Автономія університету і якість вищої освіти

У статті доведено, що якість вищої освіти тісно пов’язана з автономією й академічними свободами учасників освітнього процесу.Висвітлено принципи американської системи вищої освіти, що сприяє тому, що американські університети посідають перші місця у визнаних міжнародних рейтингах. Розкрито новаційну категорію «мультиверситет». Виокремлено погляд на автономію закладів вищої освіти в міжнародних освітніх документах (Лімська декларація про автономію та академічні свободи вищих навчальних закладів, посланя Саламанкського з’їзду європейських закладів вищої освіти «Формування європейського простору вищої освіти», Берлінське комюніке «Створення зони вищої освіти Європи: Комюніке конференції міністрів освіти»,Бергенське комюніке «Загальноєвропейський простір вищої освіти – досягнення цілей», Декларація Глазго Європейської асоціації університетів, Лісабонська декларація «Університети Європи після 2010 року: різноманіття за єдності мети» тощо). Репрезентовано переваги й недоліки автономізації вітчизняних університетів після прийняття ключового Закону України «Про вищу освіту».
Autonomy was and remains one of the main principles of the successful operation of a higher education institution. The doctrine of sovereign higher education institutions, professor of the University of Geneva, Dr. B. Olson, formulated as follows: «An ideal independent university should have freedom in choosing a leader, a management model, objects of scientific research, public order». Only in such university can a harmoniously developed personality be formed, who will become a true master of his craft. XXI century society is called informational, that is why, in L. Polyakova’s opinion, state regulation of the educational environment of university complexes – multi‐universities, in compliance with the principles of autonomy and academic freedom, is relevant today. Today, the issues of the quality of higher education and responsibility for the provided educational services are extremely important. Those seeking higher education highly value the quality of knowledge and a comfortable learning environment. It can be said with certainty that the quality of higher education is closely related to the independence of the educational institution in teaching, learning, and conducting scientific research. According to international ratings, the high quality of specialist training is characteristic of higher education institutions with a significant level of autonomy. Thus, according to the ranking of universities (developer – Shanghai University), among the first fifty best, about 30 places are usually occupied by US universities, which enjoy greater autonomy and have more academic freedom compared to other institutions of higher education. The rating is made on the basis of six objective criteria, among which are: the number of graduates or employees awarded with the Nobel or Fields Prizes; the number of highly cited researchers; the number of articles published in Nature and Science; the number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index‐Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index; university productivity per capita. According to the results of the rating, in 2023, 3 US universities took the first places in the world rating: Harvard and Stanford universities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; the fourth place was taken by the University of Cambridge (Great Britain). Among the first fifty best, 28 places were chosen by US universities. A modern university must function in conditions of contradiction – on the one hand, it must preserve its autonomy, on the other – strengthen interaction with society and economic life. The management, organization and activity of a higher education institution must be carried out in compliance with the principles of institutional autonomy, academic freedom, self‐governance, systematicity, continuity, scientificity, humanization, democratization, competence, purposefulness, optimization, activity and initiative, and the performance by the employees of the institution of their duties, openness, transparency, social responsibility. Recommendations regarding the use of autonomy and academic freedoms to overcome the above systemic problems of higher education are: 1) personnel policy; 2) material and financial support; 3) quality control of educational services; 4) cooperation between the state and society. During the time of Ukraine’s independence, a stormy process of reorganization of the higher education system began, and its European vector is gradually being outlined. However, a process of «equalization» is constantly observed in society: challenges of society ⇒ regulatory regulation of higher education ⇒ activities of universities. These contradictions are the driving forces that lead to the emergence of extremely deep and interesting works that reveal the philosophical understanding of the idea and mission of the university. Scientific research made it possible to establish the specifics of autonomy at the current stage of development of a higher school in the field of training a modern specialist: democratization and humanization of the educational process, support for its sustainable development, improvement of creativity and competitiveness, quality of training of specialists, growth of pedagogical partnership between teachers and students, compliance with academic integrity, expansion of international cooperation in the field of higher education, etc. Promising ways of higher education institution autonomy: creation of a mechanism for self‐renewal of universities; solving issues of the ratio of collegial decisions and individual responsibility; determination of the specific interaction of legislative (council) and executive (rectorate) authorities in educational institutions; combining autonomy with the responsibility of the higher education institution for the quality and efficiency of its activities; intensification of research work based on the study of the process of autonomy development; decentralization of university education; liberalization of university management.
Ключові слова
автономія, академічні свободи, якість освіти, навчальне середовище, сучасний фахівець, критичне мислення, освітня програма, рейтинг, університет, autonomy, academic freedom, quality of education, educational environment, modern specialist, critical thinking, educational program, rating, university
Бібліографічний опис
Мокляк В. Автономія університету і якість вищої освіти [Текст] / В. Мокляк, О. Мокляк, Л. Петренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 7 (131). – С. 380–395. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2023.07/380‐395