Оцінка стану сценічного хвилювання в музикантів-педагогів на етапі професійної підготовки
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З метою встановлення проявів стану сценічного хвилювання в музикантів-педагогів на етапі професійної підготовки проведено опитування за анкетою «Суб’єктивна оцінка стану сценічного хвилювання». Стан сценічного хвилювання в музикантів педагогів характеризується «відчуттям хвилювання» (68,42±10,66 % p≤0,05, t=2,44), підвищенням температури (21,05±9,35 %, p≤ 0,001, t=4,38), хворобливістю (21,05±9,35 %, p≤ 0,001, t=4,38) та апатією (89,47±7,04 %, p≤0,001, t=7,93) по завершенню виступу. Визначальними стадіями є тривалий передконцертний і післяконцертний стани. Перспективи подальших наукових розвідок полягають у виявленні закономірностей прояву стану сценічного хвилювання залежно від стажу та виду професійної діяльності.
The work of music teaching staff is related to mental that requires creativity and under this category is characterized by psycho-emotional stress. The high level of efficiency of musician-teachers depends on the ability to experience the state of stage fright at an optimum level that is psychological skills training for a concert performance. The purpose of the article is to display the state of stage fright of musician-teachers on the stage of training for subjective evaluation. The state of stage fright is evaluated by a specially designed questionnaire «Subjective assessment of scenic excitement». The questionnaire included 22 questions that reflected the signs of the state of stage fright. The respondents were 21 students of the Faculty of Arts Sumy State Pedagogical University. The state of stage fright of musician-teachers is characterized by the sense of excitement (68,42 ±10,66 % p≤0,05, t = 2,44), temperature increase (21,05 ±9,35 %, p≤ 0,001, t=4.38), morbidity (21,05 ±9,35 %, p≤ 0,001, t=4,38) and apathy (89,47 ±7,04 %, p≤0,001, t=7,93) on completion of performance. The evaluation results reveal the state of stage fright of musician-teachers during training at the revealed major stages, namely a long and scenic excitement that requires the use of additional methods of psychological and technical preparation. The established structure causes an external influence during the concert performance: organizational (63,64±10,50%), audience factor (27,28 ±9,72 %), hygiene (9,09 ±6,27 %). The survey found the use of various psychological techniques of musician-teachers to prepare for the concert performance. Specifically, 47,37 ±10,90 % of respondents chose the psychological techniques of breath control, auto-training method of immersion. To acquire the optimum state of stage fright 15,78 ±7,96 % during the break the musician-teachers use appli¬cations, visualization and a prayer in the concert performance as a full time focus. As a mani¬festation of panic in order to reduce the stage fright the musician-teacher uses relaxation (10,53 ±6,70 %). However, 21,05 ±8,90 % cases in practice the musician-teachers do not use psycho¬logical techniques during the concert performance that may require an individual approach to choosing a productive way of overcoming the negative side of the state of stage fright. A prospect of further scientific studies is to identify the regularities of the state of stage fright depending on the length and type of professional activity.
The work of music teaching staff is related to mental that requires creativity and under this category is characterized by psycho-emotional stress. The high level of efficiency of musician-teachers depends on the ability to experience the state of stage fright at an optimum level that is psychological skills training for a concert performance. The purpose of the article is to display the state of stage fright of musician-teachers on the stage of training for subjective evaluation. The state of stage fright is evaluated by a specially designed questionnaire «Subjective assessment of scenic excitement». The questionnaire included 22 questions that reflected the signs of the state of stage fright. The respondents were 21 students of the Faculty of Arts Sumy State Pedagogical University. The state of stage fright of musician-teachers is characterized by the sense of excitement (68,42 ±10,66 % p≤0,05, t = 2,44), temperature increase (21,05 ±9,35 %, p≤ 0,001, t=4.38), morbidity (21,05 ±9,35 %, p≤ 0,001, t=4,38) and apathy (89,47 ±7,04 %, p≤0,001, t=7,93) on completion of performance. The evaluation results reveal the state of stage fright of musician-teachers during training at the revealed major stages, namely a long and scenic excitement that requires the use of additional methods of psychological and technical preparation. The established structure causes an external influence during the concert performance: organizational (63,64±10,50%), audience factor (27,28 ±9,72 %), hygiene (9,09 ±6,27 %). The survey found the use of various psychological techniques of musician-teachers to prepare for the concert performance. Specifically, 47,37 ±10,90 % of respondents chose the psychological techniques of breath control, auto-training method of immersion. To acquire the optimum state of stage fright 15,78 ±7,96 % during the break the musician-teachers use appli¬cations, visualization and a prayer in the concert performance as a full time focus. As a mani¬festation of panic in order to reduce the stage fright the musician-teacher uses relaxation (10,53 ±6,70 %). However, 21,05 ±8,90 % cases in practice the musician-teachers do not use psycho¬logical techniques during the concert performance that may require an individual approach to choosing a productive way of overcoming the negative side of the state of stage fright. A prospect of further scientific studies is to identify the regularities of the state of stage fright depending on the length and type of professional activity.
Ключові слова
сценічне хвилювання, музиканти-педагоги, хвилювання-підйом, хвилювання-паніка, хвилювання-апатія, scenic excitement, musician-teachers, excitement-lift, excitement-panic, excitement-apathy
Бібліографічний опис
Латіна, Г. Оцінка стану сценічного хвилювання в музикантів-педагогів на етапі професійної підготовки [Текст] / Г. Латіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 197–204.