Загальна характеристика народної освіти в Сумському повіті та будівництво і відкриття училища першого розряду в селі Старому – першому поселенні Герасима Кондратьєва (1886–1888 роки)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто доповідь про народну освіту в Сумському повіті за 1886¬1888 роки. Подано відомості щодо кількості дітей, які закінчили училища в 1887-1888 навчальних роках. Зазначено максимальний відсоток дітей, які закінчили училища І-ІІІ розрядів, охарактеризовано особистий склад викладачів повітових училищ, означено суму коштів витрачених на утримання земських училищ за 1887-1888 навчальні роки і суму, необхідну для утримання училищ в 1888-1889 навчальних роках. Подана характеристика процесу будівництва й відкриття в с. Старому училища І-го розряду за сприяння землевласника Лева Михайловича Зборомирського, який надав допомогу не лише в будівництві училища, але і спромігся видати значну суму для благоустрою училища та прилеглої території.
The article deals with the report on public education in Sumy district for 1886-1888. The characteristics of the number of children who graduated from school in 1887-1888 school years are presented. Also, the report indicates the maximum percentage of children who graduated from grades I-III, characterizes the staff of teachers of district schools, as well as the amount spent for the maintenance of district schools for the 1887-1888 school years and the amount necessary for their maintenance in the 1888-1889 school years. The description of the construction and opening in the Old village of the school of the 1st class with the assistance of the landowner Lev Mikhailovych Zboromyrskyi, who provided assistance not only in the construction of the school itself, but also was able to issue a considerable sum for the improvement of the school and the adjacent of its territory, is also given. It is emphasized that the first settlement of the Sumy Regiment, headed by G. Kondratiev, was called the Old village (now the village of Chervone, Sumy district). This village is one of the oldest villages of Sumy region, since it arose from the very beginning of the development of the Slobozhanskyi territories by the natives of the Middle Dnieper region. It is concluded that the Old village is the oldest settlement in the Sumy land, the name of which accurately reflects its history. The Old village is a family village of Kondratiev- Zboromyrskyi family, where the history of not only the regional center, but of the whole Sumy region began. But, unfortunately, although the Old village was the first settlement, the construction and opening of the education institutions in this village was not the first in the Sumy district. And only thanks to the support of rural communities such a school was opened in the Old village. Further research will be aimed at studying the peculiarities of organization of the public education in the Old village.
The article deals with the report on public education in Sumy district for 1886-1888. The characteristics of the number of children who graduated from school in 1887-1888 school years are presented. Also, the report indicates the maximum percentage of children who graduated from grades I-III, characterizes the staff of teachers of district schools, as well as the amount spent for the maintenance of district schools for the 1887-1888 school years and the amount necessary for their maintenance in the 1888-1889 school years. The description of the construction and opening in the Old village of the school of the 1st class with the assistance of the landowner Lev Mikhailovych Zboromyrskyi, who provided assistance not only in the construction of the school itself, but also was able to issue a considerable sum for the improvement of the school and the adjacent of its territory, is also given. It is emphasized that the first settlement of the Sumy Regiment, headed by G. Kondratiev, was called the Old village (now the village of Chervone, Sumy district). This village is one of the oldest villages of Sumy region, since it arose from the very beginning of the development of the Slobozhanskyi territories by the natives of the Middle Dnieper region. It is concluded that the Old village is the oldest settlement in the Sumy land, the name of which accurately reflects its history. The Old village is a family village of Kondratiev- Zboromyrskyi family, where the history of not only the regional center, but of the whole Sumy region began. But, unfortunately, although the Old village was the first settlement, the construction and opening of the education institutions in this village was not the first in the Sumy district. And only thanks to the support of rural communities such a school was opened in the Old village. Further research will be aimed at studying the peculiarities of organization of the public education in the Old village.
Ключові слова
народна освіта, учень, учитель, сприяння, будівництво, училище, навчання, Старе Село, перше поселення, Сумський повіт, public education, pupil, teacher, assistance, construction, school, training, Old village, first settlement, Sumy county
Бібліографічний опис
Кравченко, А. Загальна характеристика народної освіти в Сумському повіті та будівництво і відкриття училища першого розряду в селі Старому – першому поселенні Герасима Кондратьєва (1886–1888 роки) [Текст] / А. Кравченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 1 (75). – С. 46–54.