Змістові засади патріотичного виховання школярів у республіці Польща
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті схарактеризовано змістові засади патріотичного виховання школярів у Республіці Польща. Показано, що патріотичне виховання здійснюється під час уроків історії, суспільствознавства, краєзнавства, польської мови, виховних годин. Окреслено форми патріотичного виховання в польських школах, а саме: участь у різноманітних конкурсах і змаганнях історико-патріотичного та туристично-краєзнавчого спрямування; подорожі й екскурсії до визначних місць країни; зустрічі з видатними особистостями; участь у роботі громадських організацій (організація патріотичних акцій, виставок, урочистостей); ознайомлення з діяльністю державних інституцій та органів місцевого самоврядування тощо.
The article reveals content foundations of patriotic education of schoolchildren in the Republic of Poland. Analysis of the content of patriotic education of schoolchildren in the Republic of Poland shows that in modern conditions, along with traditional definition of patriotism as a feeling of love for the Motherland and respect for the cultural heritage of the country, its historical past, understanding of patriotism as an internal conviction, daily practice for the benefit of the family, local community, region and country as a whole is becoming more widespread. Patriotic education is a holistic continuous process that begins in early childhood in the family and lasts throughout life. A decisive role in patriotic education is played by a school where, from the first grade, patriotic education programs are introduced in order to strengthen ties with Poland; form civic consciousness and patriotic attitude; foster respect for prosocial moods and common good; involve children in the affairs of family, school, local community and state as a whole; nurture respect for the mother tongue, national values, symbols and traditions; gain knowledge of the region, city, and family; form national identity and participate in the cultivation of traditions; expand knowledge of the history of the region and the city, its culture and art; open places of historic importance in one’s region; form appropriate behavior during school and state celebrations and the like. Patriotic education is provided during the lessons of history, social studies, local history, Polish, educational hours. Common forms of patriotic education are participation in various contests and competitions of historical-patriotic and tourist-local lore direction; trips and excursions to the landmarks of the country; meetings with prominent personalities; participation in the work of public organizations (organization of patriotic actions, exhibitions, celebrations); getting acquainted with activity of state institutions and local self-government bodies, etc. Due to the fact that this article does not exhaust all aspects of the problem under study, the prospects for further research are seen in identifying positive conceptual ideas of the Polish experience that can be creatively implemented in the practice of domestic schooling.
The article reveals content foundations of patriotic education of schoolchildren in the Republic of Poland. Analysis of the content of patriotic education of schoolchildren in the Republic of Poland shows that in modern conditions, along with traditional definition of patriotism as a feeling of love for the Motherland and respect for the cultural heritage of the country, its historical past, understanding of patriotism as an internal conviction, daily practice for the benefit of the family, local community, region and country as a whole is becoming more widespread. Patriotic education is a holistic continuous process that begins in early childhood in the family and lasts throughout life. A decisive role in patriotic education is played by a school where, from the first grade, patriotic education programs are introduced in order to strengthen ties with Poland; form civic consciousness and patriotic attitude; foster respect for prosocial moods and common good; involve children in the affairs of family, school, local community and state as a whole; nurture respect for the mother tongue, national values, symbols and traditions; gain knowledge of the region, city, and family; form national identity and participate in the cultivation of traditions; expand knowledge of the history of the region and the city, its culture and art; open places of historic importance in one’s region; form appropriate behavior during school and state celebrations and the like. Patriotic education is provided during the lessons of history, social studies, local history, Polish, educational hours. Common forms of patriotic education are participation in various contests and competitions of historical-patriotic and tourist-local lore direction; trips and excursions to the landmarks of the country; meetings with prominent personalities; participation in the work of public organizations (organization of patriotic actions, exhibitions, celebrations); getting acquainted with activity of state institutions and local self-government bodies, etc. Due to the fact that this article does not exhaust all aspects of the problem under study, the prospects for further research are seen in identifying positive conceptual ideas of the Polish experience that can be creatively implemented in the practice of domestic schooling.
Ключові слова
патріотизм, патріотичне виховання, школярі, Республіка Польща, patriotism, patriotic education, schoolchildren, Republic of Poland
Бібліографічний опис
Бойченко, М. Змістові засади патріотичного виховання школярів у республіці Польща [Текст] / М. Бойченко, Т. Пахотіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 1 (95). – С. 3–11. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.01/003-011.