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Документ About Modern Thematic Preparation for EIA in Mathematics: Text Problems(ФОП Цьома С. П., 2020) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Zakhariichenko Yurii Oleksiiovych; Захарійченко Юрій ОлексійовичIn present-day realities, the relevance of research on thematic preparation for the EIA in mathematics is undeniable. In the report, we present the individual typical tasks of the content block «Text Problems» and provide methodological comments for these solutions. Traditionally, this topic cause significant difficulties for students in preparing for the test, so it is advisable for the teacher to pay special attention to it. We believe that a properly organized thematic systematization and repetition of the school course of mathematics will allow students to successfully complete the math exams, and to help teachers reach this success.Документ About the Monitoring System of Quality of Preparation to EIA in Mathematics in Ukraine(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Zakhariichenko Yurii Oleksiiovych; Захарійченко Юрій ОлексійовичIn modern conditions, the relevance of the monitoring of the quality of the preparation for EIA does not raise doubts about the mathematics of senior school pupils. Particularly, very important is the timely diagnosis of existing gaps in the preparation of theoretical material and during solving test tasks of various forms during all the term of studying in grade 11. In this article, we present one of the possible models for organizing a system for monitoring the preparation for the external assessment in mathematics of Ukrainian graduates. We will also develop methodological guidelines for the creation and implementation of diagnostic and training tests during preparation for the independent assessment of the quality of knowledge in mathematics. Special attention is paid to preparation for solving problems of open form with full explanation. In particular, we present here complete solutions, evaluation schemes and methodological comments for such tasks. The given scheme of monitoring organization and the mentioned above methodological recommendations should help to ensure the proper quality of training of graduate pupils to the EIA in mathematics.Документ Methodological Advices on Preparation for EIA in Mathematics in Modern Conditions(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Zakhariichenko Yurii Oleksiiovych; Захарійченко Юрій ОлексійовичFormulation of the problem. For more than a decade of active use, external independent assessment of academic achievement (EIA) from an experimental alternative to final and entrance exams has become one of the key national types of assessment, which performs both the functions of state final attestation for secondary school and the main tool for competitive selection to the country's universities. Thus, in modern conditions, the relevance of research on ways to improve the methodology of preparation for external assessment in mathematics is undeniable. Materials and methods. To achieve the goals of the article, we use empirical methods: observation of the educational process of secondary school students and specially organized courses in preparation for the external examination in mathematics, as well as analysis of the results of their achievements. The study also used a set of scientific recognition methods: comparative analysis to clarify different views on the problem; systematization and generalization for the formulation of conclusions and methodological advices on preparation for national standardized assessments of educational achievements in mathematics; generalization of the author's pedagogical experience and observations. Results. Since 2008, when the EIA in mathematics became the only possible form of entrance examination, it was extremely important for applicants not only to systematize knowledge of the school course of mathematics, but also to study the features of the form of representation of the test item. In particular, students were unfamiliar with the specifics of solving problems with alternatives, which were a significant part of the first tests of external assessment and were checked without human influence. In the first years of the introduction of EIA in mathematics, solving a large number of such problems allowed students to stop being afraid of them. But over time, as students in the school process began to constantly encounter these tasks, the negative side of excessive enthusiasm for them began to appear itself more and more. Nowadays, when solving a problem with alternatives, the students often tries not to reason, not to apply their knowledge, but are focused solely on getting the right answer. Thus, in the process of overemphasizing students' attention to the peculiarities of the forms of test tasks, the real aims of the process of preparation for testing in mathematics were replaced by erroneous ones. Indeed, instead of repeating and organizing the knowledge acquired by students during their studying in the school, the process of preparation for the external assessment began to reduce to teaching this student various methods of obtaining the correct