Умови фомування маркетингової діяльності закладу вищої освіти
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена теоретичному дослідженню умов формування маркетингової діяльності закладу вищої освіти. Особливий акцент у статті спрямовано на принципи стратегічного розвитку маркетингу в освітній сфері. У статті маркетинг закладу вищої освіти розглядається як система діяльності, що дозволяє суб’єкту господарювання оцінювати стан на ринку освітніх послуг, проаналізувати тенденції розвитку та ухвалити обґрунтовані управлінські рішення в подальшій роботі.
The article is devoted to the theoretical research of the conditions of formation of marketing activity of the institution of higher education. The special emphasis in the article is directed to the principles of strategic development of marketing in the educational sphere. The article considers marketing of a higher education institution as a system of activities that allows the business entity to assess the state of the market of educational services, analyze development trends and make informed management decisions in future work. Based on the formulated principles, marketing of an education institution can be considered as a system of activities that allows the subject to assess the market, trends and change to make informed management decisions in the field of training and employment. Thus, the task of marketing includes not only the conduct of relevant research, but also bringing its results to the subjects of market relations, who can make economic choices based on them, adjust their behavior and so on. Thus, marketing is the basis on which strategic and tactical decisions are made in order to ensure the effective operation of market participants. The use of marketing system allows to reduce the degree of uncertainty in managerial decisions, identify the reasons why past actions were wrong, assess the marke situation and give a sufficient degree of probability to predict changes in market conditions. In order to properly position a higher education institution in the market of educational services, it is necessary to create an appropriate marketing infrastructure, i.e. A separate unit that will deal with marketing management of universities: marketing services, marketing and communications departments, administrative and marketing departments, internal and external communications departments. To increase the export of educational services provided by higher education institutions, among other things, it is necessary to develop the marketing component of the internationalization of higher education institutions.
The article is devoted to the theoretical research of the conditions of formation of marketing activity of the institution of higher education. The special emphasis in the article is directed to the principles of strategic development of marketing in the educational sphere. The article considers marketing of a higher education institution as a system of activities that allows the business entity to assess the state of the market of educational services, analyze development trends and make informed management decisions in future work. Based on the formulated principles, marketing of an education institution can be considered as a system of activities that allows the subject to assess the market, trends and change to make informed management decisions in the field of training and employment. Thus, the task of marketing includes not only the conduct of relevant research, but also bringing its results to the subjects of market relations, who can make economic choices based on them, adjust their behavior and so on. Thus, marketing is the basis on which strategic and tactical decisions are made in order to ensure the effective operation of market participants. The use of marketing system allows to reduce the degree of uncertainty in managerial decisions, identify the reasons why past actions were wrong, assess the marke situation and give a sufficient degree of probability to predict changes in market conditions. In order to properly position a higher education institution in the market of educational services, it is necessary to create an appropriate marketing infrastructure, i.e. A separate unit that will deal with marketing management of universities: marketing services, marketing and communications departments, administrative and marketing departments, internal and external communications departments. To increase the export of educational services provided by higher education institutions, among other things, it is necessary to develop the marketing component of the internationalization of higher education institutions.
Ключові слова
маркетинг, маркетингова діяльність, освітня сфера, заклад вищої освіти, ринок освітніх послуг, marketing, marketing activity, educational sphere, institution of higher education, market of educational services
Бібліографічний опис
Дєнєжніков, С. Умови фомування маркетингової діяльності закладу вищої освіти [Текст] / С. Дєнєжніков, В. Серга // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 8 (102). – С. 160–171. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.08/160-171.