Самореалізація учнів під час проєктної діяльності на уроках біології
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкрито проблему самореалізації учнів під час проєктної діяльності на уроках біології. Відзначається, що існує проблема вдосконалення технологій, форм, методів навчання, що забезпечують розвиток ініціативності, активності, креативності, самостійності учнів. Акцентується увага на тому, що самореалізація учнів як шлях до формування компетентності в системі проєктного навчання включає: пошукову, дослідницьку, аналітичну, виконавську, комунікативну та рефлексивну діяльність. Обґрунтовуються критерії, компоненти та рівні самореалізації учнів, що відображають ступінь розкриття пізнавальних можливостей, мотиваційної складової процесу навчання, перспектив саморозвитку, самовдосконалення, самоактуалізації в ході створення учнями творчого освітнього продукту.
The article reveals the problem of students’ self-realization during project activities at the biology lessons. It is noted that there is a problem of improving technologies, forms, teaching methods that ensure development of initiative, activity, creativity, independence of students. The author emphasizes that technologies, forms, methods, techniques of teaching that promote the maximum disclosure of initiative, activity, creativity, self- realization of students remain insufficiently theoretically substantiated and researched. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the essence of students’ self-realization at the biology lessons during the project activities. Research methods. Theoretical: analysis of psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature, generalization, systematization – to reveal the content of basic concepts, approaches, models of the studied phenomena; empirical: pedagogical observation and analysis of students’ learning activities during the implementation of the projects. Emphasis is placed on the fact that students’ self-realization as a way to form competence in the system of project-based learning includes: search, research, analytical, executive, communicative and reflective activities. The article presents the structure of students’ self-realization during the project activities, namely, motivational-target, content and effective components. The author substantiates the criteria of students’ self- realization: students’ knowledge potential, their competence, peculiarities of the cognitive process and personal characteristics (self-correction, self-regulation, self-control of activities, self-development, self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-expression, self- presentation, self-actualization). The article characterizes the levels of students’ self- realization, reflecting the degree of disclosure of cognitive abilities. The author concludes that the project activity provides disclosure and growth of cognitive abilities and students’ abilities, strengthening the motivational component of the learning process, making a creative educational product by students and enhances their self-realization as a way to acquire competencies.
The article reveals the problem of students’ self-realization during project activities at the biology lessons. It is noted that there is a problem of improving technologies, forms, teaching methods that ensure development of initiative, activity, creativity, independence of students. The author emphasizes that technologies, forms, methods, techniques of teaching that promote the maximum disclosure of initiative, activity, creativity, self- realization of students remain insufficiently theoretically substantiated and researched. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the essence of students’ self-realization at the biology lessons during the project activities. Research methods. Theoretical: analysis of psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature, generalization, systematization – to reveal the content of basic concepts, approaches, models of the studied phenomena; empirical: pedagogical observation and analysis of students’ learning activities during the implementation of the projects. Emphasis is placed on the fact that students’ self-realization as a way to form competence in the system of project-based learning includes: search, research, analytical, executive, communicative and reflective activities. The article presents the structure of students’ self-realization during the project activities, namely, motivational-target, content and effective components. The author substantiates the criteria of students’ self- realization: students’ knowledge potential, their competence, peculiarities of the cognitive process and personal characteristics (self-correction, self-regulation, self-control of activities, self-development, self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-expression, self- presentation, self-actualization). The article characterizes the levels of students’ self- realization, reflecting the degree of disclosure of cognitive abilities. The author concludes that the project activity provides disclosure and growth of cognitive abilities and students’ abilities, strengthening the motivational component of the learning process, making a creative educational product by students and enhances their self-realization as a way to acquire competencies.
Ключові слова
самореалізація, компетентність, пізнавальна діяльність, проєктна діяльність, урок біології, мотивація, рівні самореалізації, методи навчання, self-realization, competence, cognitive activity, project activity, biology lesson, motivation, levels of self-realization, teaching methods
Бібліографічний опис
Генкал, С. Самореалізація учнів під час проєктної діяльності на уроках біології [Текст] / С. Генкал // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 1 (115). – С. 199–210. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2022.01/199-210.