Соціальне партнерство як спосіб удосконалення системи надання соціальних послуг на рівні громади
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена вивчення змісту поняття «соціальне партнерство», а також визначення соціального партнерства як способу вдосконалення системи надання соціальних послуг на рівні громади. Соціальне партнерство розглядаються як організована співпраця між різними соціальними інститутами, включаючи державні і громадянські організації, а також комерційний сектор. Представлено принципи та проблеми становлення соціального партнерства у сфері надання соціальних послуг на рівні громади. Висвітлено переваги від співпраці державних та громадських організацій у сфері надання соціальних послуг на рівні громади.
The article is devoted to exploring the meaning of the concept of “social partnership”, as well as defining social partnership as a way of improving the system of social services at the community level. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of social partnership and to define social partnership as a way of improving the system of social services at community level. The purpose of the article was realized with the use of a set of theoretical research methods: system-structural method; method of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature; method of comparative analysis and generalization of data. Social partnership is defined as organized cooperation between different social institutions, including government and civic organizations, as well as the commercial sector. The principles and problems of social partnership formation in the field of social services at community level are presented. The benefits of cooperation between state and public organizations in the field of community-based social services are highlighted. It is established that organization of social partnership at the level of the territorial community in order to improve the system of providing social services in Ukraine is only being established today, in particular through the implementation of the decentralization process. At the same time, it is now the main form of regulation of the relationship between the state, business and public sectors. The state has created legislative, institutional prerequisites for the effective functioning of social partnership. Non-governmental organizations have experience in providing community-based social services and opportunities to implement social focus projects. In today’s socio-economic reality, effective interaction of all components of the partnership requires an adequate solution to the problems of social partnership at all levels of state and regional government in close cooperation with the public and commercial sectors. Accordingly, social partnership should be the key to successful implementation of social services at the territorial community level, since it harmoniously combines the economic interests of the state, business and the population. Developing a model for collaboration between the public, commercial and public sectors in community-based social services is one of the perspectives of our further scientific exploration.
The article is devoted to exploring the meaning of the concept of “social partnership”, as well as defining social partnership as a way of improving the system of social services at the community level. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of social partnership and to define social partnership as a way of improving the system of social services at community level. The purpose of the article was realized with the use of a set of theoretical research methods: system-structural method; method of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature; method of comparative analysis and generalization of data. Social partnership is defined as organized cooperation between different social institutions, including government and civic organizations, as well as the commercial sector. The principles and problems of social partnership formation in the field of social services at community level are presented. The benefits of cooperation between state and public organizations in the field of community-based social services are highlighted. It is established that organization of social partnership at the level of the territorial community in order to improve the system of providing social services in Ukraine is only being established today, in particular through the implementation of the decentralization process. At the same time, it is now the main form of regulation of the relationship between the state, business and public sectors. The state has created legislative, institutional prerequisites for the effective functioning of social partnership. Non-governmental organizations have experience in providing community-based social services and opportunities to implement social focus projects. In today’s socio-economic reality, effective interaction of all components of the partnership requires an adequate solution to the problems of social partnership at all levels of state and regional government in close cooperation with the public and commercial sectors. Accordingly, social partnership should be the key to successful implementation of social services at the territorial community level, since it harmoniously combines the economic interests of the state, business and the population. Developing a model for collaboration between the public, commercial and public sectors in community-based social services is one of the perspectives of our further scientific exploration.
Ключові слова
соціальне партнерство, соціальний захист, громадські організації, децентралізація, територіальна громада, комерційний сектор, державні соціальні інститути, соціальні послуги, social partnership, social protection, public organizations, decentralization, territorial community, commercial sector, state social institutions, social services
Бібліографічний опис
Пономаренко, Л. І. Соціальне партнерство як спосіб удосконалення системи надання соціальних послуг на рівні громади [Текст] / Л. І. Пономаренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 7 (91). – С. 90–99.