекція деформацій нижніх кінцівок казково-ігровими засобами [Текст] / Ю. М. Корж // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 4 (48). – С. 18–24.