Середньовічна і класична університетська традиція Німеччини
Чухно Людмила Анатоліївна
Chukhno Liudmyla Anatoliivna
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Назва тому
У статті розглянуто два історичних періоди, що особливо позначилися на формуванні системи вищої освіти Німеччини: Середні віки та епоха Просвітництва та період німецького ідеалізму. Піднято питання традиційного німецького університету та організації в ньому навчального процесу, що було запозичено низкою європейських країн, дало відмінні результати й можна з успіхом застосовувати в національних ВНЗ. На основі порівняльного аналізу зроблено висновки про те, що обидва історичних періоди по-своєму вплинули на формування та розвиток німецьких університетів. Визначено місце вищих навчальних закладів неуніверситетського типу, зокрема педагогічного та технічного профілю досліджуваного історичного проміжку, що може стати перспективою подальших наукових розвідок.
Two historical periods are especially crucial for the German university tradition: the European universities medieval founding and neohumanistic renewal and reform of university education system in Prussia in the early nineteenth century. German universities historical roots reach the common European tradition of the medieval universities, which appeared in the XII century in Bologna and Paris. These «universitatis magistrorum et scholarium», the corporate units of those, who teach and those who learn (teachers and students) were given Pope and Kaiser privileges. They had the right, independently to conduct their internal affairs, to pass and to take examinations and to award academic degrees with extra-regional recognition. The Universities were not professional or specialized agencies, but covered, all that time, fields of science. The neohumanistic university reform, which is the starting point of establishing the Berlin University (1809–1810), belongs to the second period, which is characterized by accelerated development of German universities based on the classical tradition. The neohumanistic educational tradition of the individual personality development through the self-study and “the university idea”, which is derived from the philosophical doctrine of German idealism (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schelling), has maintained its appeal even today. The main points of Humboldt concept of the university were: far achieved public universities internal autonomy, their self government through Heads of Departments (ordinarii), the main emphasis on free trials, which should be directly responsible to the public interest, and direct combination of the university preparation academic and professional components (learning process – practice as a specialty). This is precisely why, postulates were answered “education freedom“ and “the research unity and teaching process”. According to the principle “education through science” was built all didactic system, that had to encourage student to independent thinking and to develop and his personal qualities, that are required to perform perfectly certain functions for professional and social sense.
Two historical periods are especially crucial for the German university tradition: the European universities medieval founding and neohumanistic renewal and reform of university education system in Prussia in the early nineteenth century. German universities historical roots reach the common European tradition of the medieval universities, which appeared in the XII century in Bologna and Paris. These «universitatis magistrorum et scholarium», the corporate units of those, who teach and those who learn (teachers and students) were given Pope and Kaiser privileges. They had the right, independently to conduct their internal affairs, to pass and to take examinations and to award academic degrees with extra-regional recognition. The Universities were not professional or specialized agencies, but covered, all that time, fields of science. The neohumanistic university reform, which is the starting point of establishing the Berlin University (1809–1810), belongs to the second period, which is characterized by accelerated development of German universities based on the classical tradition. The neohumanistic educational tradition of the individual personality development through the self-study and “the university idea”, which is derived from the philosophical doctrine of German idealism (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schelling), has maintained its appeal even today. The main points of Humboldt concept of the university were: far achieved public universities internal autonomy, their self government through Heads of Departments (ordinarii), the main emphasis on free trials, which should be directly responsible to the public interest, and direct combination of the university preparation academic and professional components (learning process – practice as a specialty). This is precisely why, postulates were answered “education freedom“ and “the research unity and teaching process”. According to the principle “education through science” was built all didactic system, that had to encourage student to independent thinking and to develop and his personal qualities, that are required to perform perfectly certain functions for professional and social sense.
Ключові слова
вища освіта, університет, організація навчання, традиція, неогуманізм, університетська реформа, свобода навчання, єдність освіти і науки, higher education, university, organization of training, tradition, neohumanism, university reform, education freedom, education and science unity
Бібліографічний опис
Чухно, Л. Середньовічна і класична університетська традиція Німеччини [Текст] / Л. Чухно // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 77–83.