Гігієнічне вивчення «шкільної зрілості» дітей старшого дошкільного віку
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За методиками Керна-Ірасека, Венгера, Озерецького в дітей старшого дошкільного віку 3-х ДНЗ м. Києва вивчено «шкільну зрілість» до систематичного навчання в школі. У результаті досліджень виявлена значна частка дітей, які функціонально не готові до навчання в школі. Достатній рівень мотиваційної готовності за три місяці до навчання в школі мають лише 62,5% дітей (56,8% хлопчиків та 68,1% дівчаток); достатній розвиток дрібної моторики за показником динамічного тремору – 47,0% дошкільнят (25,6% хлопчиків та 68,3% дівчаток), за показником мотометричного тесту Озерецького – лише 22,5% дітей.
We studied «school maturity» in the systematic education at school by Kern-Ipasek, Wenger, Ozeretskii methods among senior pre-school age children in 3 children’s educational institutions. As a result of investigations we revealed that a significant part of the children functionally were not ready for education at school. Only 62.5 % of the children (56.8 % of the boys and 68.1 % of the girls) had a sufficient level of motivation preparedness within three months before beginning of education at school; 47.0 % of pre-school age children (25.6 % of the boys and 68.3 % of the girls) had a sufficient development of small motility by the indices of kinetic tremor; only 22.5 % of the children – by the indices of motormetric test. Among the girls the part of them with high motivational readiness higher both at the beginning and at the end of the year. Especially it touches the beginning of the year, when this difference presents 20%. Additionally there were undertaken studies of dynamics that definitely characterizes functional readiness of hand of children to the letter that testifies to the degree of the development of the psychomotor sphere of a child. The analysis of the results on determination of school maturity of children taking into account three indexes showed that a percent of children functionally unready to school at the beginning of the school year was high enough in all three gardens. The problem of «school maturity», as readiness of organism of six-year-old child to the systematic studies, extraordinarily grew in the period of reformation of the system of education in Ukraine, and presently outgrew in a medical and pedagogical problem. The protracted educational loading, decline of motive activity, considerable static loading, new duties is all considerable difficulties for a 6-year-old child, that for many children result in «school stress». For children that is not ready to the systematic studies, the period of adaptation is heavier and longer, adaptation passes to school, various difficulties of studies (and not only in A-one but also in further studies) show up more often, and exactly there are violations of health.
We studied «school maturity» in the systematic education at school by Kern-Ipasek, Wenger, Ozeretskii methods among senior pre-school age children in 3 children’s educational institutions. As a result of investigations we revealed that a significant part of the children functionally were not ready for education at school. Only 62.5 % of the children (56.8 % of the boys and 68.1 % of the girls) had a sufficient level of motivation preparedness within three months before beginning of education at school; 47.0 % of pre-school age children (25.6 % of the boys and 68.3 % of the girls) had a sufficient development of small motility by the indices of kinetic tremor; only 22.5 % of the children – by the indices of motormetric test. Among the girls the part of them with high motivational readiness higher both at the beginning and at the end of the year. Especially it touches the beginning of the year, when this difference presents 20%. Additionally there were undertaken studies of dynamics that definitely characterizes functional readiness of hand of children to the letter that testifies to the degree of the development of the psychomotor sphere of a child. The analysis of the results on determination of school maturity of children taking into account three indexes showed that a percent of children functionally unready to school at the beginning of the school year was high enough in all three gardens. The problem of «school maturity», as readiness of organism of six-year-old child to the systematic studies, extraordinarily grew in the period of reformation of the system of education in Ukraine, and presently outgrew in a medical and pedagogical problem. The protracted educational loading, decline of motive activity, considerable static loading, new duties is all considerable difficulties for a 6-year-old child, that for many children result in «school stress». For children that is not ready to the systematic studies, the period of adaptation is heavier and longer, adaptation passes to school, various difficulties of studies (and not only in A-one but also in further studies) show up more often, and exactly there are violations of health.
Ключові слова
шкільна зрілість, діти старшого дошкільного віку, мотиваційна готовність, дрібна моторика, динамічний тремор, hygienic study, school maturity, pre-school age children, motivational readiness, violations of health
Бібліографічний опис
Гозак, С. В. Гігієнічне вивчення «шкільної зрілості» дітей старшого дошкільного віку [Текст] / С. В. Гозак, О. О. Філоненко, А. М. Парац // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 2 (36). – С. 122–131.