Теоретико‐методологічні засади підготовки майбутнього вчителя до етнокультурної діяльності в закладах загальної середньої освіти
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У статті висвітлено теоретико‐методологічні засади підготовки майбутнього вчителя до етнокультурної діяльності в закладах загальної середньої освіти: теоретичне підґрунтя – ідея народності, обґрунтована К. Ушинським; основні методологічні підходи – системно‐діяльнісний,культурологічний, компетентнісний. Виявлено педагогічні умови формування етнокультурної компетентності учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти.Репрезентовано досвід кафедри загальної педагогіки та андрагогіки стосовно впровадження в освітній процес Полтавського національного педагогічного університету імені В. Г. Короленка дисципліни за вибором студентів «Технології національного виховання у вищій школі» (для здобувачів другого (магістерського)рівня вищої освіти), окреслено тематику аудиторних занять та самостійної роботи, наведено перелік проблемних питань означеної дисципліни.
Ключові слова: етнокультурна діяльність, етнокультурна компетентність, методологічний підхід, компетентнісний підхід, системно‐діяльнісний підхід, культурологічний підхід, заклади загальної середньої освіти,учитель української мови і літератури, педагогічні умови, виховні технології
The relevance of the chosen topic is proven, which is caused by the world civilization globalization changes in the field of education, which are aimed at the realization of the global goal‐ensuring a comfortable entry of a person into a multinational world, the prerequisites of which are the importance of personality education based on spiritual and moral values, preservation of ethno‐cultural and regional identity, cultural diversity and linguistic heritage. Ethnocultural activity of a teacher in an institution of general secondary education is important in connection with the insufficient elaboration in the practice of the work of schools of the approved theoretical foundations and mechanisms of the organization of this process. Traditionally, students are involved in their native culture and familiarization with the culture of other peoples through lessons, educational and extracurricular activities. The theoretical and methodological principles of preparing future teachers for ethnocultural activities in general secondary education institutions are highlighted: 1) the theoretical background is the idea of nationality, substantiated by K. Ushynskyi; 2) main methodological approaches – system‐activity, cultural, competence ones. The idea of nationhood is connected with the tasks of personality formation, and with the upbringing of children in love for the homeland, humanity, truthfulness, hard work, responsibility, a sense of duty, will, a sense of self‐love in its correct understanding, an aesthetic attitude to life. All these qualities are determined by the people and are correlated with their character and traditions, help to form the national self‐consciousness of the people, the principle of nationalism should be realized through the teaching of ethnology in the school: the history of one’s country, geography, the study of Ukrainian writers and poets (literature), the nature of the native country, etc. The key methodological approaches of preparing a future teacher for ethno‐ cultural activities in institutions of general secondary education are system‐activity, cultural and competence. System‐activity approach (B. Ananiev, L. Vyhotskyi, V. Davydov, L. Zankov, D. Elkonin, B. Lomov, А. Luriia and others), within which the interaction of students, teachers, parents, cultural institutions of the region is defined as the main factor in the formation of ethno‐cultural competence of students of general secondary education institutions. The formation of ethnocultural competence is based on the active cognitive activity of the student in interaction with the native ethnocultural environment, and the teacher’s activity is aimed at creating the conditions necessary for this. Cultural approach (М. Bakhtin, V. Bibler, І. Berliand, V. Lytovskyi and others) allows considering the ethnocultural specificity of the region as one of the main content lines in the education process, which contribute to the education of a patriot, a representative of the people with a highly developed sense of national pride and human dignity. Education is positioned as a process of human involvement in culture and at the same time the result of internalization of culture, aimed at ensuring continuity, preservation of ethnocultural identity and development of human individuality, connection of the educational process with folk traditions of education and training. In the context of the competence approach (R. Bader, І. Bekh, N. Bibik, L. Vashchenko, І. Yermakov, О. Lokshyn, D. Mertens, О. Ovcharuk, B. Oskarson, L. Parashchenko, О. Pometun, О. Savchenko, S. Trubachev, А. Shelten and others) ethnocultural competence is defined as one of the basic sociocultural competences and the desired result of modern education. The competence approach considers competence as one of the key concepts and as a desired and predictable outcome of education. Competence approach in education ensures the formation of competencies in the individual – complex formations consisting of multiple components that contribute to the successful resolution of problems arising in the course of human life. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of ethnocultural competence of students of general secondary education institutions were identified: ensuring the availability of various materials that reflect cultural diversity (use of lessons, tasks and projects that stimulate the study and mutual understanding of different cultures); integration of ethnocultural education into educational programs (development and implementation of integrated lessons and extracurricular activities that take into account aspects of different cultures; involvement of students in projects aimed at studying the history and traditions of various national groups); partnership interaction with parents and the public (organization of meetings and events for parents from different cultures to interact and share experiences, involvement of representatives of different ethnic groups in school events and projects); creating a positive ethnocultural climate (creating an atmosphere of respect for difference, mutual understanding and relationships, ensuring interaction of students in groups and teamsrepresenting different cultures). The experience of the department of general pedagogy and andragogy in relation to the introduction into the educational process of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University of the discipline chosen by students «Technology of national education in higher education» (for applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education) is outlined, the topics of classroom classes are outlined and independent work, a list of problematic issues of the specified discipline is given.