answer. We suppose that such an approach to preparing for the EIA in mathematics is fundamentally wrong and offer readers 7 advices that will help to achieve the true goal of this type of assessment – to identify students' general and professional competencies, manifested through mathematical knowledge and ability to apply them in practice. Conclusions. We express all the methodical advices given in the work from the point of view of the author's experience and cannot claim universality, but we consider it expedient to share our own achievements in this field and we will be glad when the described approaches agree with readers in their professional activity. We have implemented all these tips during the writing of a new manual for preparation to the external assessment in mathematics. We also sincerely hope that this manual will help students, independently or with the help of a teacher, to carry out a proper systematic repetition of the material of the school course of mathematics.Документ Modern Thematic Preparation for EIA in Mathematics in Ukraine: Coordinates and Vectors, Elements of Combinatorics and Stochastics(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Захарійченко Юрій Олексійович; Zakhariichenko Yurii OleksiiovychFormulation of the problem. In modern conditions, the relevance of research on thematic preparation for the IEA in mathematics is undeniable. External Independent Assessment is now the main instrument of evaluation of the quality of mathematical training for Ukrainian senior school students. In particular, it is used for conducting the State Final Attestation of academic achievements of graduates, as well as as a tool for competitive selection of applicants to Ukrainian high education institutions. Thus, we have no doubt about the importance and the need for research on various aspects of preparation for the EIA in mathematics. One such aspect is the thematic repetition of the school mathematics course. Materials and methods. To achieve this goal we apply some empirical methods: observation of the training process of the students during their studying on training courses for the EIA in mathematics and analysis of the results of their achievements. The research also used a set of methods of scientific cognition: a comparative analysis to find out different views on the problem and determine the direction of research; systematization and generalization for the formulation of conclusions and recommendations; generalization of author’s pedagogical experience and observations. Results. Based on the author's experience of systematization and repetition of the school mathematics course in preparation for IEA, we propose to divide the entire mathematics course into 10 logical content blocks. In this article, we provide thematic tests of the content blocks «Coordinates and vectors», «Elements of combinatorics and stochastics», as well as answers to them. We also solve some of the basic tasks of these tests and give some methodical comments on these solutions. The vector and coordinate methods very often make much easier the process of geometric problems solving in comparison with traditional methods. Statistical and probabilistic methods are used as a means of modeling the processes and phenomena of the real world, and therefore, their study contributes to the formation of the outlook of the child. Conclusions. We believe that well-organized thematic training for EIA and SFA in mathematics will allow teachers to overcome the problems encountered by students in the systematization and repetition of the school mathematics course. This publication completes a series of our articles on modern thematic preparation for the EIA in mathematics. In them, we outlined our vision for the methodology of its organization, as well as shared our didactic materials and methodological tips.Документ Modern Thematic Preparation for EIA in Mathematics in Ukraine: Numbers and Expressions, Functions(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2019) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Захарійченко Юрій Олексійович; Zakhariichenko Yurii OleksiiovychThe relevance of research on the thematic preparation for the EIA in mathematics in modern Ukrainian realities is not in doubt. Based on the experience of systematization and repetition of the school course in mathematics, we have proposed dividing the entire course of mathematics into 10 thematic semantic blocks: “Numbers and Expressions”, “Functions”, “Equations and Systems of Equations”, “Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities”, “Text Problems”, “Elements of mathematical analysis”, “Planimetry”, “Stereometry”, “Coordinates and vectors”, “Elements of combinatorics and stochastics”. In the article, we propose thematic tests to the first two substantial blocks (“Numbers and Expressions” and “Functions”), as well as the answers to them. In addition, we solve the basic tasks of these tests and give methodological comments on these solutions. We are convinced that a properly organized thematic repetition of the school course in mathematics will allow teachers to excel in preparing students for independent testing in mathematics.