Методологічне обґрунтування побудови моделі розвитку інформаційної культури учасників навчально-виховного процесу в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі
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У статті уточнено поняття «інформаційна культура» та «інформаційна культура учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів», розкрито зміст поняття «кібер-булінг»; обґрунтовано побудову моделі розвитку інформаційної культури учасників навчально-виховного процесу в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі, а саме розкрито її структурні компоненти (методологічний та нормативний). Встановлено, що методологічною базою створення моделі розвитку інформаційної культури учасників навчально-виховного процесу в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі є уявлення щодо керованості освітнього процесу в ЗНЗ, уточнене шляхом виокремлення часових характеристик об’єкта управління; структуровано етапи формування інформаційної культури учасників навчально-виховного процесу в навчальному закладі; визначено умови й компоненти розвитку інформаційної культури учасників навчально-виховного процесу в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі та рівні їх сформованості.
The article clarified the concept of information culture and information culture of the secondary school students, revealed the concept of “cyber-bullying”, which in the form of aggression involves violent acts with the aim of bringing harm or humiliation of the person using the information and communication tools, mobile phones, e-mail, social networks and the like; reasonable construction of the model of development of information culture of the participants in the educational process in secondary schools, namely solved its structural components (methodological and normative). It was found out that the methodological basis of creation in secondary schools of a model of development of information culture of the participants of the educational process is a representation of the handling of the educational process in the GЕI, which are clarified by allocating time characteristics of the control object. Also it is determined that the legal base of educational process management in the education institutions is a dynamic information system, which has external (global, national and regional) and internal components. Dynamism of the legal framework makes it necessary to develop activities and resources of the organization of information flows. The study is structured in the stages of formation of information culture of the participants in the educational process in the school. The conditions (understanding of the role of information in society, knowledge of information resources and commitment to their perception, the ability to search for information and select it from a variety of sources, the ability to analytical processing, use and creation of a new information, cyber-bullying prevention), components (the experience practice; the communicative experience of the person; the experience of creativity; communication expertise) of the development of information culture of the participants of the educational process at school and levels (high, good, medium, and low) and their formation are defined. It is concluded that the creation and realization of the model of formation of the information culture of the participants of the educational process in the secondary schools is vital for our time and society. The realization of this model is possible in any education institution at any stage of development of the information educational environment.
The article clarified the concept of information culture and information culture of the secondary school students, revealed the concept of “cyber-bullying”, which in the form of aggression involves violent acts with the aim of bringing harm or humiliation of the person using the information and communication tools, mobile phones, e-mail, social networks and the like; reasonable construction of the model of development of information culture of the participants in the educational process in secondary schools, namely solved its structural components (methodological and normative). It was found out that the methodological basis of creation in secondary schools of a model of development of information culture of the participants of the educational process is a representation of the handling of the educational process in the GЕI, which are clarified by allocating time characteristics of the control object. Also it is determined that the legal base of educational process management in the education institutions is a dynamic information system, which has external (global, national and regional) and internal components. Dynamism of the legal framework makes it necessary to develop activities and resources of the organization of information flows. The study is structured in the stages of formation of information culture of the participants in the educational process in the school. The conditions (understanding of the role of information in society, knowledge of information resources and commitment to their perception, the ability to search for information and select it from a variety of sources, the ability to analytical processing, use and creation of a new information, cyber-bullying prevention), components (the experience practice; the communicative experience of the person; the experience of creativity; communication expertise) of the development of information culture of the participants of the educational process at school and levels (high, good, medium, and low) and their formation are defined. It is concluded that the creation and realization of the model of formation of the information culture of the participants of the educational process in the secondary schools is vital for our time and society. The realization of this model is possible in any education institution at any stage of development of the information educational environment.
Ключові слова
навчання, навчально-виховний процес, інформаційна культура, модель, загальноосвітній навчальний заклад, інформаційно-освітньє середовище, education, educational process, information culture, model, general education institution, information and educational environment
Бібліографічний опис
Дубініна, О. Методологічне обґрунтування побудови моделі розвитку інформаційної культури учасників навчально-виховного процесу в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі [Текст] / О. Дубініна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 282–289.