Цифрова компетентність у професійній підготовці викладачів закладів вищої освіти
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СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка
Статтю присвячено аналізу поняття «цифрова компетентність» у контексті професійної підготовки викладачів закладів вищої освіти. Розглянуто основні складові цього поняття, проаналізовано сучасні підходи до формування цифрових навичок у викладачів, а також визначено основні виклики, з якими стикаються педагоги у процесі інтеграції цифрових технологій в освітній процес. Особливу увагу приділено методам і прийомам, які можуть бути використані для підвищення рівня цифрової компетентності викладачів, а також перспективам подальшого розвитку цього напряму. Вища школа в сучасних умовах зіткнулася з численними викликами, зумовленими розвитком IT‐технологій та соціальними запитами, пов’язаними з пандемією та війною. Це спричинило значне підвищення темпів реалізації інновацій для гнучкого реагування на змінні умови освітнього процесу. Визначено можливості і потреби педагогічних працівників закладів вищої освіти в опануванні новітніх технологій, а також особливості цього процесу. Окрім опанування основних інструментів та методів, що можуть бути використані в освітньому процесі, важливо враховувати швидкість розвитку цифрових технологій. Автори наголошують на необхідності формування навичок гнучкої роботи та здатності постійно актуалізувати свої знання відповідно до потреб часу та змін в інформаційно‐комунікаційній сфері. Також вища школа, окрім надання певних професійних компетенцій, виконує найважливішу функцію – соціалізацію молоді. Тому впровадження цифрових технологій потребує виваженого підходу з урахуванням усіх аспектів.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of “digital competence” in the context of professional training of teachers of higher education institutions. The main components of this concept are considered, modern approaches to the formation of digital skills among teachers are analyzed, and the main challenges faced by teachers in the process of integrating digital technologies into the educational process are also determined. Special attention is paid to methods and techniques that can be used to increase the level of digital competence of teachers, as well as prospects for further development of this direction. Higher education in modern conditions has faced numerous challenges caused by the development of IT‐technologies and social demands related to the pandemic and war. This caused a significant increase in the pace of innovation implementation for flexible response to changing conditions of the educational process. The possibilities and needs of pedagogical workers of higher education institutions in mastering the latest technologies, as well as the peculiarities of this process, are determined. In addition to mastering the basic tools and methods that can be used in the educational process, it is important to consider the speed of development of digital technologies. The authors emphasize the need for the formation of flexible work skills and the ability to constantly update one’s knowledge in accordance with the needs of time and changes in the information and communication field. Also, the higher school, in addition to providing certain professional competencies, performs the most important function – the socialization of young people. Therefore, the implementation of digital technologies requires a balanced approach, taking into account all aspects. The digital competence of teachers of higher education institutions is an integral component of the successful implementation of the educational process in the conditions of the modern information society. The analysis of the conducted research shows that increasing the level of digital literacy of teachers requires a comprehensive approach, which includes both theoretical training and practical classes using modern digital tools. Teachers should be ready to constantly improve their skills and introduce the latest technologies into the educational process. The main components of the digital competence of teachers include the knowledge and ability to work with information and communication technologies, the ability to use digital resources to organize the educational process, as well as the skills to ensure information security and personal data protection. An important aspect is also the development of critical thinking and creative abilities, which allows you to effectively adapt digital tools to the needs of the educational process. Increasing the digital competence of teachers of higher educational institutions will contribute not only to the improvement of the quality of education, but also to the increase of students’ motivation to study, the development of their professional skills and preparation for a successful career in the modern digital society. Therefore, further research in this direction should be aimed at developing effective teaching methods and creating conditions for continuous professional development of teachers.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of “digital competence” in the context of professional training of teachers of higher education institutions. The main components of this concept are considered, modern approaches to the formation of digital skills among teachers are analyzed, and the main challenges faced by teachers in the process of integrating digital technologies into the educational process are also determined. Special attention is paid to methods and techniques that can be used to increase the level of digital competence of teachers, as well as prospects for further development of this direction. Higher education in modern conditions has faced numerous challenges caused by the development of IT‐technologies and social demands related to the pandemic and war. This caused a significant increase in the pace of innovation implementation for flexible response to changing conditions of the educational process. The possibilities and needs of pedagogical workers of higher education institutions in mastering the latest technologies, as well as the peculiarities of this process, are determined. In addition to mastering the basic tools and methods that can be used in the educational process, it is important to consider the speed of development of digital technologies. The authors emphasize the need for the formation of flexible work skills and the ability to constantly update one’s knowledge in accordance with the needs of time and changes in the information and communication field. Also, the higher school, in addition to providing certain professional competencies, performs the most important function – the socialization of young people. Therefore, the implementation of digital technologies requires a balanced approach, taking into account all aspects. The digital competence of teachers of higher education institutions is an integral component of the successful implementation of the educational process in the conditions of the modern information society. The analysis of the conducted research shows that increasing the level of digital literacy of teachers requires a comprehensive approach, which includes both theoretical training and practical classes using modern digital tools. Teachers should be ready to constantly improve their skills and introduce the latest technologies into the educational process. The main components of the digital competence of teachers include the knowledge and ability to work with information and communication technologies, the ability to use digital resources to organize the educational process, as well as the skills to ensure information security and personal data protection. An important aspect is also the development of critical thinking and creative abilities, which allows you to effectively adapt digital tools to the needs of the educational process. Increasing the digital competence of teachers of higher educational institutions will contribute not only to the improvement of the quality of education, but also to the increase of students’ motivation to study, the development of their professional skills and preparation for a successful career in the modern digital society. Therefore, further research in this direction should be aimed at developing effective teaching methods and creating conditions for continuous professional development of teachers.
Ключові слова
цифрова компетентність, професійні компетенції, цифрові інструменти, індивідуалізація навчання, цифрова трансформація освіти, digital competence, professional competences, digital tools, individualization of learning, digital transformation of education
Бібліографічний опис
Цифрова компетентність у професійній підготовці викладачів закладів вищої освіти [Текст] / О. Дмитрієнко, В. Фазан, В. Мокляк, І. Когут // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2024. – № 5 (139). – С. 136–151. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2024.05/136‐151