Правова освіта як системотворчий складник цілісної освіти сучасної особистості
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СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка
У статті проаналізовано теоретико‐педагогічний зміст правової освіти як системотворчого складника концепції цілісної освіти особистості та визначено її значення для трансформації національної освіти України в умовах воєнного стану. Розглянуто сутність концепції цілісної освіти особистості, її принципи та соціокультурне значення. Проаналізовано зміст правової освіти як системотворчого складника цілісної освіти особистості. Виявлено, що поняття «правова освіта» означає цілеспрямований та спеціально організований педагогічний процес передачі та засвоєння сукупності правових знань (фахових чи загальноправових), результатом якого є розвиток правової свідомості та правової культури сучасної особистості. З’ясовано зміст правової освіти, виявлено його складники. Конкретизовано принципи правової освіти: універсальності, системності, активності та співучасті, актуальності, рефлексивності, інтеграції. Визначено цивілізаційне значення правової освіти для трансформації національної освіти України в умовах воєнного стану.
The article analyzes the theoretical and pedagogical content of legal education as a system‐creating component of the concept of holistic education of the individual. The essence of the concept of holistic education of the individual, its principles and sociocultural significance are considered. The content of legal education as a system‐ creating component of the holistic education of the individual is analyzed. It has been established that the concept of “legal education” means a purposeful and specially organized pedagogical process of transferring and assimilating a body of legal knowledge (professional or general legal), the result of which is the development of legal consciousness and culture of a modern individual. It was found that the content of legal education includes the fundamentals of law (knowledge of the basic norms and principles of the national legal system, as well as the basic provisions of international law); civil rights and responsibilities (stable knowledge about the right to life, freedom of speech, property, systems of constitutional rights of the individual and citizen); mechanism of functioning of the legal and judicial system; legal ethics and civic responsibility; legal methods for resolving conflicts and disputes; legal culture (value orientation towards compliance with rules and laws in everyday life and professional activities). It has been stated that the quality of legal education makes it possible to ensure a high level of civic activity and legal consciousness of the individual, contributes to the construction of a society of participation and compliance, in which citizens actively participate in legislation, control of government institutions, observe rights and obligations, feel and legitimize the rule of law. The principles of legal education are specified: universality, consistency, activity and participation, relevance, reflexivity, integration. It has been established that the analyzed principles help ensure the quality of legal education and contribute to the effective and holistic development of legal consciousness and legal culture. The civilizational significance of legal education for the transformation of the national education of Ukraine under martial law is determined. It is concluded that legal education in modern conditions is aimed at shaping a humanitarian and humanistic worldview, promoting the formation of a personally oriented state, whose citizens have a stable patriotic and legal civic position, are law‐abiding, and respect the rights and freedom of other people. defend their own opinion, have legal knowledge that can be effectively used in everyday life.
The article analyzes the theoretical and pedagogical content of legal education as a system‐creating component of the concept of holistic education of the individual. The essence of the concept of holistic education of the individual, its principles and sociocultural significance are considered. The content of legal education as a system‐ creating component of the holistic education of the individual is analyzed. It has been established that the concept of “legal education” means a purposeful and specially organized pedagogical process of transferring and assimilating a body of legal knowledge (professional or general legal), the result of which is the development of legal consciousness and culture of a modern individual. It was found that the content of legal education includes the fundamentals of law (knowledge of the basic norms and principles of the national legal system, as well as the basic provisions of international law); civil rights and responsibilities (stable knowledge about the right to life, freedom of speech, property, systems of constitutional rights of the individual and citizen); mechanism of functioning of the legal and judicial system; legal ethics and civic responsibility; legal methods for resolving conflicts and disputes; legal culture (value orientation towards compliance with rules and laws in everyday life and professional activities). It has been stated that the quality of legal education makes it possible to ensure a high level of civic activity and legal consciousness of the individual, contributes to the construction of a society of participation and compliance, in which citizens actively participate in legislation, control of government institutions, observe rights and obligations, feel and legitimize the rule of law. The principles of legal education are specified: universality, consistency, activity and participation, relevance, reflexivity, integration. It has been established that the analyzed principles help ensure the quality of legal education and contribute to the effective and holistic development of legal consciousness and legal culture. The civilizational significance of legal education for the transformation of the national education of Ukraine under martial law is determined. It is concluded that legal education in modern conditions is aimed at shaping a humanitarian and humanistic worldview, promoting the formation of a personally oriented state, whose citizens have a stable patriotic and legal civic position, are law‐abiding, and respect the rights and freedom of other people. defend their own opinion, have legal knowledge that can be effectively used in everyday life.
Ключові слова
правова освіта, цілісна освіта, сучасна особистість, компетентність, педагогічні інновації, педагогічний досвід, інноваційне освітнє середовище, цілісний життєствердний образ світу, legal education, holistic education, modern personality, competence, pedagogical innovation, pedagogical experience, innovative environment, holistic life‐affirming image of the world
Бібліографічний опис
Басенко Р. Правова освіта як системотворчий складник цілісної освіти сучасної особистості [Текст] / Р. Басенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 9-10 (123-124). – С. 460–468. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2022.09‐10/460‐468