The relevance of the chosen topic is proven, which is caused by the world civilization globalization changes in the field of education, which are aimed at the realization of the global goal‐ensuring a comfortable entry of a person into a multinational world, the prerequisites of which are the importance of personality education based on spiritual and moral values, preservation of ethno‐cultural and regional identity, cultural diversity and linguistic heritage. Ethnocultural activity of a teacher in an institution of general secondary education is important in connection with the insufficient elaboration in the practice of the work of schools of the approved theoretical foundations and mechanisms of the organization of this process. Traditionally, students are involved in their native culture and familiarization with the culture of other peoples through lessons, educational and extracurricular activities. The theoretical and methodological principles of preparing future teachers for ethnocultural activities in general secondary education institutions are highlighted: 1) the theoretical background is the idea of nationality, substantiated by K. Ushynskyi; 2) main methodological approaches – system‐activity, cultural, competence ones. The idea of nationhood is connected with the tasks of personality formation, and with the upbringing of children in love for the homeland, humanity, truthfulness, hard work, responsibility, a sense of duty, will, a sense of self‐love in its correct understanding, an aesthetic attitude to life. All these qualities are determined by the people and are correlated with their character and traditions, help to form the national self‐consciousness of the people, the principle of nationalism should be realized through the teaching of ethnology in the school: the history of one’s country, geography, the study of Ukrainian writers and poets (literature), the nature of the native country, etc. The key methodological approaches of preparing a future teacher for ethno‐ cultural activities in institutions of general secondary education are system‐activity, cultural and competence. System‐activity approach (B. Ananiev, L. Vyhotskyi, V. Davydov, L. Zankov, D. Elkonin, B. Lomov, А. Luriia and others), within which the interaction of students, teachers, parents, cultural institutions of the region is defined as the main factor in the formation of ethno‐cultural competence of students of general secondary education institutions. The formation of ethnocultural competence is based on the active cognitive activity of the student in interaction with the native ethnocultural environment, and the teacher’s activity is aimed at creating the conditions necessary for this. Cultural approach (М. Bakhtin, V. Bibler, І. Berliand, V. Lytovskyi and others) allows considering the ethnocultural specificity of the region as one of the main content lines in the education process, which contribute to the education of a patriot, a representative of the people with a highly developed sense of national pride and human dignity. Education is positioned as a process of human involvement in culture and at the same time the result of internalization of culture, aimed at ensuring continuity, preservation of ethnocultural identity and development of human individuality, connection of the educational process with folk traditions of education and training. In the context of the competence approach (R. Bader, І. Bekh, N. Bibik, L. Vashchenko, І. Yermakov, О. Lokshyn, D. Mertens, О. Ovcharuk, B. Oskarson, L. Parashchenko, О. Pometun, О. Savchenko, S. Trubachev, А. Shelten and others) ethnocultural competence is defined as one of the basic sociocultural competences and the desired result of modern education. The competence approach considers competence as one of the key concepts and as a desired and predictable outcome of education. Competence approach in education ensures the formation of competencies in the individual – complex formations consisting of multiple components that contribute to the successful resolution of problems arising in the course of human life. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of ethnocultural competence of students of general secondary education institutions were identified: ensuring the availability of various materials that reflect cultural diversity (use of lessons, tasks and projects that stimulate the study and mutual understanding of different cultures); integration of ethnocultural education into educational programs (development and implementation of integrated lessons and extracurricular activities that take into account aspects of different cultures; involvement of students in projects aimed at studying the history and traditions of various national groups); partnership interaction with parents and the public (organization of meetings and events for parents from different cultures to interact and share experiences, involvement of representatives of different ethnic groups in school events and projects); creating a positive ethnocultural climate (creating an atmosphere of respect for difference, mutual understanding and relationships, ensuring interaction of students in groups and teamsrepresenting different cultures). The experience of the department of general pedagogy and andragogy in relation to the introduction into the educational process of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University of the discipline chosen by students «Technology of national education in higher education» (for applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education) is outlined, the topics of classroom classes are outlined and independent work, a list of problematic issues of the specified discipline is given.
Ключові слова
етнокультурна діяльність, етнокультурна компетентність, методологічний підхід, компетентнісний підхід, системно‐діяльнісний підхід, культурологічний підхід, заклади загальної середньої освіти, учитель української мови і літератури, педагогічні умови, виховні технології, ethnocultural activity, ethnocultural competency, methodological approach, competence approach, system‐activity approach, cultural approach, institutions of general secondary education, a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, pedagogical conditions, educational technologies
Бібліографічний опис
Мокляк В. Теоретико‐методологічні засади підготовки майбутнього вчителя до етнокультурної діяльності в закладах загальної середньої освіти [Текст] / В. Мокляк, Л. Петренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 5-6 (129-130). – С. 239–249. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2023.05‐06/239‐249