Документ Modern Thematic Preparation for EIA in Mathematics in Ukraine: Text Problems and Mathematical Analysis(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Захарійченко Юрій Олексійович; Zakhariichenko Yurii OleksiiovychIn modern realities, the relevance of research on thematic preparation for the IEA in mathematics is undeniable. Based on the author’s experience of systematization and repetition of the school mathematics course in preparation for IEA, we propose to divide the entire mathematics course into 10 logical content blocks: “Numbers and expressions”, “Functions”, “Equations and systems of equations”, “Inequalities and systems of inequalities”, “Text problems”, “Elements of mathematical analysis”, “Plane geometry”, “Space geometry”, “Coordinates and vectors”, “Elements of combinatorics and stochastics”. In this article, we provide thematic tests of the content blocks “Text problems” and “Elements of mathematical analysis”, as well as answers to them. We also solve some of the basic tasks of these tests and give some methodological comments on these solutions. Traditionally, these topics cause significant difficulties for students in preparing for the test, so it is advisable for the teacher to pay special attention to them. We believe that a properly organized thematic systematization and repetition of the mathematics school course will allow students to successfully complete the IEA in mathematics and to help teachers achieve this success.Документ Методичні рекомендації щодо розв’язування типових тестових завдань під час підготовки до ЗНО з математики(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Захарійченко Юрій Олексійович; Zakhariichenko Yurii OleksiiovychУ зв ’язку із поверненням зовнішньому незалежному оцінюванню функції державної підсумкової атестації підготовка до нього в сучасних умовах набула особливої актуальності. Крім того, до тесту ЗНО з математики повернуто завдання з повним поясненням, які були відсутні протягом тривалого часу. Внаслідок цього багато вчителів принципово змінили свою методику підготовки до ЗНО з математики, а нині змушені шукати нові шляхи до відновлення втрачених позицій. Метою статті є заповнення зазначених вище методичних прогалин у підготовці до зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання з математики шляхом розгляду методики підготовки до розв’язування тестових завдань тих типів, які викликають найбільші труднощі під час проходження тестування. У даній роботі ми наводимо типові тестові завдання, які можуть бути використані вчителями математики під час підготовки до зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання. До кожного із цих завдань наведено повне розв’язання і методичні коментарі, у яких ми робимо акцент на їх характерних особливостях. Особливу увагу при цьому приділено завданням на встановлення відповідності та завданням із повним поясненням, оскільки за статистикою при виконанні завдань саме цих типів учнів допускають найбільшу кількість помилок. Ми вважаємо, що запропоновані в даній роботі методичні рекомендації сприятимуть забезпеченню якісної підготовки до ЗНО з математики учнів української старшої школи.Документ Методичні рекомендації щодо створення якісних тестових завдань з математики(2016) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Захарійченко Юрій Олексійович; Zakhariichenko Yurii OleksiiovychУ роботі розглянуто всі основні форми тестових завдань, які наразі використовуються в Україні для проведення загальнодержавних стандартизованих оцінювань навчальних досягнень з математики учнів старшої школи. Проаналізовано сутність поняття «якісне тестове завдання» і на основі цього аналізу та авторського досвіду подано схему визначення якості тестового завдання з математики. Застосування наведеної схеми проілюстровано на прикладах конкретних тестових завданнях з математики різних форм.Документ Розв’язування нетипових тестових завдань під час підготовки до ЗНО з математики(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Захарійченко Юрій Олексійович; Zakhariichenko Yurii OleksiiovychТест зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання з математики нині виконує подвійну функцію. За допомогою цього тесту, з одного боку, здійснюється державна підсумкова атестація українських випускників, а з іншого боку - формування ранжованого списку для конкурсного відбору абітурієнтів при вступі до вищих навчальних закладів. Як наслідок, цей тест має містити як типові завдання для перевірки основних результатів навчання, так і завдання, сформульовані в незвичній формі, які призначені для виявлення творчого і нестандартного мислення учнів. У даній роботі ми наводимо підбірку нетипових тестових завдань, які можуть бути використані вчителями математики під час підготовки до зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання. При цьому ми розглядаємо завдання різних форм (із альтернативами, з короткою відповіддю, з повним поясненням), намагаючись здійснити широке тематичне покриття. До кожного з цих завдань наведено повне розв ’язання і методичні коментарі, у яких ми робимо акцент на їх характерних особливостях. Ми вважаємо, що запропоновані в даній роботі методичні рекомендації сприятимуть забезпеченню якісної підготовки до ЗНО з математики учнів української старшої школи.