Вплив слухання музики на психоемоційний стан підлітків
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У статті розглядаються особливості психо-емоційного стану підлітків під час слухання музики. Встановлено, що під час звучання сучасної музики у 84,78 % випадків виникає підвищення настрою, відчуття збудження, наступальні тенденції, висока активність, потреба активно діяти і досягати успіху. Слухання класичної музики викликає відчуття впевненості, наполегливості, високої працездатності, спокою (58,71 %) та музичного «ознобу» (23,91 %). Музика допомагає подолати та зменшити неприємні відчуття за умови негативного емоційного стану для 60,87 % опитаних підлітків. При цьому пріоритети надаються класичній музиці (21,74 %), року (19,57 %), поп-музиці (17,39 %), рідко використовується шансон (4,35 %), диско (4,35 %) та кантрі (2,17 %).
In the article the features of psycho-emotional state while listening to music. Art of Music is a specific generator is a specific value attitude to the environment that enhances the knowledge of the artistic picture of the world through the transfer of various moods, activates the scope of their own feelings and psychic states of man and can be used as an effective means of self-regulation. During the course of the research was implementation the methodology of Luscher color test. To characterize the impact on the livelihoods of adolescents during the music listening and their emotional sphere was developed a special questioners. Found that in adolescence teens are prefer pop music (43,48 %), the second highest of priority - rock (15,22 %), in third - rap (10,87 %), fourth place is occupied completely opposite in style - classical and electronic music (by 8,7 % of respondents). During the sound of modern music in 84,78 % of cases there is improvement in mood, a sense of excitement, offensive tendencies, high activity, the need to act and achieve success. Listen to classical music evokes a feeling of confidence, perseverance, high efficiency, quietude (58,71 %) and musical «chills» (23,91 %). Music helps to overcome and reduce the discomfort provided negative emotional states for 60,87 % of the surveyed teenagers. Wherein the priority given to classical music (21,74 %), rock music (19,57 %), pop music (17,39 %), rarely used chanson (4,35 %), disco (4,35 %) and country (2,17 %). In contrast to the conventional relaxing influence of music therapy on human organism (with using separate music of classic style), adolescents responded that they reach a state of relaxation by listening to rock music - style (73,91 %) and pop-music (8,7 %). Thus, listening music can be used for correcting the emotional states and emotional response to certain music and aesthetic education of pupils, adaptation of organism to specific, sometimes unusual conditions day to day operations, ensuring adequate physiological formation of the organism. Prospects for further scientific studies should be study the formation of musical tastes as a teenager with the level of anxiety, such as temperament training for several years.
In the article the features of psycho-emotional state while listening to music. Art of Music is a specific generator is a specific value attitude to the environment that enhances the knowledge of the artistic picture of the world through the transfer of various moods, activates the scope of their own feelings and psychic states of man and can be used as an effective means of self-regulation. During the course of the research was implementation the methodology of Luscher color test. To characterize the impact on the livelihoods of adolescents during the music listening and their emotional sphere was developed a special questioners. Found that in adolescence teens are prefer pop music (43,48 %), the second highest of priority - rock (15,22 %), in third - rap (10,87 %), fourth place is occupied completely opposite in style - classical and electronic music (by 8,7 % of respondents). During the sound of modern music in 84,78 % of cases there is improvement in mood, a sense of excitement, offensive tendencies, high activity, the need to act and achieve success. Listen to classical music evokes a feeling of confidence, perseverance, high efficiency, quietude (58,71 %) and musical «chills» (23,91 %). Music helps to overcome and reduce the discomfort provided negative emotional states for 60,87 % of the surveyed teenagers. Wherein the priority given to classical music (21,74 %), rock music (19,57 %), pop music (17,39 %), rarely used chanson (4,35 %), disco (4,35 %) and country (2,17 %). In contrast to the conventional relaxing influence of music therapy on human organism (with using separate music of classic style), adolescents responded that they reach a state of relaxation by listening to rock music - style (73,91 %) and pop-music (8,7 %). Thus, listening music can be used for correcting the emotional states and emotional response to certain music and aesthetic education of pupils, adaptation of organism to specific, sometimes unusual conditions day to day operations, ensuring adequate physiological formation of the organism. Prospects for further scientific studies should be study the formation of musical tastes as a teenager with the level of anxiety, such as temperament training for several years.
Ключові слова
підлітки, психо-емоційний стан, класична музика, сучасна музика, слухання, музична психологія, музичні стилі, adolescents, psycho-emotional state, classical music, contemporary music, contemporary music, music psychology, music style
Бібліографічний опис
Калиниченко, Я. Вплив слухання музики на психоемоційний стан підлітків [Текст] / Я. Калиниченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 172–181.