Вплив естетики французького символізму й художньої концепції Е. А. По на становлення символізму в Росії
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті здійснено спробу виявити та підтвердити вплив естетики французького символізму та Е. По-поета на світогляд і творчість представників російського символізму. На основі порівняльного аналізу творів виявлено сходження й відмінності в інтерпретації образів, провідних ідей, мотивів, простежено спільні стильові домінанти поетичного світу американського поета та французьких і російських поетів-символістів.
На прикладах доведено, що Е. По, Ш. Бодлер, Д. Мережковський, К. Бальмонт оспівували природу, світ людських стосунків, духовне буття. У висновках зроблено узагальнення відносно впливу творчості Е. По та французьких поетів на творчість російських символістів.
The article attempts to identify and confirm the influence of E. Poe’s aesthetics on the worldview and creativity of representatives of Russian symbolism. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the works, the similarities and differences in the interpretation of images, leading ideas, motives, symbols are revealed, the common style dominants of the poetic world of the American and French poets-symbolists are traced. At the beginning of the study, a material on the poetic achievements and evaluation of the figure and creativity of E. Poe is published. The following step is the figurative- semantic, motive characteristics of a number of his poems, which found their echo in the poetic collection "Flowers of Evil" by Charles Baudelaire. It is proved that the poems of both poets, on the one hand, are marked by romantic content, and on the other - open a new worldview, the path to the knowledge of higher spiritual values. In particular, it is noted that the thing that unites two poets is the rejection of everyday life, a community of aspirations to achieve the ideal associated with the search for harmony, Beauty. This is proved by the example of the analysis of the "feminine" cycle of poems by E. Poe and the poetry "The Anthem of Beauty" by Charles Baudelaire. The article presents quotations from the poetic lines of representatives of comparative works. It has been proved by examples that E. Poe, S. Baudelaire, D. Merezhkovsky, and K. Balmont glorified nature, the world of human relations, and spiritual existence. The conclusions make generalizations about the influence of the work of E. Poe and French poets on the work of Russian symbolists.
The article attempts to identify and confirm the influence of E. Poe’s aesthetics on the worldview and creativity of representatives of Russian symbolism. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the works, the similarities and differences in the interpretation of images, leading ideas, motives, symbols are revealed, the common style dominants of the poetic world of the American and French poets-symbolists are traced. At the beginning of the study, a material on the poetic achievements and evaluation of the figure and creativity of E. Poe is published. The following step is the figurative- semantic, motive characteristics of a number of his poems, which found their echo in the poetic collection "Flowers of Evil" by Charles Baudelaire. It is proved that the poems of both poets, on the one hand, are marked by romantic content, and on the other - open a new worldview, the path to the knowledge of higher spiritual values. In particular, it is noted that the thing that unites two poets is the rejection of everyday life, a community of aspirations to achieve the ideal associated with the search for harmony, Beauty. This is proved by the example of the analysis of the "feminine" cycle of poems by E. Poe and the poetry "The Anthem of Beauty" by Charles Baudelaire. The article presents quotations from the poetic lines of representatives of comparative works. It has been proved by examples that E. Poe, S. Baudelaire, D. Merezhkovsky, and K. Balmont glorified nature, the world of human relations, and spiritual existence. The conclusions make generalizations about the influence of the work of E. Poe and French poets on the work of Russian symbolists.
Ключові слова
символізм, декаданс, поети-символісти, symbolism, decadence, symbolist poets
Бібліографічний опис
Медвідь Н. Вплив естетики французького символізму й художньої концепції Е. А. По на становлення символізму в Росії [Текст] / Н. Медвідь, А. Уразова / Формування мовного естетичного ідеалу засобами навчальних дисциплін : зб. наук. праць / [редкол.: С. В. П’ятаченко (голова), І. Б. Іванова, З. В. Савченко та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – С. 63–70.