Використання кейс-технології в процесі магістерської підготовки фахівця
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета даної статті полягає у висвітленні сутності, з’ясуванні можливостей кейс-технології для вирішення професійних задач, визначенні особливостей її використання під час магістерської підготовки майбутніх керівників навчальних закладів. У статті обґрунтовано актуальність застосування компетентнісного підходу як методологічної основи організації навчального процесу у вищій школі. Розкрито сутність, представлено види (професійні, соціально-виробничі, соціально-побутові) та класи (стереотипні, діагностичні, евристичні) управлінських задач. Визначено категорії компетенцій (інструментальні, міжособистісні, системні). З’ясовано особливості, принципи та техніки (ситуаційний аналіз і аналіз конкретних ситуацій (АКС), рольова гра, дискусія) використання кейс-технології під час магістерської підготовки майбутніх керівників до управлінської діяльності.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the conception, finding opportunities of the case-technology to solve professional tasks, determining the specifics of its use during the master’s training of a specialist. The urgency of the application of the competence approach as a methodological basis of the organization of educational process in higher school is grounded in the article. The conception, the types (professional, social and productive, social) and the classes (stereotypical, diagnostic, heuristic) of the management tasks are exposed. It is established that a case-technology promotes the development of analytical, predictive potential of the students, the formation of communicative competence, the ability to model in the system of methods of future activities; creates a situation of a preventive adaptation of the specialists to their professional activity. It is a tool of intensive and interactive learning, which allows to demonstrate how theory can be applied in practice. It is noted that the development of case studies should be based on the principles of effective use of the case technology: the case must meet the learning objectives; to be as close to real professional activity as possible; cases should vary according to the level of generalization, the quantity of provided information, the complexity of the problem; they may not be of outdated material, they must be constantly updated. The features, principles and techniques (situational analysis and case studies, role play, discussion) of using of a case technology during the master’s training of a specialist for management are clarified. The main results of using a case technology are that the students receive communication skills; develop skills and knowledge based on existing knowledge. The students are convinced that in most cases there is no other alternative solution; that having knowledge is always insufficient. Case technologies allow self-esteem and promote the development of individual self-development programs; form interactive skills that allow to interact with other partners; to change motivated student learning. The author has come to the conclusion that if the difficulties faced by the specialist in professional activity are typical, they must be included as case studies in the period of master’s training. This will allow preparing preventively the specialist to overcome them, at the same time to integrate the theoretical and practical components of the master’s training of a highly qualified and competitive specialist.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the conception, finding opportunities of the case-technology to solve professional tasks, determining the specifics of its use during the master’s training of a specialist. The urgency of the application of the competence approach as a methodological basis of the organization of educational process in higher school is grounded in the article. The conception, the types (professional, social and productive, social) and the classes (stereotypical, diagnostic, heuristic) of the management tasks are exposed. It is established that a case-technology promotes the development of analytical, predictive potential of the students, the formation of communicative competence, the ability to model in the system of methods of future activities; creates a situation of a preventive adaptation of the specialists to their professional activity. It is a tool of intensive and interactive learning, which allows to demonstrate how theory can be applied in practice. It is noted that the development of case studies should be based on the principles of effective use of the case technology: the case must meet the learning objectives; to be as close to real professional activity as possible; cases should vary according to the level of generalization, the quantity of provided information, the complexity of the problem; they may not be of outdated material, they must be constantly updated. The features, principles and techniques (situational analysis and case studies, role play, discussion) of using of a case technology during the master’s training of a specialist for management are clarified. The main results of using a case technology are that the students receive communication skills; develop skills and knowledge based on existing knowledge. The students are convinced that in most cases there is no other alternative solution; that having knowledge is always insufficient. Case technologies allow self-esteem and promote the development of individual self-development programs; form interactive skills that allow to interact with other partners; to change motivated student learning. The author has come to the conclusion that if the difficulties faced by the specialist in professional activity are typical, they must be included as case studies in the period of master’s training. This will allow preparing preventively the specialist to overcome them, at the same time to integrate the theoretical and practical components of the master’s training of a highly qualified and competitive specialist.
Ключові слова
магістерська підготовка, задачі управлінської діяльності, компетенції, кейс-технологія, master’s training, tasks of management activity, competence, casetechnology
Бібліографічний опис
Мармаза, О. І. Використання кейс-технології в процесі магістерської підготовки фахівця [Текст] / О. І. Мармаза // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 218–227.