Потенціал театрально-педагогічних технологій щодо гендерної соціалізації студентів педагогічних закладів вищої освіти засобами позанавчальної діяльності
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті схарактеризовано потенціал театрально-педагогічних технологій щодо гендерної соціалізації студентів педагогічних закладів вищої освіти засобами позанавчальної діяльності. Уточнено сутність понять «гендерна соціалізація», «театральні технології», «театрально-педагогічні технології». Розкрито функції театрально-педагогічних технологій у контексті оптимізації соціокультурного середовища педагогічного закладу вищої освіти з точки зору завдань гендерної соціалізації майбутніх педагогів.
The article characterizes the potential of theatrical and pedagogical technologies for gender socialization of students of pedagogical higher education institutions by means of extracurricular activities. The identity of the meanings of the potential of theatrical technologies and extracurricular activities of students is substantiated: nonlinearity, indirectness, self-actualization, complementarity, cooperation, compensability, flexibility, tolerance, recreation. The essence of the concepts “gender socialization”, “theatrical technologies”, “theatrical and pedagogical technologies” is specified. Theatrical technologies are interpreted as an ordered (in time, space, methods of interaction of subjects and objects, etc.) set of means for realizing the process of activity, the leading integrative characteristic of which is theatricality. Theatrical and pedagogical technologies are defined as specific to theatrical technologies, i.e. those of them, the direct subject of which is implementation of pedagogical influence on the individual. The functions of theatrical and pedagogical technologies in the context of optimizing the sociocultural environment of the pedagogical institution of higher education from the point of view of the tasks of gender socialization of future teachers are revealed. In particular, it is determined that the use of theatrical and pedagogical technologies contributes to the approximation of the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment of the higher education institution in three essential requirements: formation and satisfaction of student needs for knowledge and mastery of egalitarian gender values and norms; creating conditions for self-realization and personal self-development in accordance with the requirements of gender equality; ensuring the transmission of socio-cultural potential free from all forms of gender discrimination. It is found out that the essential characteristics of theatrical and pedagogical technologies best correspond to the new paradigm of pedagogical education – post-classical pedagogy, which shifts the emphasis in the content of modern higher education from the translation of knowledge and values to the organization of changing conditions of cognition. At the same time, the task of forming the students’ egalitarian worldview is decisive. Value (nonviolent) attitude to the world, society, personality is determined by the core of the professional system of the teacher and it can’t be ensured by only rational and logical influence.
The article characterizes the potential of theatrical and pedagogical technologies for gender socialization of students of pedagogical higher education institutions by means of extracurricular activities. The identity of the meanings of the potential of theatrical technologies and extracurricular activities of students is substantiated: nonlinearity, indirectness, self-actualization, complementarity, cooperation, compensability, flexibility, tolerance, recreation. The essence of the concepts “gender socialization”, “theatrical technologies”, “theatrical and pedagogical technologies” is specified. Theatrical technologies are interpreted as an ordered (in time, space, methods of interaction of subjects and objects, etc.) set of means for realizing the process of activity, the leading integrative characteristic of which is theatricality. Theatrical and pedagogical technologies are defined as specific to theatrical technologies, i.e. those of them, the direct subject of which is implementation of pedagogical influence on the individual. The functions of theatrical and pedagogical technologies in the context of optimizing the sociocultural environment of the pedagogical institution of higher education from the point of view of the tasks of gender socialization of future teachers are revealed. In particular, it is determined that the use of theatrical and pedagogical technologies contributes to the approximation of the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment of the higher education institution in three essential requirements: formation and satisfaction of student needs for knowledge and mastery of egalitarian gender values and norms; creating conditions for self-realization and personal self-development in accordance with the requirements of gender equality; ensuring the transmission of socio-cultural potential free from all forms of gender discrimination. It is found out that the essential characteristics of theatrical and pedagogical technologies best correspond to the new paradigm of pedagogical education – post-classical pedagogy, which shifts the emphasis in the content of modern higher education from the translation of knowledge and values to the organization of changing conditions of cognition. At the same time, the task of forming the students’ egalitarian worldview is decisive. Value (nonviolent) attitude to the world, society, personality is determined by the core of the professional system of the teacher and it can’t be ensured by only rational and logical influence.
Ключові слова
гендерна соціалізація, позанавчальна діяльність, соціокультурне середовище, театральні технології, театрально-педагогічні технології, gender socialization, extracurricular activities, socio-cultural environment, theatrical technologies, theatrical and pedagogical technologies
Бібліографічний опис
Полякова, О. Потенціал театрально-педагогічних технологій щодо гендерної соціалізації студентів педагогічних закладів вищої освіти засобами позанавчальної діяльності [Текст] / О. Полякова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 7 (101). – С. 107–117. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.07/107-117.