Формування системи педагогічної освіти в Ірландії до 1922 року

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У статті визначено суспільно-економічні чинники, що впливали на формування системи педагогічної освіти Ірландії до часів незалежності, висвітлено особливості професійної підготовки вчителів і проаналізовано основні моделі підготовки вчителів у Ірландії до 1922 року. Досліджуючи українські та зарубіжні джерела, автор застосовує такі наукові методи: аналітичний, історико-ретроспективний та метод теоретичного узагальнення. Доведено, що підготовка майбутніх педагогів початкової школи до часів незалежності в країні проводилася переважно на дворічних курсах у коледжах закритого типу, які знаходилися під патронатом церкви, вчителі ж середньої школи отримували освіту за моделлю послідовної педагогічної освіти.
The aim of the article is to cover the socio-economic factors, that influenced the formation of teacher education system in Ireland till its independence, to determine the peculiarities of teachers’ training system and to analyze the main teacher training models in Ireland until 1922. Studying Ukrainian and foreign sources, the author uses the following research methods: analytical, historical retrospective and theoretical generalization. The article opens with the detailed analysis of the emergence of the teachers’ training system in pre-Independent Ireland. The main factors, that influenced its formation, were the provision of schooling by government, the activity of Catholic and Protestant religious bodies and the government policy of the United Kingdom. The national system of education was founded in Ireland in 1831. In this period of time the Commissioners of National Education worked out a plan for a two-year pre-service teacher training programme. The Central teaching establishment in Marlborough Street in Dublin and provincial model schools together with the new programme were to be the integral parts of the new system of teacher education. According to the different sources of information there were about 27 schools in the country by 1867. The article also casts light on the apprenticeship way of teacher training in the model schools. The best pupils, aged 14–16, were examined by the district inspector and on successful passing became monitors, who were leaning teaching profession, being involved into it. Model schools and the Central teacher training college operated under full control of the Board of the Commissioners of National Education, all teacher training establishments were either mixed-denominational or even non-denominational. All these factors put together appeared to be controversial to both churches: Catholic and Protestant, and as a result, Catholic Church banned the attendance of model schools and teacher training college. In 1870 The Powis Commission came to the conclusion, that teacher training in Ireland was unsatisfactory and recommended to establish state-supported denominational teacher training colleges. So, by 1922 colleges provided training of the future primary school teachers in single-sex study groups on two-year courses, moreover, these institutions belonged to a particular religion, and the special emphasis was given to the socialization task of young teachers. The common teacher training model for secondary school appeared a bit later and took the form of a consecutive model of teacher education, according to which, it was possible to get appropriate secondary school teacher training, graduating from part-time courses. On successful completion of such courses the future secondary school teachers were awarded the Higher Diploma in Education. In our future research works we are going to determine and highlight the periods of teacher education of the Republic of Ireland.
Ключові слова
педагогічна освіта, професійна підготовка, вчителі початкової школи, модель послідовної педагогічної освіти, teacher education, teacher training, primary school teachers, consecutive training model
Бібліографічний опис
Лисенко, О. Формування системи педагогічної освіти в Ірландії до 1922 року [Текст] / О. Лисенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 6 (60). – С. 240–252.