Моніторинг використання арт-терапевтичних технологій учителями початкової школи

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У статті розкрито сутність поняття моніторинг. Представлено результати моніторингового дослідження використання арт-терапевтичних технологій учителями початкової школи. Дослідження передбачало вивчення в учителів-практиків початкової школи суджень щодо практичної готовності до використання арт-терапевтичних технологій; спектр заходів, що посилюють професійну підготовку вчителя початкової школи до використання означених технологій. Встановлено, що здійснювати діагностико-корекційну роботу з молодшими школярами може вчитель початкових класів, залучаючи до цього необхідних фахівців.
In the article the core of the term monitoring that is a system of collecting, treating, keeping, sharing the information about any system or its separate elements is discovered. The system that is directed toward information support of managing this system gives an opportunity to pass a judgment upon its condition and gives an opportunity to foresee its development. The results of monitoring investigation of art-therapeutical technologies by primary school teachers are presented. A diagnostic investigation was conducted in order to study the state of applying of art-therapy and art-therapeutical technologies by the teacher-practitioners. 181 primary school teachers from Ternopil, Izmail, and Poltava were the object of the investigation. Teachers were divided into three categories according to their pedagogical service, namely to 3 years, to 10 years, more than 10 years. The investigation expected primary school teacher-practitioners to study the judgments about practical readiness for applying art-therapeutical technologies, range of measures that boost professional training of the primary school teacher for applying above mentioned technologies. The conducted monitoring investigation gave some grounds to come to such conclusions. First of all, primary school has got a traditional teaching system of younger pupils. We can discuss only rare cases of teachers’ interest to non-traditional forms, methods and technologies at school, as a rule, teachers with a little length of service. Second, particularly as regards primary school teacher’s work, he or she stays with his or her pupils for a long time. The teacher observes them during different lessons, consequently, knows his pupils better and has more opportunities for teaching, educational and developmental influence. Third, a primary school teacher can put into practice diagnostics and correction work with younger pupils, attracting necessary specialists. Fourth, art-therapy and art-therapeutical technologies have tremendous opportunities from diagnostics to correction therapeutical effect; consequently, they can be successfully applied for optimization of educational process in the primary school. Further research requires the analysis of foreign experience of the use of art-therapeutical technologies by the primary school teachers in their professional activities.
Ключові слова
моніторинг, арт-терапія, арт-терапевтичні технології, учитель початкової школи, початкова школа, професійна діяльність, monitoring, art-therapy, art-therapeutical technologies, primary school teacher, primary school, professional activity
Бібліографічний опис
Сорока, О. Моніторинг використання арт-терапевтичних технологій учителями початкової школи [Текст] / О. Сорока // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 151–160.