Стратегія впливу на функціональний стан і здоров’я людини як проблема сучасної фізичної терапії
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СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка
Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню необхідності залучення харчування як одного з важливих чинників здоров’я до процесу фізичної терапії. Проаналізовано зміни, які відбулися у дієті сучасної людини в соціальному й еволюційному аспектах, їх наслідки. Розкрито роль харчування як потужного засобу оздоровчого/руйнівного впливу на функціональний стан і здоров’я людини. На основі аналізу й узагальнення результатів найбільш авторитетних наукових досліджень розглянуто основні характеристики раціону сучасної людини і дієти, до якої еволюційно пристосований людський організм. Запропоновано дієтичні стратегії, які відіграють профілактичну роль, сприяють позитивним зрушенням у стані здоров’я.
The article is devoted to justifying the need to include nutrition as one of the important health factors in the physical therapy process. The changes that took place in the diet of a modern person in social and evolutionary aspects and their consequences are analyzed. The role of nutrition as a powerful means of improving/destructive influence on the functional state and health of a person is revealed. Based on the analysis and generalization of the results of the most authoritative scientific studies, the main characteristics of the diet of a modern person and the diet to which the human body is evolutionarily adapted are considered. Dietary strategies that play a preventive role and contribute to positive changes in health are proposed. Physical therapy, as a field of professional activity, the purpose of which is to restore and strengthen health, is interested in obtaining a high‐quality, sustainable, long‐term result. At the same time, at the current stage of its development, nutrition is for some reason not considered a means of physiotherapy, and therefore is not taken into account by specialists and is almost not used practically. Today, therapeutic exercises are considered one of the main means of influencing the functional state of the patient in physiotherapy, which include physical exercises, breathing exercises, rational hygienic and therapeutic movement regime, massage, terrenkur, mechanotherapy, occupational therapy, etc. Undoubtedly, the indicated means have a powerful health‐improving and therapeutic effect, which is related to the musculoskeletal system, muscular and respiratory systems. However, the physiological effect of motor activity (muscular system) is significantly different from the effect of nutrition, that is, the functioning of the digestive system, through which many other processes that are extremely important for human health take place in the body, and therefore they cannot be equated and replaced in any case one The qualitative characteristics of the diet directly affect the processes of recovery and regeneration of tissues, therefore, with one‐sided application, therapeutic exercises cannot compensate for the negative impact of nutritional deficiencies and errors. This statement is especially true for the huge number of cases where the main cause of the disease, including the musculoskeletal system, is improper nutrition. In this case, a physiotherapeutic program, which involves the use of only therapeutic exercises without changes in the diet, only indirectly affects the cause of the disease, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the treatment/remedial process and makes it impossible to achieve the most complete result.
The article is devoted to justifying the need to include nutrition as one of the important health factors in the physical therapy process. The changes that took place in the diet of a modern person in social and evolutionary aspects and their consequences are analyzed. The role of nutrition as a powerful means of improving/destructive influence on the functional state and health of a person is revealed. Based on the analysis and generalization of the results of the most authoritative scientific studies, the main characteristics of the diet of a modern person and the diet to which the human body is evolutionarily adapted are considered. Dietary strategies that play a preventive role and contribute to positive changes in health are proposed. Physical therapy, as a field of professional activity, the purpose of which is to restore and strengthen health, is interested in obtaining a high‐quality, sustainable, long‐term result. At the same time, at the current stage of its development, nutrition is for some reason not considered a means of physiotherapy, and therefore is not taken into account by specialists and is almost not used practically. Today, therapeutic exercises are considered one of the main means of influencing the functional state of the patient in physiotherapy, which include physical exercises, breathing exercises, rational hygienic and therapeutic movement regime, massage, terrenkur, mechanotherapy, occupational therapy, etc. Undoubtedly, the indicated means have a powerful health‐improving and therapeutic effect, which is related to the musculoskeletal system, muscular and respiratory systems. However, the physiological effect of motor activity (muscular system) is significantly different from the effect of nutrition, that is, the functioning of the digestive system, through which many other processes that are extremely important for human health take place in the body, and therefore they cannot be equated and replaced in any case one The qualitative characteristics of the diet directly affect the processes of recovery and regeneration of tissues, therefore, with one‐sided application, therapeutic exercises cannot compensate for the negative impact of nutritional deficiencies and errors. This statement is especially true for the huge number of cases where the main cause of the disease, including the musculoskeletal system, is improper nutrition. In this case, a physiotherapeutic program, which involves the use of only therapeutic exercises without changes in the diet, only indirectly affects the cause of the disease, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the treatment/remedial process and makes it impossible to achieve the most complete result.
Ключові слова
фізична терапія, здоров’я, дієта, харчування, physical therapy, health, diet, nutrition
Бібліографічний опис
Міхеєнко О. Стратегія впливу на функціональний стан і здоров’я людини як проблема сучасної фізичної терапії [Текст] / О. Міхеєнко, В. Донченко, В. Жамардій // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2024. – № 3 (137). – С. 376–385. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2024.03/376‐385