Методичні засади вивчення теми «термодинаміка теплового випромінювання» в системі підготовки вчителя фізики
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Проаналізовано роль вивчення теми «Термодинаміка теплового випромінювання» у формуванні наукового світогляду майбутнього вчителя фізики. Запропонована методика термодинамічного аналізу законів теплового випромінювання в курсі теоретичної фізики для педагогічних спеціальностей.
The scientific outlook of the future teacher of physics is formed by not only consideration of modern physics, but the study of its primary bases. Therefore, the study of the origin of modern physical theories is relevant and there is a need of evident modern methodology, which would thus correspond to the level of basic science. To one of the basic experimental and theoretical results made in late XIX and early XX century, which led to the creation of modern physics, belongs thermal radiation. As it is known, the thermal radiation was studied by both thermodynamic and statistical methods, but the most complete and coherent analysis of all the laws of thermal radiation can only be performed with the use of the Bose-Einstein statistics. However, such an important for the understanding of modern physics phenomenon as thermal radiation, requires detailed analysis because of its lack of coverage within thermodynamics and the use of only statistical laws by the students form the idea of its limitations when it is applied to the thermal radiation. The article makes a disclosure on one of the possible options of thermodynamic method in studying basic laws of thermal radiation consideration made by the lectures of pedagogical universities. This is easily perceived by the students. Methods of proof Kirchhoff's law are based on the application of the first law of thermodynamics. To explain the pressure of thermal radiation an imaginary experiment by Italian physicist Bartoli is applied, in which the second law of thermodynamics is used. The possibility of attracting knowledge of statistical and quantum physics to prove the formula for pressure thermal radiation is observed, which is used to bring the Stefan-Boltzmann equations and adiabatic process in thermal radiation, as well as determining its characteristic features. Laid down in an article methodical analysis of the laws of thermal radiation convinces students that these laws are very effective tool for analyzing processes. They have great potential in forming a scientific style of thinking and therefore considered examples may be recommended for the use by teachers in lecture practice.
The scientific outlook of the future teacher of physics is formed by not only consideration of modern physics, but the study of its primary bases. Therefore, the study of the origin of modern physical theories is relevant and there is a need of evident modern methodology, which would thus correspond to the level of basic science. To one of the basic experimental and theoretical results made in late XIX and early XX century, which led to the creation of modern physics, belongs thermal radiation. As it is known, the thermal radiation was studied by both thermodynamic and statistical methods, but the most complete and coherent analysis of all the laws of thermal radiation can only be performed with the use of the Bose-Einstein statistics. However, such an important for the understanding of modern physics phenomenon as thermal radiation, requires detailed analysis because of its lack of coverage within thermodynamics and the use of only statistical laws by the students form the idea of its limitations when it is applied to the thermal radiation. The article makes a disclosure on one of the possible options of thermodynamic method in studying basic laws of thermal radiation consideration made by the lectures of pedagogical universities. This is easily perceived by the students. Methods of proof Kirchhoff's law are based on the application of the first law of thermodynamics. To explain the pressure of thermal radiation an imaginary experiment by Italian physicist Bartoli is applied, in which the second law of thermodynamics is used. The possibility of attracting knowledge of statistical and quantum physics to prove the formula for pressure thermal radiation is observed, which is used to bring the Stefan-Boltzmann equations and adiabatic process in thermal radiation, as well as determining its characteristic features. Laid down in an article methodical analysis of the laws of thermal radiation convinces students that these laws are very effective tool for analyzing processes. They have great potential in forming a scientific style of thinking and therefore considered examples may be recommended for the use by teachers in lecture practice.
Ключові слова
абсолютно чорне тіло, теплове випромінювання, закон Стефана-Больцмана, закон Кірхгофа, випромінювальна здатність, thermal radiation, blackbody, Stefan-Boltzmann’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, radiating capacity
Бібліографічний опис
Мороз, І. О. Методичні засади вивчення теми «термодинаміка теплового випромінювання» в системі підготовки вчителя фізики [Текст] / І. О. Мороз, В. С. Іваній, О. В. Трохименко // Вісник Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки. – Чернігів, 2015. – Вип. 127. – С. 64–68.