Распределение ролей членов команды проекта, с учетом их психотипов, при использовании эвристических методов
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Розглянуто евристичні методи, які підвищують ефективність проектного методу навчання. У процесі формування команди проекту на тривалий термін доцільно врахувати психотипи членів команди, що рекомендуємо здійснювати відповідно до типології Майерс-Бріггс. Розглянуто участь представників різних психотипів при використанні евристичних методів і, зокрема, методу мозкового штурму. Запропоновано новий евристичний метод – узагальнений метод активізації творчої діяльності. Описано психотипи співробітників інжинірингових компаній, які зустрічаються найбільш часто, та детально вивчено їх взаємодію при використанні узагальненого методу активізації творчої діяльності.
The relationships between psychotypes of the individual in accordance with the MBTI when using heuristic methods are considered. We have developed heuristic method – generalized method of activation of creative activity. This method includes heuristics used in a specific sequence: brainstorming; separated in time advancing ideas and criticism; the use of random associations; the use of four types of analogies; preparation of the matrix; the use of expert evaluations. During brainstorming potential «moderators» ENTJ, ESTJ and «critics» ISTP, INTP, INTJ set goals and discuss constraints. It is important to choose a moderator and brainstorming group of project team of three to nine people. Brainstorming on choosing two classes of features should be made. Group of critics includes from three to five people with psychotypes: ESTJ, ENTP, ENTJ, ISTP, INTP, and INTJ. Part of the brainstorming group must necessarily be among the group of «critics», but among critics should be some members of the project team who haven’t participated in the discussion. The final decision on the choice of two classes of features take the «experts», mainly from the psychotypes ISTJ, ENFP and also ENTJ, ESTJ. The proposed new ideas are selected using the technique of expert evaluation, which is implemented in the first place, the team members with psychotypes ISTJ, ENFP and also ESTJ, which tend to have strategic vision of problems. When searching for a new solution an effective technique is using matrices. For example, in columns of matrix are properties of the machine, and in row of matrix are machine units. Drafting of the matrix should be entrusted with ISTJ and INTP. All selected combinations are divided into four types: existing solutions implemented for this type of task; unrealizable solutions; the existing solutions, but that have not been implemented; solutions that are possible in principle, but to implement them it’s necessary to solve more complex problem than our tasks. Combinations of the third group for further consideration are selected. Combinations, for which it was possible to obtain a solution, are compared, and final decision is taken with the help of the expert assessments technique. Combinations for which it is possible to obtain a solution, comparing, and final decision is taken using the reception of expert evaluation. This task should be entrusted with INTP and ENTP, which have a good logical thinking, and also “closer” ISTJ.
The relationships between psychotypes of the individual in accordance with the MBTI when using heuristic methods are considered. We have developed heuristic method – generalized method of activation of creative activity. This method includes heuristics used in a specific sequence: brainstorming; separated in time advancing ideas and criticism; the use of random associations; the use of four types of analogies; preparation of the matrix; the use of expert evaluations. During brainstorming potential «moderators» ENTJ, ESTJ and «critics» ISTP, INTP, INTJ set goals and discuss constraints. It is important to choose a moderator and brainstorming group of project team of three to nine people. Brainstorming on choosing two classes of features should be made. Group of critics includes from three to five people with psychotypes: ESTJ, ENTP, ENTJ, ISTP, INTP, and INTJ. Part of the brainstorming group must necessarily be among the group of «critics», but among critics should be some members of the project team who haven’t participated in the discussion. The final decision on the choice of two classes of features take the «experts», mainly from the psychotypes ISTJ, ENFP and also ENTJ, ESTJ. The proposed new ideas are selected using the technique of expert evaluation, which is implemented in the first place, the team members with psychotypes ISTJ, ENFP and also ESTJ, which tend to have strategic vision of problems. When searching for a new solution an effective technique is using matrices. For example, in columns of matrix are properties of the machine, and in row of matrix are machine units. Drafting of the matrix should be entrusted with ISTJ and INTP. All selected combinations are divided into four types: existing solutions implemented for this type of task; unrealizable solutions; the existing solutions, but that have not been implemented; solutions that are possible in principle, but to implement them it’s necessary to solve more complex problem than our tasks. Combinations of the third group for further consideration are selected. Combinations, for which it was possible to obtain a solution, are compared, and final decision is taken with the help of the expert assessments technique. Combinations for which it is possible to obtain a solution, comparing, and final decision is taken using the reception of expert evaluation. This task should be entrusted with INTP and ENTP, which have a good logical thinking, and also “closer” ISTJ.
Ключові слова
евристичний метод, типологія Маєрс-Бріггс, психотипи членів команди проекту, проектний метод, Heuristic method, Myers-Briggs typology, project team members’ psychotypes, project method
Бібліографічний опис
Иванов, В. В. Распределение ролей членов команды проекта, с учетом их психотипов, при использовании эвристических методов [Текст] / В. В. Иванов, С. В. Иванова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 5 (49). – С. 125–136.