Результати експериментальної перевірки ефективності методичної системи формування предметної компетентності з фізики студентів коледжів за допомогою систем комп'ютерної графіки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкрито методику проведення педагогічного експерименту стосовно перевірки ефективності розробленої автором методичної системи формування предметної компетентності з фізики студентів коледжів техніко- технологічного напряму за допомогою систем комп'ютерної графіки та висвітлені його результати. Результативність запропонованої методики організації навчання фізики перевірялася на основі порівняльного аналізу рівнів сформованості показників предметної компетентності з фізики в контрольних і експериментальних групах, що підтвердило статистичну достовірність впливу методичної системи на якість підготовки майбутніх фахівців.
The article describes the methodology of conducting a pedagogical experiment to verify the effectiveness of the developed methodological system of forming the subject competence in physics for students of technical and technological direction with the help of computer graphic systems and highlights its results. Teachers and students of general education institutions, 12 physics teachers of college and 148 students who formed control and experimental groups took part in the pedagogical experiment. During the experiment, the main factors influencing the effective mastering by students of the physical knowledge and skills at the level of formation of physical competence were identified. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology for organizing the study of physics was tested on the basis of comparative analysis of the levels in formation of indicators of subject competence in physics (cognitive, research, informational, technological, ethical, behavioral, motivational, individual and personal) in control and experimental groups. Based on the analysis, systematization and mathematical processing of the obtained results of the x2-criterion, the Mann-Whitney criterion, the A-Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion, we came to the conclusion that there are significant differences in the levels of formed competence in physics of students who studied physics by the traditional system and methodological system of the author. The ^-criterion: X2>X2cr. (19,412>7,815); the Mann-Whitney criterion: 0,000<0,05; A- Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion: D>sa;n (0,346>0,1623 та 0,346>0,1518)+. Since teaching of the students in the control groups was based on the pedagogical conditions developed by the author, we came to the conclusion that they were the reason for increasing the level of established of subject competence in physics of students of colleges and technical schools. The conducted scientific research indicates the need for further work in the field of study of the didactic conditions of attracting computer graphics systems into the educational process, both in higher and secondary schools.
The article describes the methodology of conducting a pedagogical experiment to verify the effectiveness of the developed methodological system of forming the subject competence in physics for students of technical and technological direction with the help of computer graphic systems and highlights its results. Teachers and students of general education institutions, 12 physics teachers of college and 148 students who formed control and experimental groups took part in the pedagogical experiment. During the experiment, the main factors influencing the effective mastering by students of the physical knowledge and skills at the level of formation of physical competence were identified. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology for organizing the study of physics was tested on the basis of comparative analysis of the levels in formation of indicators of subject competence in physics (cognitive, research, informational, technological, ethical, behavioral, motivational, individual and personal) in control and experimental groups. Based on the analysis, systematization and mathematical processing of the obtained results of the x2-criterion, the Mann-Whitney criterion, the A-Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion, we came to the conclusion that there are significant differences in the levels of formed competence in physics of students who studied physics by the traditional system and methodological system of the author. The ^-criterion: X2>X2cr. (19,412>7,815); the Mann-Whitney criterion: 0,000<0,05; A- Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion: D>sa;n (0,346>0,1623 та 0,346>0,1518)+. Since teaching of the students in the control groups was based on the pedagogical conditions developed by the author, we came to the conclusion that they were the reason for increasing the level of established of subject competence in physics of students of colleges and technical schools. The conducted scientific research indicates the need for further work in the field of study of the didactic conditions of attracting computer graphics systems into the educational process, both in higher and secondary schools.
Ключові слова
предметна компетентність, педагогічний експеримент, експериментальна та контрольна групи, х2-критерій, критерій Манна-Уітні, А- критерій Колмогорова-Смирнова, subject competence, pedagogical experiment, control and experimental groups, х2 -criterion, Mann-Whitney criterion, A-Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion
Бібліографічний опис
Єфименко, С. Результати експериментальної перевірки ефективності методичної системи формування предметної компетентності з фізики студентів коледжів за допомогою систем комп'ютерної графіки [Текст] / С. Єфименко, С. Величко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 9 (83). – С. 240–251.